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Yellow walk tour

Join the team from Walk Tours NZ for the Yellow walk tour in Wellington.

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1900s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 2000s, abuse, acceptance, acting, activities, advertising, advocate, anti discrimination, army, arrest, artist, assault, auckland, audience, australia, awards, bay of plenty, bear, bella simpson, benefits, binary, biphobia, birthday, bisexual, board, boat, bottom, bravery, brothels, bruno lawrence, building, burlesque, cabaret, cafe, camp, celebration, change, children, chorus, chris carter, civil unions, class, cleopatra's coffee lounge, clothing, club exotic, clubs, coffee, collective, community, council, courts, crown, cuba, cuba street, dance, data, death, defiance, design, difference, discovery, discrimination, diversity, drag, drama, drawing, education, elders, email, emmanuel papadopoulos snr, employment, entertainment, environment, equality, events, evergreen coffee house, exhibition, experiment, exploitation, face, family, fashion, felonious intent, film, fire, flags, food, friends, fun, funding, fundraising, gallery, gaming, gay, gender, gender diverse, gender identity, general election, god, government, hair, hastings, hat, helmet, history, homophobia, homosexual, hope, hospitality, hotel, human rights, human rights commission, icons, identity, imprisonment, internet, intersex, isolation, justice, kate spencer, kings cross (sydney), language, law, legacy, legislation, lesbian, library, local government, love, mainstream, march, marion street, marriage, massage, mayor, member of parliament, memorial, michael fowler, midland park, minority, mirror, mourning, murder, māori, new york city, news, newspapers, newtown, normal, obsession, oppression, other, pain, painting, pandemic, parade, paris, passing, paulina rescue home, peace, people, people's palace, performance, peter wells, photography, poetry, police, politics, powder puff, power, prison, prisoners, privileges committee, psychiatric treatment, public library, queenstown, queer, race, raids, rainbow, rainbow crossing (wellington), reading, resilience, resource, review, royal oak hotel, salvation army, salvation army citadel, scene, school, self determination, sex, sex work, sexual violence, sexuality, shoes, social, social experiment, solicitation, solidarity, soul, space, sport, state violence, stigma, striptease, support, surgeon, surgery, survey, television, texas, the purple onion, thistle hall, tim barnett, time, tolerance, top, toronto, touch, tough, training, trans, trans woman, transgender, transphobia, transport, trust, truth, tvnz (television new zealand), unions, vice, vice squad, victoria street, video, vigil, violence, vivian street, vote, walk tour, website, wellington, wellington railway station, wind, women, work, working class, youth

Broadcast date:28th June 2020
Location:Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
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