In: Homosexual Law Reform
30th Anniversary of the Homosexual Law Reform Act
Audio from the 30th Anniversary of the Homosexual Law Reform Act event, held in the Grand Hall, Parliament on 6 July 2016. This...
Published: July 2016
In: Documentary
A Happy Memory
A group of men reflect back on a happy gay memory...
Published: February 1999
In: Issues
A Place to Stand
MP Jan Logie's speech in Parliament on 14 February 2018 during the General Debate. Jan pays tribute to Dana de Milo, speaks about...
Published: February 2018
In: Proud 2016
A Refugee Among Refugees
Eliana's case attracted international media attention after she was detained at Hong Kong International Airport's immigration facility for over 8-months as her appearance did...
Published: March 2016
In: Events
Against Equality
Audio from Ryan Conrad's community presentation. The discussion was held at 17 Tory Street, Wellington on 1 March 2015. Special thanks to The...
Published: March 2015
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
AIDS Candlelight Tribute
2023 marks the 40th anniversary of the first people in Aotearoa New Zealand to be identified as living with AIDS. In that same year...
Published: May 2023
In: AIDS Candlelight Tribute
AIDS Candlelight Tribute (video)
2023 marks the 40th anniversary of the first people in Aotearoa New Zealand to be identified as living with AIDS. In that same year...
Published: May 2023
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Archives New Zealand
Lenette Breytenbach, a digitisation assistant at Archives New Zealand, talks about what the archive holds relating to homosexual law reform...
Published: March 2021
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Art, Craft and the AIDS Crisis
Audio from the panel discussion Art, Craft and the AIDS Crisis held at the Dowse Art Museum, Lower Hutt on 26 May 2018...
Published: May 2018
In: Ceremonies - AsiaPacific Outgames
AsiaPacific Outgames closing
Audio from the closing of the 2nd AsiaPacific Outgames, held in Civic Square, Wellington on 19 March 2011. 00:07 - Hamish Allardice
04:10 - David...
Published: March 2011
In: Auckland Pride Festival 2013
Auckland Pride Parade
2013 saw the first parade held in Auckland in over a decade. The parade also saw the NZ Defence Force march for the...
Published: February 2013
In: Arts and Media
Audio preservation
John talks about preserving audio/visual material for the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco. John was responsible for preserving approximately 250 episodes of The...
Published: June 2012
In: Making a Difference
Aunty Wai Mason
Aunty Wai talks about being a kaumatua for the NZ AIDS Foundation...
Published: January 2011
In: People
Barry Taylor profile
Barry Taylor talks about his early years, the establishment of the first rainbow youth support groups in New Zealand in the late 1980s, and...
Published: April 2024
In: Events
Beacons of Hope 1993
Audio from the Beacons of Hope memorial, held at Frank Kitts Park in Wellington on 23 May 1993. Beacons of Hope was the international...
Published: May 1993
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Bill Logan
Bill talks about the early years of HIV AIDS in Wellington, and the response by groups like the Wellington Gay Switchboard and the AIDS...
Published: May 2015
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Bill Logan
Bill talks about being part of various groups that rallied in support of homosexual law reform. A selection of David Hindley's images to do...
Published: June 2015
In: Issues
Blood Donation Petition
Troy Mihaka, co-organiser of a blood donation petition, talks about the issues around donating blood in New Zealand for men who have sex with...
Published: June 2020
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Body Positive
Charlie, Ron and Ngapoe talk about Body Positive - a group founded by and run for people living with HIV and AIDS in New...
Published: July 2012
In: Locations - Wellington waterfront walk tour
Body Positive Drop-in Centre
Body Positive, a peer support organisation for people living with HIV AIDS, established a Wellington drop-in centre on the corner of Courtenay Place and...
Published: January 2016
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Bruce Burnett
Bruce Burnett, an early AIDS educator and activist, talks to Phil Parkinson about an upcoming AIDS counselling workshop and the current situation in New...
Published: February 1985
In: People
Bruce Kilmister
Bruce talks about his childhood, the early years of HIV in New Zealand, the NZ AIDS Foundation, Hero and his work with Body Positive...
Published: June 2013
In: Groups and Organisations
Burnett Foundation Aotearoa
Joe Rich, Chief Executive of Burnett Foundation Aotearoa, talks about how the organisation has adapted during Covid-19. Joe also talks about Monkeypox, the...
Published: August 2022
In: Carmen Rupe
Carmen Rupe interview (1991)
Jack Body interviews Carmen Rupe about her life. The recording was made at Carmen's apartment in Kings Cross, Sydney in 1991. A special...
Published: January 1991
In: Gifting ceremony, Auckland - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt
Ceremony Images
Images from the gifting ceremony of the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt to Te Papa - national museum of New Zealand. The service...
Published: April 2012
In: People
Changing Face of the Castro
Jan de Gier from the Inn on Castro talks about the changing face of the Castro neighbourhood in San Francisco...
Published: June 2008
In: Out in the Park participants (2016)
Charlie Tredway
Charlie, a Community Engagement Officer with the New Zealand AIDS Foundation talks about attending Out in the Park for the first time, the Love...
Published: March 2016
In: People
Chloe Coombe profile
Chloe Coombe, PhD candidate in history at the University of Otago, talks about her research: A Study of End-of-Life Care and Cultures of Commemoration...
Published: February 2025
In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)
Christina Sunley
Christina from the NAMES Project in San Francisco gives a keynote presentation: The Quilt - a powerful resource for HIV prevention education. A special...
Published: March 1995
In: AIDS Memorial Quilt
Cleve Jones
Cleve Jones, founder of the NAMES Project, talks to Ian Kember about the AIDS Memorial Quilt. The quilt was first unfolded on 11...
Published: June 1991
In: Arts and Media
Cole Hampton
Cole Hampton talks about growing up, creating Pamela Hancock, Pride, and the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand. Cole passed away on...
Published: March 2020
In: Same Same But Different (2016)
Dangerous Desires
Audio from the session: Dangerous Desires. In the past, LGBTQI readers had to search for sexual information in often blatantly homophobic texts: yet so...
Published: February 2016
In: People
Daniel Fielding
HIV activist and community icon, Daniel Fielding, was interviewed in May 1989 by Peter Duncan on Gay BC. With friends, Daniel made an AIDS...
Published: May 1989
In: Arts and Media
David Oxenbridge on Interference
David Oxenbridge is the associate producer and social impact producer of a new feature documentary in development with the working title of Interference...
Published: January 2024
In: Arts and Media
Derek Jarman - Delphinium Days exhibition
Graham Frost, Public Programmes Coordinator at City Gallery Wellington Te Whare Toi, walks through the exhibition Derek Jarman - Delphinium Days. The exhibition was...
Published: January 2025
In: Participants - Queer History in the Making
Des and John
An interview with Des Smith and John Jolliff, recorded during the community event Queer History in the Making. Des and John were one of...
Published: September 2015
In: Relationships
Des Smith and John Jolliff
Des and John talk about their early lives, their relationship, homosexual law reform, the beginnings of HUG (Wellington), the Gay and Lesbian and Fair...
Published: February 2013
In: People
Drew Hadwen
Drew Hadwen talks about the development of the Devotion dance parties/festivals, and the Beacons of Hope services in Wellington in the 1990s...
Published: August 2018
In: Older Gay Men
Ed Jenner
Ed talks about what it's like to be an older gay man in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Elizabeth Kerekere
Elizabeth reflects on her early activist years with the Black Women's movement, homosexual law reform, the formation of Tiwhanawhana and the new resource booklet...
Published: December 2015
In: Events
Exploring Trans Activism and Representation in Media
Audio from the panel discussion: Exploring Trans Activism and Representation in Media. The panel was part of Auckland Zinefest 2016, and included panelists
Aram Wu...
Published: July 2016
In: Parliamentary proceedings: Conversion Practices Prohibition
First reading of the Bill
Audio from the first reading of the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Justice Minister Kris Faafoi on...
Published: August 2021
In: Locations - Wellington waterfront walk tour
Frank Kitts Park Lagoon
In the 1990s the lagoon was the site for Beacons of Hope - a memorial ceremony for those who had died from AIDS related...
Published: January 2016
In: Georgina Beyer
Georgina Beyer
Georgina reflects on her childhood, various careers and time in public office. Georgina has also recorded interviews about
significant legislation (prostitution reform, civil unions and...
Published: January 2013
In: Georgina Beyer
Georgina Beyer - people remembered
Georgina Beyer remembers some memorable people and situations - including Queen Elizabeth II, Ruby Wax, Jerry Hall, John Banks and facilitating a meeting in...
Published: January 2013
In: Rainbow Politicians
Georgina Beyer - significant legislation
Georgina Beyer reflects on some of the significant legislation passed during her time in Parliament: the Prostitution Reform Act (2003), Civil Unions Act (2004)...
Published: January 2013
In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt
Gifting ceremony, Auckland
Audio and images from the gifting ceremony of the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt to Te Papa - the national museum of New Zealand...
Published: April 2012
In: AIDS Memorial Quilt
Gilbert Smith
Gilbert talks about the history of the quilt in New Zealand and promotes an upcoming silent auction fundraising event. The source of this recording...
Published: October 1993
In: South: Canterbury
Hamish talks about identifying as gay and living in Christchurch...
Published: May 2014
In: People
Hamish Allardice
Hamish talks about being bullied at school, abuse, addiction and recovery. The AIDS Memorial Quilt panel for Rudi and John can be viewed here...
Published: February 2015
In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)
HIV prevention and youth
A keynote presentation on HIV prevention and youth. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the conference organiser, for allowing this audio to be...
Published: March 1995
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
HIV/AIDS panel discussion
Audio from a panel discussion on HIV/AIDS, held at the New Zealand Film Archive in Wellington on 30 April 2014. On the panel: Ron...
Published: April 2014
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Ian Smith
Ian talks about the early years of HIV AIDS in Christchurch. Ian also talks about the establishment of the AIDS Support Network, which later...
Published: May 2012
In: Events
Audio from the IDAHOBIT event held at Parliament. The panel presentation marked the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia and Intersexphobia. A special...
Published: May 2017
In: Inaugural World AIDS Day Parliamentary Breakfast
Inaugural World AIDS Day Parliamentary Breakfast - Part 1
Audio from the Inaugural World AIDS Day Parliamentary Breakfast, held on 3 December 2024 in Wellington. The recording has been split into two...
Published: December 2024
In: Inaugural World AIDS Day Parliamentary Breakfast
Inaugural World AIDS Day Parliamentary Breakfast - Part 2
Audio from the Inaugural World AIDS Day Parliamentary Breakfast, held on 3 December 2024 in Wellington. The recording has been split into two...
Published: December 2024
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Insight 84 - homosexual law reform
Listen to a Radio New Zealand documentary on homosexual law reform, produced in 1984 - a year before the introduction of Fran Wilde's Homosexual...
Published: July 1984
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2014)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held on Te Marae at Te Papa on 18 May 2014 in Wellington. Parts of the service...
Published: May 2014
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2017)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at the Tararua Tramping Club in Wellington on 21 May 2017. A special thank you...
Published: May 2017
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2018)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at the Tararua Tramping Club in Wellington on 21 May 2018. Parts of the service...
Published: May 2018
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2019)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at the Tararua Tramping Club in Wellington on 19 May 2019. The theme of the...
Published: May 2019
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2021)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at the Tararua Tramping Club in Wellington on 16 May 2021. A special thank you to...
Published: May 2021
In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)
International Quilt projects
Representatives from Canada, Zambia, and Japan make presentations to the conference. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the conference organiser, for allowing this...
Published: March 1995
In: Parliamentary proceedings: homosexual law reform
Introduction (8 March 1985)
Audio from the introduction and first reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill in Parliament, 8 March 1985. 0:00:14 - Fran Wilde...
Published: March 1985
In: Beyond Rainbows
Jack talks about sex work...
Published: May 2015
In: Carmen Rupe
Jack Body - Carmen
Jack talks about writing Songs and Dances of Desire - a work inspired by Carmen Rupe and Georges Bizet's opera Carmen. The work...
Published: November 2012
In: Relationships
Jan and Ruth
Jan and Ruth talk about their backgrounds, careers and ageing together. Sadly, Jan passed away on 2 November 2022...
Published: March 2013
In: Q12 Auckland
Jasper talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: February 2012
In: Proud 2016
Joleen Mataele
Joleen Mataele: sharing a life of an activist and an open transgender person M-F in a country that is so rich in culture and...
Published: March 2016
In: Making a Difference
Jonathan Smith
Jonathan talks about growing up and creating, and running the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant...
Published: January 2011
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Julie Glamuzina
Julie talks about documenting lesbian political activity pre-homosexual law reform, her involvement in various movements in the 1970s and 1980s and the importance of...
Published: October 2015
In: New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt display (2023)
Karakia and interviews
Karakia and interviews from before and after the official presentations at the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt display. The event was held at...
Published: March 2023
In: Making a Difference
Karen Ritchie
Karen talks about growing up and the Cartier Trust...
Published: January 2011
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Kay Jones
Kay talks about homosexual law reform activities in Auckland and Wellington, challenging inequality and bisexual erasure...
Published: October 2015
In: People
Kevin talks about growing up in the 1960s, friendship with Carmen Rupe and the LGBTI rainbow scene in Wellington in the 1970s and later...
Published: November 2021
In: Rainbow Politicians
Kevin Hague
Kevin Hague from the Green Party talks to Jo Jackson about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: September 2012
In: People
Kevin Hague profile
On the eve of his departure from Parliament, MP Kevin Hague reflects on his time in politics as well as earlier activism around apartheid...
Published: September 2016
In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt
Kevin Jensen
Kevin reflects on taking the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt into the community, and designing the quilt website. The recording was made just...
Published: May 2012
In: People
Kym Strathdee
Since the 1970s Kym Strathdee has photographed queer events and people around the world - including in Auckland, Wellington, Sydney, Melbourne and San Francisco...
Published: June 2022
In: Carmen Rupe
Launch of Carmens traffic light
Audio from the launch of Carmen's traffic light, which can be seen on the corner of Ghuznee and Cuba Streets, Wellington. A special...
Published: August 2016
In: Events
Leaving a Legacy
Audio from the Leaving a Legacy workshop held at Thistle Hall, Wellington on 14 September 2016. The workshop looked at creative ways to record...
Published: September 2016
In: Auckland Pride Festival 2013
Lesbian heritage walk
Miriam Saphira takes a tour group around some of the historic lesbian sites in central Auckland. A special thank you to the Charlotte Museum...
Published: February 2013
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Lew Pryme - Welcome to My World (documentary)
Television documentary Lew Pryme - Welcome to My World, produced in 1990.
Published: 1990
In: Groups and Organisations
On the 30th anniversary of the arson attack (11 September 1986) on the Lesbian and Gay Rights Resource Centre in Wellington, LAGANZ curator Linda...
Published: September 2016
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Linda Evans
Linda talks about being part of various groups that rallied in support of homosexual law reform...
Published: August 2015
In: Out in the Park participants (2018)
Louisa Wall
MP Louisa Wall reflects on Out in the Park and talks about some of the current LGBTI rainbow issues the government is focusing on...
Published: February 2018
In: Proud 2016
Love Life Fono 6
It can't be presumed that all Oceania LGBTIQ people are navigating toward the same destination. We are a diverse community with needs that...
Published: March 2016
In: Malcolm Vaughan
Malcolm Vaughan profile
Malcolm Vaughan talks about the many Wellington bars and hospitality establishments he has owned or worked in over the last four decades. This...
Published: January 2022
In: Malcolm Vaughan
Malcolm Vaughan profile part 2
Malcolm Vaughan remembers people and venues relating to Wellington's rainbow communities over the last four decades. This is part two of a longer interview...
Published: January 2022
In: Marriage Equality Conference
Marriage, Adoption and Human Rights
Kevin Hague MP talks about the history of human rights legislation - internationally and in New Zealand. This session was recorded during the...
Published: December 2012
In: Rainbow Politicians
Maryan Street
Maryan Street from the Labour Party talks to Benji Watt about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: September 2012
In: Out in the Park participants (2018)
Max Tweedie
Max Tweedie from the New Zealand AIDS Foundation talks about the Ending HIV campaign. Its aim is to end new HIV transmission by 2025...
Published: February 2018
In: AIDS Memorial Quilt
Michael Bancroft
Michael, guardian of the NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt, talks about the history of the quilt in New Zealand...
Published: June 2010
In: AIDS Memorial Quilt
Michele Cinq-Mars
Michele Cinq-Mars, Director of Communications for the NAMES Project, talks to Ian Kember about the AIDS Memorial Quilt. This recording was possibly made at...
Published: June 1991
In: People
Miscellaneouslee talks about family life, Auckland in the 1980s and performing in drag...
Published: October 2013
In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)
Model school display programmes
A presentation on school display programmes in Australia, Thailand and the United Kingdom. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the conference organiser, for...
Published: March 1995
In: People
Moments with Johnny Croskery
Moments with Johnny Croskery A selection of memories from Johnny Croskery, who was active in Wellington's drag scene from the 1960s. Johnny passed away...
Published: August 1999
In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)
National High School Quilt programme
The national High School Quilt programme co-ordinator from the NAMES Project in San Francisco gives a presentation, along with a group of San Jose...
Published: March 1995
In: People
Neville Creighton
Neville talks about his background, becoming the first Director of the New Zealand AIDS Foundation, secondary school teaching, and managing the Gayline counseling service...
Published: February 2013
In: Participants - Queer History in the Making
New Zealand AIDS Foundation
An interview with Anne Holleron from the Awhina Centre, New Zealand AIDS Foundation. This interview was recorded during the community event Queer History...
Published: September 2015
In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)
New Zealand presentation
Warren Butler, New Zealand's representative from the AIDS Memorial Quilt, makes a presentation to the conference. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the...
Published: March 1995
In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt
Nicki and Megan
Nicki and Megan reflect on the quilt panel they made for Robin - Nicki's brother. The recording was made just after the official...
Published: May 2012
In: AIDS Memorial Quilt
Nicki Eddy and co (1992)
Nicki Eddy and Allan [Warren Butler] talk to Mike Bakers on Radio Pacific about the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt. Special thanks to MediaWorks...
Published: September 1992
In: AIDS Memorial Quilt
Nicki Eddy and co (1993)
Nicki, Audrey and Beverly talk about the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt and promote an upcoming silent auction fundraising event. The source of this...
Published: October 1993
In: Our Forgotten Epidemic
Our Forgotten Epidemic - trailer
Our Forgotten Epidemic - trailer Our Forgotten Epidemic is a six-part series about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to HIV and AIDS, and some of...
Published: July 2022
In: Events
Out in the carPark
Participants, stall-holders and the public talk about attending the Love Parade and Out in the carPark. 0:00:05 - Karen Harris, parade co-ordinator
0:02:25 - Adrienne...
Published: March 2015
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2021
Out in the City (2021)
Interviews with people at Out in the City, which was held on 27 March 2021 at the Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington. Founded in 1986...
Published: March 2021
In: Locations - Wellington waterfront walk tour
Overseas Passenger Terminal
The terminal was the site of the first Devotion dance party in December 1991. Like Hero in Auckland, Devotion became a festival with...
Published: January 2016
In: Groups and Organisations
Squadron Leader Stu Pearce talks about OverWatch - a group that provides support and guidance to the New Zealand Defence Force’s rainbow community...
Published: February 2013
In: Proud 2016
Pacific Health and Spirituality
Audio from the workshop: Pacific Health and Spirituality. The workshop covered sexuality, spirituality and access to health services, in particular focusing on Christianity as...
Published: March 2016
In: Proud 2016
Pacific Human Rights Conference outcomes
Discussion on the Pacific Human Rights Conference, held 11-14 May 2015 in Tonga. The conference was hosted by the Pacific Sexual Diversity Network...
Published: March 2016
In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt
Packing the Quilt for Te Papa
History curator Stephanie Gibson and collection manager Sara Guthrie pack the last two blocks of the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt for transport to...
Published: April 2012
In: The Book That Turned the Light On - Same Same But Different writers festival
Part 2
Audio from the session: The Book That Turned the Light On. In a past of illegality and stigma, books asserted a powerful presence. For...
Published: February 2016
In: Our Forgotten Epidemic
Part Four
Our Forgotten Epidemic. Part Four - How we lost so many Our Forgotten Epidemic is a six-part series about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to...
Published: August 2022
In: Our Forgotten Epidemic
Part One
Our Forgotten Epidemic. Part One - an epidemic arrives Our Forgotten Epidemic is a six-part series about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to HIV and...
Published: July 2022
In: Our Forgotten Epidemic
Part Three
Our Forgotten Epidemic. Part Three - our communities take action Our Forgotten Epidemic is a six-part series about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to HIV...
Published: August 2022
In: Our Forgotten Epidemic
Part Two
Our Forgotten Epidemic. Part Two - who was Bruce Burnett? Our Forgotten Epidemic is a six-part series about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to HIV...
Published: August 2022
In: People
Paul talks about growing up in Australia in the 1950s, sex work in New York City, cruising Rudolf Nureyev, serving beer to Marlene Dietrich...
Published: April 2015
In: People
Peter Wells
Peter talks about the journey as a film maker and writer...
Published: October 2013
In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)
Phil Siegel
Phil Siegel from Media Works in San Francisco gives a keynote presentation on working with the media. A special thank you to Christina Sunley...
Published: March 1995
In: People
Phillip Peek
Phillip Peek recalls working at the Sun sauna, a sex-on-site venue, in the mid-1970s and early 1980s and participating in homosexual law reform activities...
Published: July 2018
In: Events
POPCAANZ presentation
Emma Kelly and Gareth Watkins present at the POPCAANZ conference (Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand). The presentation firstly looks at double...
Published: June 2015
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Positive Women
Jane Bruning, national coordinator of Positive Women Inc, talks about the history and services offered nationally to HIV+ positive women...
Published: July 2012
In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt
Presentation at Te Papa
Audio from a presentation given by Michael Bancroft and Nicki Eddy at Te Papa - national museum of New Zealand. The presentation was...
Published: May 2012
In: New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt display (2023)
Presentations at the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt display. The event was held at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa on...
Published: March 2023
In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt
Preserving the Quilt
Textile conservator Rachael Collinge and textile conservation volunteer Anne Williams talk about the process of preserving the quilt panels. Special thanks to Te Papa...
Published: August 2012
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2016
Pride Parade
Audio from the Wellington Pride Parade, held along Wellington's waterfront on 12 March 2016. A very special thank you to Ness Simons for...
Published: March 2016
In: AIDS Memorial Quilt
Radio advert
Radio advert used to promote viewings of the New Zealand AIDS Memorial at the Manukau City Shopping Centre in late 1994. This advert was...
Published: October 1994
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Radio Gala (8 July 1990)
This Radio Gala retrospective programme contains a rich collection of audio actuality from the 1985-86 period of homosexual law reform. Much of the material...
Published: July 1990
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2018
Rainbow elders panel
Audio from the Rainbow elders panel, held during Wellington's Pride festival at 19 Tory Street on 25 February 2018. The event was organised...
Published: February 2018
In: Events
Rainbow Election Forum
On 22 August 2017 Rainbow Wellington hosted a rainbow election forum at St Andrew's on the Terrace in Wellington. Nine representatives from a...
Published: August 2017
In: Shift hui (2018)
Rainbow history
An exploration of some of the fascinating stories from the histories of our queer communities - focusing on trans history in Wellington and the...
Published: April 2018
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2020
Rainbow Pasefika 2020
Audio from the Rainbow Pasefika 2020 event, held at Wellington Museum on 29 February 2020 during Wellington's Pride festival. 00:05 - Leilani Sio, event...
Published: February 2020
In: Groups and Organisations
Rainbow taonga at Te Papa
History curators Stephanie Gibson and Lynette Townsend showcase some of the many rainbow taonga held in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa...
Published: August 2016
In: Groups and Organisations
Rainbow taonga at Te Papa (2019)
Curator Stephanie Gibson talks about rainbow taonga held in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa...
Published: August 2019
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Ralph Knowles
Ralph Knowles talks about the early years of HIV/AIDS in Christchurch, and how he helped produce the first pamphlet about the virus in New...
Published: December 2011
In: People
Randy Alfred
Randy talks about producing the radio programme The Gay Life, which broadcast on KSAN San Francisco in the 1970s and early 1980s. Randy produced...
Published: June 2012
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Ray talks about the history of HIV+ support groups in Canterbury - including Body Positive Canterbury and POS Plus. Ray also talks about the...
Published: May 2012
In: Events
Remember Stonewall: Rally For Trans Healthcare
Audio from the rally held on Saturday 1 July 2023 in Parliament grounds, Wellington. The rally was organised by Queer Endurance/Defiance. Special thanks...
Published: July 2023
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Remembering Bruce Burnett
Kate Leslie remembers Bruce Burnett - an early AIDS educator and activist in New Zealand. Bruce returned to New Zealand from San Francisco in...
Published: October 2012
In: Georgina Beyer
Remembering Georgina Beyer
The 2023 Wellington Pride Festival was made more emotional with the passing of community icon Georgina Beyer. The first public mention of Georgina's...
Published: March 2023
In: People
Remembering Jonathan Dennis
Emma Jean Kelly talks about researching and writing her PhD on Jonathan Dennis - the founding director of the New Zealand Film Archive...
Published: April 2016
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Remembering Neil Costelloe
Jayne (sitting by an open fire) remembers her brother Neil Costelloe. Neil was very active in the fight for homosexual law reform in the...
Published: April 2016
In: Marriage Equality Conference
Report Back
Conference Chair Rawa Karetai invites the two conference streams to report back on their sessions at the end of the Marriage Equality Conference held...
Published: December 2012
In: People
Rex Halliday
Rex talks about growing up in New Plymouth, the Gay Liberation movement, early HIV AIDS prevention programmes and establishing the Hero party and festival...
Published: April 2013
In: People
Rick Gerharter
Rick talks about his photo-journalism career, including the early years of photographing AIDS activism in San Francisco...
Published: June 2012
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Rob Lake
Rob talks about activism during homosexual law reform and early responses to HIV AIDS in Wellington...
Published: November 2015
In: People
Robin Duff
Robin Duff talks about many of the activist groups he was involved with in the 1970s, being the first openly gay man in New...
Published: April 2013
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Rod McLeod Morrison
Rod McLeod Morrison Rod talks about his relationship with his partner who died from AIDS related conditions...
Published: April 1999
In: Events
Schools Out
Audio from a School's Out broadcast on Wellington Access Radio in 2007. Mike, Craig and Tyler talk about growing up, HIV AIDS and...
Published: December 2007
In: People
Scott Johnston
Scott talks about coming out in the 1980s and being one of the creators of the Hero parade - which at its peak in...
Published: May 2013
In: Events
Service for Virginia Burns
Audio from the service to commemorate and celebrate the life of Virginia Burns (a.k.a Virginia Parker-Bowles). The service was held at Old St...
Published: June 2017
In: Beyond conference
Session 11
Audio from the session: Fighting homophobia, transphobia and bigotry in our communities. Social transformation means transformation of our own communities; our workplaces, schools, homes...
Published: October 2013
In: Beyond conference
Session 14
Audio from the session: Healthcare, housing and schools - fighting for survival, fighting for more. We still have a long way to go. Health...
Published: October 2013
In: C.L.I.T Fest Wellington 2013
Session 2
Audio from the session: Sex work. Participants include Kate Scarlet, Catherine Healy, Vita, Chanel Hati and Rouge...
Published: June 2013
In: C.L.I.T Fest Wellington 2013
Session 3
Audio from the session: Takatāpui, Pasifika ways and beyond queer theory. Participants include Maihi Makiha and Kim Mcbreen...
Published: June 2013
In: Beyond conference
Session 5
Audio from the session: Invisible sexualities within queer communities. New Zealand is getting used to gay and lesbian identities as alternatives to straight, but...
Published: October 2013
In: Ilott Theatre sessions
Session 6
Audio from the Accountability Mechanisms session...
Published: March 2011
In: Shift hui (2015)
Sexuality and Gender workshop
Hui participants take part in a workshop on sexuality and gender. The hui ran from the 16 - 19 April 2015 at Tapu Te...
Published: April 2015
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Sophie Jayawardene
Sophie talks about being diagnosed HIV+ in 1989, her journey with HIV and living positively...
Published: April 2014
In: Locations - Wellington waterfront walk tour
St James Theatre
The Topp Twins, Douglas Wright, Michael Parmenter have all performed at the St. James. The theatre is also the home of the Royal New...
Published: January 2016
In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt
Stephanie Gibson
History curator Stephanie Gibson talks about the process of Te Papa becoming the guardian of the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt. The Quilt was...
Published: May 2012
In: People
Sue Alexander - Lesbian clipping collection
Sue Alexander talks about her lesbian clippings collections that spans over forty years. The interview was recorded at LILAC, Wellington's lending library for...
Published: November 2024
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Te Puna Wai Korero [episode on HIV/AIDS, 1995]
Listen to Henare Te Ua interview Warren Lindberg, Director of the New Zealand AIDS Foundation, on the latest information on HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New...
Published: December 1995
In: Marriage Equality Conference
The Legislative Process
Audio from the first keynote panel discussion: Sexual Minorities and the Legislative Process. 0:00:00 - Mihi: Rangimoana Taylor
0:06:00 - Tiwhanawhana
0:10:20 - MP Tau Henare
Published: November 2012
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
The Red Ribbon
A group of men reflect on why they wear the red ribbon...
Published: May 1998
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Tighe Instone
Tighe talks about being part of various groups that rallied in support of homosexual law reform. A selection of David Hindley's images to do...
Published: June 2015
In: Rainbow Politicians
Tim Barnett
Tim Barnett talks about growing up in the United Kingdom; becoming Britain's "first professional homosexual"; moving to New Zealand and becoming a Member of...
Published: November 2013
In: People
Tom ODonoghue
Tom O'Donoghue is interviewed by Pete Duncan in 1993 (exact date unknown), about his journey with HIV and AIDS. Tom was a co-founder of...
Published: 1993
In: Out in the City (2024)
Tour of Out in the City 2024
Hamish Allardice takes a tour of Out in the City and talks to some of the many stall holders. Out in the City was...
Published: March 2024
In: Events
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2024
Audio from the service at St Andrew's on the Terrace, Wellington to commemorate Transgender Day of Remembrance. The service took place on Sunday 24...
Published: November 2024
In: Out in the Park participants (2018)
Trudie from the New Zealand AIDS Foundation talks about rapid HIV and Syphilis testing at Out in the Park...
Published: February 2018
In: AIDS Memorial Quilt
Video of quilt panels
A short video highlighting some of the panels on the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt...
Published: June 2010
In: People
Welby Ings
Welby talks about growing up, his involvement in homosexual law reform, the early days of HIV AIDS in New Zealand and his films Boy...
Published: September 2012
In: Rainbow Studies Now 2023
Welby Ings - keynote
Professor Welby Ings delivers the keynote address at the symposium Rainbow Studies Now: Legacies of Community. Welby is introduced by Dr. Rebekah Galbraith...
Published: November 2023
In: Arts and Media
Welby Ings on Punch
Writer/director Welby Ings talks about his feature film Punch. The interview was recorded just prior to the Wellington premiere during the New Zealand International...
Published: August 2022
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2018
Wellington International Pride Parade 2018
Audio from the Wellington International Pride Parade 2018. A special thank you to the participants and organisers for allowing us to record this event...
Published: March 2018
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2020
Wellington International Pride Parade 2020
Audio from the Wellington International Pride Parade held on 7 March 2020. At the end of the parade (on the waterfront by Circa theatre)...
Published: March 2020
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2017
Wellington Pride Parade 2017
Audio from the Wellington Pride Parade 2017. This was the first time in over two decades that a pride parade has marched through the...
Published: March 2017