In: Events
NXT:14 Youth Leaders Conference
Participants at NXT:14 talk to Tabby Besley about what the conference meant to them. Delegates representing rainbow youth groups from New Zealand and the...
Published: February 2014
In: Sullivan Birth Certificate Bill
Second reading of the Bill
Audio from the second reading of the Sullivan Birth Certificate Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Louisa Wall and read for a...
Published: February 2014
In: People
Conan McKegg
Conan talks about writing for the screen and working on the draft script for House of Memories...
Published: February 2014
In: Beyond Rainbows
Rachel and Stacey
Rachel and Stacey talk about identifying as asexual...
Published: March 2014
In: Beyond Rainbows
Laura talks about identifying as lesbian and about dealing with mental illness...
Published: March 2014
In: Beyond Rainbows
Keith talks about identifying as bisexual...
Published: March 2014
In: Beyond Rainbows
Riki talks about transitioning and transgender issues...
Published: March 2014
In: People
Steve McVey
Steve talks about his photography and latest project Lost...
Published: March 2014
In: Sullivan Birth Certificate Bill
Third reading of the Bill
Audio from the third reading of the Sullivan Birth Certificate Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Louisa Wall and read for a...
Published: April 2014
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Sophie Jayawardene
Sophie talks about being diagnosed HIV+ in 1989, her journey with HIV and living positively...
Published: April 2014
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
HIV/AIDS panel discussion
Audio from a panel discussion on HIV/AIDS, held at the New Zealand Film Archive in Wellington on 30 April 2014. On the panel: Ron...
Published: April 2014
In: South: Otago
Dusty talks about growing up and being out in Dunedin...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Mark talks about early years in Queenstown, coming out to family members and being bullied at university...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Amelia talks about bullying, living in Dunedin and flatting situations that are homophobic and sexist...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Christina talks about growing up and living in Dunedin...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Samantha talks about growing up in Invercargill, homophobia at university and bisexuality...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Oliver talks about being a queer trans-man in Dunedin...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Jennifer talks about growing up and feeling isolated, making connections via the internet and educating medical students from a rainbow perspective...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Ellen talks about coming out and identifying as bisexual...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Annabel talks about coming out as a lesbian...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Kerry talks about identifying as asexual, aromantic and agender...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Sarah talks about growing up in Invercargill and identifying as lesbian...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Zac talks about identifying as non-binary gender...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Felix talks about identifying as gender queer...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Skye talks about identifying as transmasculine and living in Christchurch...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Hamish talks about identifying as gay and living in Christchurch...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Sara talks about being confused about gender identity...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Stacey talks about identifying as gender fluid...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Wei talks about identifying as bigender and queer...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Angela talks about identifying as genderqueer, pansexual poly...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Delilah talks about identifying as gay while being in highschool...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Anna talks about identifying as a binary identified transsexual...
Published: May 2014
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2014)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held on Te Marae at Te Papa on 18 May 2014 in Wellington. Parts of the service...
Published: May 2014
In: Events
Last Chance film evening discussion
Audio from a discussion pre and post screening of Last Chance, a documentary that tells the stories of five rainbow asylum seekers who flee...
Published: October 2014
In: Beyond Rainbows
Jenna-Rose talks about internalised homophobia, growing up with a negative sense of being māori and ukaipotanga...
Published: November 2014
In: Beyond Rainbows
Andie talks about identifying as a genderqueer christian libertarian...
Published: November 2014
In: Beyond Rainbows
Jenna talks about being young and transgender in 2014...
Published: November 2014
In: Hui Takatāpui 2014
Hui Takatāpui interviews
Participants talk to Tabby Besley about attending the hui which was held at Te Papa-o-Rotu Marae, Whatawhata from the 6th to the 9th of...
Published: November 2014
In: Hui Takatāpui 2014
David Kukutai Jones
David Kukutai Jones, chair of Hui Takatāpui 2014, talks to Maraea Rakuraku...
Published: November 2014
In: Beyond Rainbows
Missy talks about identifying as non-binary and somewhere in between pansexuality and demisexuality...
Published: November 2014