In: Carmen Rupe
Launch of Carmens traffic light
Audio from the launch of Carmen's traffic light, which can be seen on the corner of Ghuznee and Cuba Streets, Wellington. A special...
Published: August 2016
In: Q12 Taranaki
Lou talks about being young, demisexual and panromantic in 2012...
Published: August 2012
In: Same Same But Different (2016)
Now and Then
Audio from the session: Now and Then. A mash-up of readings of new voices and established writers noted for their evocation of our challenging...
Published: February 2016
In: The Book That Turned the Light On - Same Same But Different writers festival
Part 1
Audio from the session: The Book That Turned the Light On. In a past of illegality and stigma, books asserted a powerful presence. For...
Published: February 2016
In: Events
Queer Practice: a panel on writing
A panel discussion celebrating the writing practice of four queer writers. Chaired by comic artist, author and archivist Sam Orchard, authors Mia Farlane, Rose...
Published: September 2023
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Rob Lake
Rob talks about activism during homosexual law reform and early responses to HIV AIDS in Wellington...
Published: November 2015
In: Issues
Youth Voices (2016)
Members of a youth diversity group talk about their lives and college life in 2016...
Published: October 2016