In: Q12 Waikato
Alex-Rae talks about being young and pansexual in 2012...
Published: July 2012
In: Q12 Auckland
Allia talks about being young and pansexual in 2012. Allia talked to Ben during the Hui Putahi, held at Tapu te Ranga Marae in...
Published: July 2012
In: Q12 Manawatu
Beth talks about being young and lesbian in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: South: Nelson
Group 1
A group of young people in Nelson talk about growing up, school and Queer Straight Alliances (QSA)...
Published: October 2013
In: Q12 Taranaki
Lou talks about being young, demisexual and panromantic in 2012...
Published: August 2012
In: The Book That Turned the Light On - Same Same But Different writers festival
Part 2
Audio from the session: The Book That Turned the Light On. In a past of illegality and stigma, books asserted a powerful presence. For...
Published: February 2016
In: Groups and Organisations
Queer Avengers
Sara Fraser talks about the history of the Queer Avengers and some of its activities. The group was formed in Wellington in 2011 and...
Published: September 2018
In: Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill
Rally for Trans Rights (15 July 2021)
Audio from the rally for trans rights, held outside the Michael Fowler Centre in Wellington on 15 July 2021. The rally was in response...
Published: July 2021
In: Events
Resist Transphobia rally
Audio from the rally held on Thursday 8 June 2023 in Parliament grounds, Wellington. The rally was organised by Queer Endurance/Defiance to counter...
Published: June 2023
In: Proud 2016
Youth and Womens hui report backs
Report backs from the youth pre-conference hui and the women's pre-conference hui, followed by Ros Noonan - patron of Intersex Trust of Aotearoa New...
Published: March 2016