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Tag: United States of America

Order by Date

In: Homosexual Law Reform

30th Anniversary of the Homosexual Law Reform Act
Audio from the 30th Anniversary of the Homosexual Law Reform Act event, held in the Grand Hall, Parliament on 6 July 2016. This...
Published: July 2016

In: Homosexual Law Reform

40 Years Since Homosexual Law Reform
Audio from the Rainbow Wellington event held at Parliament to mark the 40th anniversary of the introduction of Fran Wilde's Homosexual Law Reform Bill...
Published: March 2025

In: Events

Against Equality
Audio from Ryan Conrad's community presentation. The discussion was held at 17 Tory Street, Wellington on 1 March 2015. Special thanks to The...
Published: March 2015

In: Ageing

Aged Care Research
Michal talks about research into the care of Rainbow people in aged residential care in New Zealand...
Published: May 2013

In: Events

Always Here
Kerryn Pollock, senior advisor at Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, the country's national historic heritage agency, talks about the Rainbow List Project. The project...
Published: August 2022

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Archives New Zealand
Lenette Breytenbach, a digitisation assistant at Archives New Zealand, talks about what the archive holds relating to homosexual law reform...
Published: March 2021

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

Art, Craft and the AIDS Crisis
Audio from the panel discussion Art, Craft and the AIDS Crisis held at the Dowse Art Museum, Lower Hutt on 26 May 2018...
Published: May 2018

In: Arts and Media

Audio preservation
John talks about preserving audio/visual material for the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco. John was responsible for preserving approximately 250 episodes of The...
Published: June 2012

In: Shift hui (2016)

Beyond Rainbows
Panel members talk about the challenges of being a minority within rainbow communities. The discussion was facilitated by Tabby Besley and features...
Published: April 2016

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

Bill Logan
Bill talks about the early years of HIV AIDS in Wellington, and the response by groups like the Wellington Gay Switchboard and the AIDS...
Published: May 2015

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Bill Logan
Bill talks about being part of various groups that rallied in support of homosexual law reform. A selection of David Hindley's images to do...
Published: June 2015

In: Issues

Blood Donation Petition
Troy Mihaka, co-organiser of a blood donation petition, talks about the issues around donating blood in New Zealand for men who have sex with...
Published: June 2020

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

Bruce Burnett
Bruce Burnett, an early AIDS educator and activist, talks to Phil Parkinson about an upcoming AIDS counselling workshop and the current situation in New...
Published: February 1985

In: People

Bruce Kilmister
Bruce talks about his childhood, the early years of HIV in New Zealand, the NZ AIDS Foundation, Hero and his work with Body Positive...
Published: June 2013

In: Events

Butch Femme Queer Feminist Elders
Audio from the Butch Femme Queer Feminist Elders panel discussion, held at Auckland Trades Hall in Grey Lynn on 24 November 2012. Special thanks...
Published: November 2012

In: Snapshot 2000

Snapshot 2000 - Calvin Calvin talks about coming out and first sexual experience...
Published: January 2000

In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames

Carole Hicks
Carole Hicks from New Zealand talks about volunteering at the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011

In: People

Changing Face of the Castro
Jan de Gier from the Inn on Castro talks about the changing face of the Castro neighbourhood in San Francisco...
Published: June 2008

In: Events

Chechnya Vigil
Audio from the Chechnya Vigil held outside the Russian embassy in Wellington. The candlelight vigil was organised to show solidarity with the people who...
Published: April 2017

In: Events

Chosen Family Night panel
Audio from the Chosen Family Night panel discussion held on Saturday 17 June 2023 at City Gallery Wellington. Panellists Kerryn Pollock, Erin Ramsey and...
Published: June 2023

In: Arts and Media

Chris Gendall
Chris Gendall talks about life as a composer and also pays tribute to Jack Body...
Published: June 2016

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

Christina Sunley
Christina from the NAMES Project in San Francisco gives a keynote presentation: The Quilt - a powerful resource for HIV prevention education. A special...
Published: March 1995

In: Snapshot 2000

Christopher talks about coming out and first sexual experience...
Published: February 2000

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Cleve Jones
Cleve Jones, founder of the NAMES Project, talks to Ian Kember about the AIDS Memorial Quilt. The quilt was first unfolded on 11...
Published: June 1991

In: Events

Considering Matthew Shepard
Rheya McCowan, Etienne Wain and Sarah Harwood from Wellington Youth Choir and Uthara from the Christchurch Youth Choir talk about performing Considering Matthew Shepard...
Published: October 2024

In: People

Daniel Nicoletta
Daniel talks about his photographic career, the Castro in the 1970's and his time with Harvey Milk and Scott Smith. Daniel worked in Harvey...
Published: June 2012

In: People

David and Rae
David and Rae talk about coming out, identity and relationships...
Published: July 2012

In: Arts and Media

David Oxenbridge on Interference
David Oxenbridge is the associate producer and social impact producer of a new feature documentary in development with the working title of Interference...
Published: January 2024

In: Proud 2016

Dont Leave Out the I
Audio from the workshop Don't Leave Out the I: Intersex issues in New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific. This workshop is historic as it...
Published: March 2016

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2020

Dr Hjelmar von Dannevill
Author and researcher Julie Glamuzina talks about the extraordinary life of Dr Hjelmar von Dannevill. The doctor arrived in New Zealand in 1911 with...
Published: February 2020

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Elizabeth Kerekere
Elizabeth reflects on her early activist years with the Black Women's movement, homosexual law reform, the formation of Tiwhanawhana and the new resource booklet...
Published: December 2015

In: Arts and Media

Galathea: Into the Bush
Hilary Penwarden talks to Ania Upstill about producing queer theatre and the upcoming production Galathea: Into the Bush. The production runs from 23...
Published: November 2016

In: People

Gareth Farr
Gareth Farr talks about composing During These Days for the 30th anniversary of homosexual law reform in 2016. Gareth also talks about growing...
Published: August 2017

In: Marriage Equality Conference

Gay Liberation Movement
Ian Anderson leads a discussion about the Gay Liberation Movement, beginning in the 1960s. [note some comments were removed because the were not...
Published: December 2012

In: Religion and Spirituality

Geno Sisneros
Geno talks about the journey to becoming ordained as a priest in the Anglican Church, and taking a case against the Bishop of Auckland...
Published: May 2013

In: Georgina Beyer

Georgina Beyer - people remembered
Georgina Beyer remembers some memorable people and situations - including Queen Elizabeth II, Ruby Wax, Jerry Hall, John Banks and facilitating a meeting in...
Published: January 2013

In: The Glamaphones - homosexual law reform

Glamaphone interviews
In this podcast we speak to members of The Glamaphones and co. before their concert at St. Andrew's on the Terrace celebrating 30 years...
Published: June 2016

In: South: Nelson

Group 1
A group of young people in Nelson talk about growing up, school and Queer Straight Alliances (QSA)...
Published: October 2013

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

HIV prevention and youth
A keynote presentation on HIV prevention and youth. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the conference organiser, for allowing this audio to be...
Published: March 1995

In: Papers Past (1970-1979)

Homosexual Pastor Suspended (Press, 3 June 1971)
On 2 June 1971, Mr Gene Leggett, a 36-year-old self-identified homosexual clergyman from Dallas, was suspended from the Methodist ministry in a heated gathering...
Published: June 1971

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2017

Human Rights with Richard Tankersley
Audio from a presentation by Human Rights Commissioner Richard Tankersley on human rights issues facing rainbow and gender diverse communities in Aotearoa New Zealand...
Published: March 2017

In: Judy and Dennis Shepard

I Am read by Judy and Dennis Shepard
Judy and Dennis Shepard, the parents of Matthew Shepard, read a poem written by Matthew in one of his journals. Matthew was brutally killed...
Published: May 2024

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

Ian Smith
Ian talks about the early years of HIV AIDS in Christchurch. Ian also talks about the establishment of the AIDS Support Network, which later...
Published: May 2012

In: Issues

InsideOUT Kōaro - Navigating the hate
Tabby Besley and River Ayto talk about the rise of hatred directed towards InsideOUT Kōaro and rainbow communities, since the visit of Posie Parker...
Published: August 2023

In: Out in the City (2024)

InsideOUT Kōaro at Out in the City (2024)
As part of Out in the City 2024, the team from InsideOUT Kōaro held a panel discussion in the main auditorium of the Michael...
Published: March 2024

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

International Quilt projects
Representatives from Canada, Zambia, and Japan make presentations to the conference. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the conference organiser, for allowing this...
Published: March 1995

In: Relationships

Jan and Ruth
Jan and Ruth talk about their backgrounds, careers and ageing together. Sadly, Jan passed away on 2 November 2022...
Published: March 2013

In: John Jakeman

John Jakeman - hairdressing
John Jakeman talks about his career as a hairdresser - in Wellington, London and Europe, from the 1960s onwards...
Published: May 2017

In: John Jakeman

John Jakeman profile
John Jakeman talks about growing up in Wellington in the 1950s, working at the Royal Oak tavern in the 1970s, police persecution, homosexual law...
Published: May 2017

In: Proud 2016

Joleen Mataele
Joleen Mataele: sharing a life of an activist and an open transgender person M-F in a country that is so rich in culture and...
Published: March 2016

In: Marriage Equality Conference

Joseph Habgood
Joseph Habgood, one of the founders of LegaliseLove, talks about the beginnings of the organisation. This interview was recorded during the Marriage Equality Conference...
Published: December 2012

In: People

Judy and Dennis Shepard
Judy and Dennis Shepard, the parents of Matthew Shepard, talk about the Matthew Shepard Foundation and their advocacy work over the last 25-years...
Published: May 2024

In: Religion and Spirituality

Kathy Baldock
Kathy Baldock, a straight Evangelical Christian LGBTI ally, talks about the current marriage equality debate in Australia, the changing nature of the Salvation Army...
Published: September 2016

In: Participants - Queer History in the Making

Kawika and Bernard
An interview with Kawika Aipa and Bernard Lee, recorded during the community event Queer History in the Making...
Published: September 2015

In: People

Lana Lawless
Lana talks about growing up, transitioning and becoming the 2008 women's world long drive golf champion. Lana was the first professional transsexual woman golfer...
Published: June 2012

In: Proud 2016

Laws and Customs
Audio from the workshop: Laws and customs in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity in Oceania. The workshop was presented by Grant Jones...
Published: March 2016

In: Issues

Lets talk about hate speech
On the 22 August 2017 Rainbow Wellington held an election forum which featured representatives from a diverse range of political parties. After the forum...
Published: August 2017

In: Arts and Media

Library of Congress
The United States Library of Congress has selected the website for preservation in the Library of Congress Web Archive. RNZ's Bryan Crump talks...
Published: August 2021

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Linda Evans
Linda talks about being part of various groups that rallied in support of homosexual law reform...
Published: August 2015

In: Snapshot 2000

Mary talks about coming out and first sexual experience...
Published: February 2000

In: Snapshot 2000

Matt talks about coming out and first sexual experience...
Published: February 2000

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Michael Bancroft
Michael, guardian of the NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt, talks about the history of the quilt in New Zealand...
Published: June 2010

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Michele Cinq-Mars
Michele Cinq-Mars, Director of Communications for the NAMES Project, talks to Ian Kember about the AIDS Memorial Quilt. This recording was possibly made at...
Published: June 1991

In: People

Mira Woldberg
Dutch ambassador to New Zealand Mira Woldberg talks about the Dutch government’s commitment to promote and protect human rights internationally and its ongoing support...
Published: February 2020

In: Beyond Rainbows

Missy talks about identifying as non-binary and somewhere in between pansexuality and demisexuality...
Published: November 2014

In: Papers Past (1970-1979)

Mystery Meeting Held At Camp David (Press, 1 May 1973)
On April 30, 1973, reports emerged suggesting escalating tensions and new developments in the Watergate scandal, with President Nixon convening a secret meeting with...
Published: May 1973

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

National High School Quilt programme
The national High School Quilt programme co-ordinator from the NAMES Project in San Francisco gives a presentation, along with a group of San Jose...
Published: March 1995

In: Orlando mass shooting

New Zealand Parliament
Audio from a parliamentary motion put by the Prime Minister to acknowledge the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, USA on 13...
Published: June 2016

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

New Zealand presentation
Warren Butler, New Zealand's representative from the AIDS Memorial Quilt, makes a presentation to the conference. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the...
Published: March 1995

In: Events

Our Stonewall
2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising in New York City. The uprising, which began on 28 June 1969, is seen...
Published: June 2019

In: Groups and Organisations

Out in the Bay
Eric Jansen talks about Out in the Bay - a weekly queer radio show in San Francisco...
Published: June 2008

In: Groups and Organisations

Out Loud radio
Noah Miller talks about the creation of Out Loud radio in San Francisco...
Published: July 2008

In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (9 October 1985)

Part 2 (9 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 9 October 1985 (part 2 of 2)...
Published: October 1985

In: Shift hui (2016)

Participants (part 2)
Rowan Moulder talks to participants at Shift hui 2016. More participant interviews can be heard in part one. 00:07 - Ashley, Te Maunga...
Published: April 2016

In: People

Paul talks about growing up in Australia in the 1950s, sex work in New York City, cruising Rudolf Nureyev, serving beer to Marlene Dietrich...
Published: April 2015

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

Phil Siegel
Phil Siegel from Media Works in San Francisco gives a keynote presentation on working with the media. A special thank you to Christina Sunley...
Published: March 1995

In: People

Philip Patston
Philip talks about growing up, identity, comedy and uniqueness...
Published: February 2013

In: Arts and Media

Rachel Hoskin
Rachel Hoskin talks about Butch: A Photographic Exploration, a social project of reaction to Butch women. The exhibition ran from 18 May -...
Published: July 2017

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2018

Rainbow elders panel
Audio from the Rainbow elders panel, held during Wellington's Pride festival at 19 Tory Street on 25 February 2018. The event was organised...
Published: February 2018

In: Shift hui (2018)

Rainbow history
An exploration of some of the fascinating stories from the histories of our queer communities - focusing on trans history in Wellington and the...
Published: April 2018

In: Parliaments Rainbow Room

Rainbow Room interviews
Attendees are interviewed at the re-opening of the Rainbow Room (Select Committee Room 11) at Parliament on 28 May 2019. 00:05 - Tim Barnett 0247...
Published: May 2019

In: Shift hui (2017)

Rainbows in a Monochrome World
Navigating the world as someone from rainbow communities brings with it many challenges, taking different forms for different people. Dani, Lee, Lilly, Brandon, Ethan...
Published: April 2017

In: Events

Rally for feminism and trans rights
Audio from the rally held on Wednesday 3 May 2023 in Parliament grounds, Wellington. The rally was organised by the Pōneke Anti-Fascist Coalition...
Published: May 2023

In: Snapshot 2000

Randy talks about coming out and first sexual experience...
Published: February 2000

In: People

Randy Alfred
Randy talks about producing the radio programme The Gay Life, which broadcast on KSAN San Francisco in the 1970s and early 1980s. Randy produced...
Published: June 2012

In: People

Rangimoana Taylor
Rangimoana talks about growing up, biculturalism, activism and storytelling...
Published: March 2015

In: Parliaments Rainbow Room

Re-opening of the Rainbow Room
Audio from the re-opening of the Rainbow Room at Parliament. The event also marked the New Zealand launch of Andrew Reynold's book The...
Published: May 2019

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

Remembering Bruce Burnett
Kate Leslie remembers Bruce Burnett - an early AIDS educator and activist in New Zealand. Bruce returned to New Zealand from San Francisco in...
Published: October 2012

In: People

Rene Capone
Rene talks about growing up and working as an artist in San Francisco, USA...
Published: June 2008

In: Religion and Spirituality

Rev. Clay Nelson
Clay talks about his work with St Matthew-in-the-City; particularly organising the church billboards that have gained international attention...
Published: January 2013

In: People

Rick Gerharter
Rick talks about his photo-journalism career, including the early years of photographing AIDS activism in San Francisco...
Published: June 2012

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Rob Lake
Rob talks about activism during homosexual law reform and early responses to HIV AIDS in Wellington...
Published: November 2015

In: People

Robin Duff
Robin Duff talks about many of the activist groups he was involved with in the 1970s, being the first openly gay man in New...
Published: April 2013

In: People

Ronald Trifero Nelson
Ronald talks about growing up and a number of plays that he has written and directed...
Published: April 2010

In: People

Ruth Busch
Ruth talks about her early years in the Bronx, growing up in a Holocaust surviving family, coming out as a lesbian and her legal...
Published: February 2013

In: Events

Service for Virginia Burns
Audio from the service to commemorate and celebrate the life of Virginia Burns (a.k.a Virginia Parker-Bowles). The service was held at Old St...
Published: June 2017

In: Orlando mass shooting

Solidarity with Orlando Candlelight Vigil
Solidarity with Orlando Candlelight Vigil, held at Frank Kitts park - 6pm on 13 June 2016. The vigil was organised by InsideOUT to...
Published: June 2016

In: Papers Past (1970-1979)

Spock Chosen As Candidate (Press, 29 November 1971)
On November 28, 1971, the newly-formed People’s Party held a convention in Dallas, where Dr. Benjamin Spock was selected as the party's presidential candidate...
Published: November 1971

In: Butch on Butch

Stevei talks about identifying as wāhine toa, representing New Zealand in softball and creating art...
Published: February 2015

In: Q12 Waikato

Storm talks about being young and bisexual in 2012...
Published: March 2012

In: Groups and Organisations

The beginnings of
Alison Day interviews Gareth Watkins, the founder of PrideNZ, about the website and how it came about. Alison is currently a Doctoral candidate...
Published: February 2023

In: LILACs 30th birthday celebrations

The history of LILAC
Ellen Faed talks about the history of LILAC - the Lesbian Information, Library and Archives Centre, which was opened on 17 September 1994...
Published: September 2024

In: Georgina Beyer

The Life and Times of Georgina Beyer
Audio from the memorial event for Georgina Beyer (Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Raukawa, and Ngāti Porou), held at the Embassy Theatre in...
Published: July 2023

In: People

Tom ODonoghue
Tom O'Donoghue is interviewed by Pete Duncan in 1993 (exact date unknown), about his journey with HIV and AIDS. Tom was a co-founder of...
Published: 1993

In: Trans Awareness Week 2019

Trans Awareness Week Gala
Interviews with participants and stall holders at the Trans Awareness Week Gala. The event was held at the Newtown Community and Cultural Centre on...
Published: November 2019

In: Events

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2024
Audio from the service at St Andrew's on the Terrace, Wellington to commemorate Transgender Day of Remembrance. The service took place on Sunday 24...
Published: November 2024

In: Beyond Rainbows

Vee talks about identifying as a queer, femme, fat, amazing person who has a mental illness...
Published: March 2015

In: Events

Vigil for Nex Benedict and other victims
Audio from the vigil to honour Nex Benedict and other victims of non-binary and trans violence. The vigil took place in Civic Square...
Published: March 2024

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2019

Wellington International Pride Parade 2019
Audio from the Wellington International Pride Parade held in May 2019. The parade was originally meant to take place on 16 March, but...
Published: May 2019

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2020

Wellington International Pride Parade 2020
Audio from the Wellington International Pride Parade held on 7 March 2020. At the end of the parade (on the waterfront by Circa theatre)...
Published: March 2020