In: Groups and Organisations
Charlotte Museum
Miriam Saphira and Jenny Rankine talk about the Charlotte Museum. The museum collects and preserves artefacts of lesbian culture such as labrys, music...
Published: September 2010
In: Proud 2016
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence
Audio from the workshop: Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence. Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence is dedicated to building rainbow communities...
Published: March 2016
In: Queer History in the Making
Open mic sessions
Audio from the open mic sessions held during the community event Queer History in the Making, where individuals and community groups were invited to...
Published: September 2015
In: Same Same But Different (2016)
Paddling Your Own Waka
Audio from the session: Paddling Your Own Waka. In a world of the internet, global publishing companies no longer have the same power as...
Published: February 2016
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2020
Pride and Prejudice Panel
Audio from the Pride and Prejudice Panel, held during Wellington's Pride Festival on 6 March 2020. A special thank you to the organisers and...
Published: March 2020
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Tighe Instone
Tighe talks about being part of various groups that rallied in support of homosexual law reform. A selection of David Hindley's images to do...
Published: June 2015
In: People
Welby Ings
Welby talks about growing up, his involvement in homosexual law reform, the early days of HIV AIDS in New Zealand and his films Boy...
Published: September 2012