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Turquoise walk tour

Join the team from Walk Tours NZ for the Resonance walk tour in Wellington.

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1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, actions, activism, advertising, aged care, alcohol, alcohol license, alison laurie, archives, arson, auckland, bars, beauty, birthday, books, bottom, brothels, building, cafe, campaign for marriage equality, campaigns, censorship, cheese, chris brickell, christchurch, church, civil unions, closet, clubs, coffee, collective, coming out, community, compulsory military service, conference, cruising, cuba, cuba street, culture, dance, data, david, death, design, desire, destiny church, discrimination, dorian society, drag, earthquake, education, email, employment, energy, entertainment, equality, escape, events, execution, face, family, fear, friends, fun, future, gallery, gaming, gay, god, grief, harassment, harris street, hat, hate, headaches, health, health care, history, hit, homosexual, homosexual law reform, homosexual law reform society, hope, hospital, hotel, hugh young, human rights, identity, imagery, individual, internet, invercargill, israel, james smith, joe, journal, kings cross (sydney), ladies, law, lesbian, library, london, love, lover, mail order, mainstream, march, marilyn waring, marriage, marriage equality, mary, massacre, mayor, media, member of parliament, memorial, mental health, michael fowler, michael moore, midland park, military, mirror, mock, music, māori, nature, new zealand first, nightclub, norman jones, oscar wilde, other, overseas passenger terminal, pain, pants, paris, parties, passing, people, performance, persecution, photography, pink triangle collective, poetry, poland, police, policy, politics, power, public library, public toilet, queen, queenstown, queer, queer bashing, quilt, race, rainbow, rainbow crossing (wellington), rainbow flag, rainbow wellington, rally, relationships, rent, research, resource, respect, review, robert muldoon, royal oak hotel, rural, russia, sad, safety, san francisco, saunas, saying no, scene, school, sculpture, self determination, sex, sexual orientation, shoes, social, social media, solidarity, space, speech, spying, striptease, structure, stuff, submission, success, sun/wakefield sauna (original site), support, theatrical, time, tolerance, training, trans, transexual, transgender, transphobic violence, transport, truth, tuberculosis, unions, united kingdom, values, venues, veteran, victoria street, video, vigil, violence, violet, virginia king, virginia woolf, visibility, vote, wakefield sauna (second), walk tour, walking, website, wellington, wellington town hall, women, work, writing, yellow, youth

Broadcast date:5th July 2020
Location:Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
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