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Tag: memorial

Order by Date

In: Homosexual Law Reform

40 Years Since Homosexual Law Reform
Audio from the Rainbow Wellington event held at Parliament to mark the 40th anniversary of the introduction of Fran Wilde's Homosexual Law Reform Bill...
Published: March 2025

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

AIDS Candlelight Tribute
2023 marks the 40th anniversary of the first people in Aotearoa New Zealand to be identified as living with AIDS. In that same year...
Published: May 2023

In: Events

Always Here
Kerryn Pollock, senior advisor at Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, the country's national historic heritage agency, talks about the Rainbow List Project. The project...
Published: August 2022

In: Groups and Organisations

Archives New Zealand
Donal Raethel, a senior archivist at Archives New Zealand, talks about some of the "wonderous treasures" held in the archive relating to rainbow communities...
Published: October 2016

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

Art, Craft and the AIDS Crisis
Audio from the panel discussion Art, Craft and the AIDS Crisis held at the Dowse Art Museum, Lower Hutt on 26 May 2018...
Published: May 2018

In: Events

Beacons of Hope 1993
Audio from the Beacons of Hope memorial, held at Frank Kitts Park in Wellington on 23 May 1993. Beacons of Hope was the international...
Published: May 1993

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

Bill Logan
Bill talks about the early years of HIV AIDS in Wellington, and the response by groups like the Wellington Gay Switchboard and the AIDS...
Published: May 2015

In: People

Bruce Kilmister
Bruce talks about his childhood, the early years of HIV in New Zealand, the NZ AIDS Foundation, Hero and his work with Body Positive...
Published: June 2013

In: Carmen Rupe

Carmen Rupe memorial, Auckland
Audio from the memorial to Carmen held at St Matthew-in-the-City, Auckland. A special thank you to the Mika Haka Foundation and the New...
Published: February 2012

In: Carmen Rupe

Carmen Rupe memorial, Wellington
Audio from the memorial to Carmen held at Scotty and Mal's Cocktail and Lounge Bar. 0:00:12 - Malcolm Kennedy-Vaughan 0:05:45 - Grant Robertson 0:10:40 - Georgina...
Published: January 2012

In: Events

Charles Allan Aberhart memorial
Audio from the memorial event to honour Allan Aberhart, on the 60th anniversary of his killing in Hagley Park. The memorial took place...
Published: January 2024

In: Events

Charles Allan Aberhart memorial - interviews
Interviews with family members and people who attended the memorial event to honour Allan Aberhart, on the 60th anniversary of his killing in Hagley...
Published: January 2024

In: Groups and Organisations

Charlotte Museum
Miriam Saphira and Jenny Rankine talk about the Charlotte Museum. The museum collects and preserves artefacts of lesbian culture such as labrys, music...
Published: September 2010

In: People

Chloe Coombe profile
Chloe Coombe, PhD candidate in history at the University of Otago, talks about her research: A Study of End-of-Life Care and Cultures of Commemoration...
Published: February 2025

In: Chrissy Witoko and Carmen Rupe memorial seats

Chrissy Witoko and Carmen Rupe memorial seats
Karen Harris from QUILTED BANANAS talks to Gareth and Roger about the background to the Chrissy Witoko and Carmen Rupe memorial seats. The...
Published: September 2022

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

Christina Sunley
Christina from the NAMES Project in San Francisco gives a keynote presentation: The Quilt - a powerful resource for HIV prevention education. A special...
Published: March 1995

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Cleve Jones
Cleve Jones, founder of the NAMES Project, talks to Ian Kember about the AIDS Memorial Quilt. The quilt was first unfolded on 11...
Published: June 1991

In: Events

Crossing the Lines
Brent Coutts talks about his new book Crossing the Lines: The story of three homosexual New Zealand soldiers in WWII. The event was organised...
Published: November 2020

In: People

Daniel Nicoletta
Daniel talks about his photographic career, the Castro in the 1970's and his time with Harvey Milk and Scott Smith. Daniel worked in Harvey...
Published: June 2012

In: Arts and Media

Derek Jarman​ - Delphinium Days exhibition
Graham Frost, Public Programmes Coordinator at City Gallery Wellington Te Whare Toi, walks through the exhibition Derek Jarman​ - Delphinium Days. The exhibition was...
Published: January 2025

In: Relationships

Des Smith and John Jolliff
Des and John talk about their early lives, their relationship, homosexual law reform, the beginnings of HUG (Wellington), the Gay and Lesbian and Fair...
Published: February 2013

In: People

Drew Hadwen
Drew Hadwen talks about the development of the Devotion dance parties/festivals, and the Beacons of Hope services in Wellington in the 1990s...
Published: August 2018

In: Events

E oho! Mana Takatāpui
Audio from the E oho! Mana Takatāpui event held at the National Library on 11 August 2022. The event celebrated 50 years since the...
Published: August 2022

In: Parliamentary proceedings: Conversion Practices Prohibition

First reading of the Bill
Audio from the first reading of the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Justice Minister Kris Faafoi on...
Published: August 2021

In: Locations - Wellington waterfront walk tour

Frank Kitts Park Lagoon
In the 1990s the lagoon was the site for Beacons of Hope - a memorial ceremony for those who had died from AIDS related...
Published: January 2016

In: Issues

Gareth Watkins on PrideNZ and Artificial Intelligence
Gareth Watkins, founder of, is interviewed by Roger Smith about's use of Artificial Intelligence and Gen AI...
Published: December 2024

In: Events

Georgina Beyer taonga pōwhiri
Audio from the pōwhiri for the taonga of Georgina Beyer (Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Porou). The pōwhiri took place on...
Published: August 2024

In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt

Gifting ceremony, Auckland
Audio and images from the gifting ceremony of the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt to Te Papa - the national museum of New Zealand...
Published: April 2012

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Gilbert Smith
Gilbert talks about the history of the quilt in New Zealand and promotes an upcoming silent auction fundraising event. The source of this recording...
Published: October 1993

In: Rainbow Politicians

Grant Robertson - on his retirement as an MP
At the time of his retirement from national politics, Grant Robertson reflects on his time in Parliament. Grant began working at Parliament in 2001...
Published: April 2024

In: People

Hamish Allardice
Hamish talks about being bullied at school, abuse, addiction and recovery. The AIDS Memorial Quilt panel for Rudi and John can be viewed here...
Published: February 2015

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

HIV prevention and youth
A keynote presentation on HIV prevention and youth. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the conference organiser, for allowing this audio to be...
Published: March 1995

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

HIV/AIDS panel discussion
Audio from a panel discussion on HIV/AIDS, held at the New Zealand Film Archive in Wellington on 30 April 2014. On the panel: Ron...
Published: April 2014

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

Ian Smith
Ian talks about the early years of HIV AIDS in Christchurch. Ian also talks about the establishment of the AIDS Support Network, which later...
Published: May 2012

In: Inaugural World AIDS Day Parliamentary Breakfast

Inaugural World AIDS Day Parliamentary Breakfast - Part 2
Audio from the Inaugural World AIDS Day Parliamentary Breakfast, held on 3 December 2024 in Wellington. The recording has been split into two...
Published: December 2024

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2014)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held on Te Marae at Te Papa on 18 May 2014 in Wellington. Parts of the service...
Published: May 2014

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2017)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at the Tararua Tramping Club in Wellington on 21 May 2017. A special thank you...
Published: May 2017

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2018)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at the Tararua Tramping Club in Wellington on 21 May 2018. Parts of the service...
Published: May 2018

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2019)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at the Tararua Tramping Club in Wellington on 19 May 2019. The theme of the...
Published: May 2019

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2021)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at the Tararua Tramping Club in Wellington on 16 May 2021. A special thank you to...
Published: May 2021

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

International Quilt projects
Representatives from Canada, Zambia, and Japan make presentations to the conference. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the conference organiser, for allowing this...
Published: March 1995

In: People

Jacquie Grant ONZM
Jacquie Grant talks about teenage years in Sydney, her time in Wellington in the 1960s and 1970s and her friendships with Carmen Rupe and...
Published: September 2022

In: Events

Johnny Croskery tribute
Audio from the tribute night to the late Johnny Croskery held at Scotty and Mal's Cocktail and Lounge Bar in Wellington. Johnny passed...
Published: May 2012

In: New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt display (2023)

Karakia and interviews
Karakia and interviews from before and after the official presentations at the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt display. The event was held at...
Published: March 2023

In: Participants - Queer History in the Making

Kawika and Bernard
An interview with Kawika Aipa and Bernard Lee, recorded during the community event Queer History in the Making...
Published: September 2015

In: People

Kevin talks about growing up in the 1960s, friendship with Carmen Rupe and the LGBTI rainbow scene in Wellington in the 1970s and later...
Published: November 2021

In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt

Kevin Jensen
Kevin reflects on taking the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt into the community, and designing the quilt website. The recording was made just...
Published: May 2012

In: Events

Leaving a Legacy
Audio from the Leaving a Legacy workshop held at Thistle Hall, Wellington on 14 September 2016. The workshop looked at creative ways to record...
Published: September 2016

In: Groups and Organisations

On the 30th anniversary of the arson attack (11 September 1986) on the Lesbian and Gay Rights Resource Centre in Wellington, LAGANZ curator Linda...
Published: September 2016

In: Trans Awareness Week 2019

Making Trans Histories
Audio from the launch of Trans Past, Trans Present: Making Trans Histories held at Te Papa, Wellington on 17 November 2019. You can...
Published: November 2019

In: Malcolm Vaughan

Malcolm Vaughan profile part 2
Malcolm Vaughan remembers people and venues relating to Wellington's rainbow communities over the last four decades. This is part two of a longer interview...
Published: January 2022

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Michael Bancroft
Michael, guardian of the NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt, talks about the history of the quilt in New Zealand...
Published: June 2010

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Michele Cinq-Mars
Michele Cinq-Mars, Director of Communications for the NAMES Project, talks to Ian Kember about the AIDS Memorial Quilt. This recording was possibly made at...
Published: June 1991

In: Preserve - Creating Our Stories

Miriam Saphira
Miriam talks about establishing the Charlotte Museum Trust - a museum based in Auckland that collects and preserves artefacts of lesbian culture in New...
Published: March 2012

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

Model school display programmes
A presentation on school display programmes in Australia, Thailand and the United Kingdom. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the conference organiser, for...
Published: March 1995

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

National High School Quilt programme
The national High School Quilt programme co-ordinator from the NAMES Project in San Francisco gives a presentation, along with a group of San Jose...
Published: March 1995

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

New Zealand presentation
Warren Butler, New Zealand's representative from the AIDS Memorial Quilt, makes a presentation to the conference. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the...
Published: March 1995

In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt

Nicki and Megan
Nicki and Megan reflect on the quilt panel they made for Robin - Nicki's brother. The recording was made just after the official...
Published: May 2012

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Nicki Eddy and co (1992)
Nicki Eddy and Allan [Warren Butler] talk to Mike Bakers on Radio Pacific about the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt. Special thanks to MediaWorks...
Published: September 1992

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Nicki Eddy and co (1993)
Nicki, Audrey and Beverly talk about the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt and promote an upcoming silent auction fundraising event. The source of this...
Published: October 1993

In: Queer History in the Making

Open mic sessions
Audio from the open mic sessions held during the community event Queer History in the Making, where individuals and community groups were invited to...
Published: September 2015

In: Events

Our Stonewall
2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising in New York City. The uprising, which began on 28 June 1969, is seen...
Published: June 2019

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2018

Out in the Park opening
Audio from the opening of Out in the Park. The event took place on 24 February 2018 at Waitangi Park, Wellington. 00:07 - Waiata...
Published: February 2018

In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt

Packing the Quilt for Te Papa
History curator Stephanie Gibson and collection manager Sara Guthrie pack the last two blocks of the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt for transport to...
Published: April 2012

In: Same Same But Different (2016)

Paddling Your Own Waka
Audio from the session: Paddling Your Own Waka. In a world of the internet, global publishing companies no longer have the same power as...
Published: February 2016

In: Rainbow Pride Community Honours (2015)

Part 3
Part 3 of an honours evening which celebrated people who have made outstanding contributions to the queer and takataapui communities of the Wellington region...
Published: February 2015

In: Our Forgotten Epidemic

Part Four
Our Forgotten Epidemic. Part Four - How we lost so many Our Forgotten Epidemic is a six-part series about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to...
Published: August 2022

In: Our Forgotten Epidemic

Part Two
Our Forgotten Epidemic. Part Two - who was Bruce Burnett? Our Forgotten Epidemic is a six-part series about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to HIV...
Published: August 2022

In: Religion and Spirituality

Peter Lineham
Peter talks about his religious and spiritual journey and how he came to Auckland Community Church...
Published: March 2013

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

Phil Siegel
Phil Siegel from Media Works in San Francisco gives a keynote presentation on working with the media. A special thank you to Christina Sunley...
Published: March 1995

In: People

Phillip Peek
Phillip Peek recalls working at the Sun sauna, a sex-on-site venue, in the mid-1970s and early 1980s and participating in homosexual law reform activities...
Published: July 2018

In: Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation

Poutokomanawa interviews
Interviews with people at the opening of the exhibition Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation. The exhibition runs from 20 September - 15 December...
Published: September 2019

In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt

Presentation at Te Papa
Audio from a presentation given by Michael Bancroft and Nicki Eddy at Te Papa - national museum of New Zealand. The presentation was...
Published: May 2012

In: New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt display (2023)

Presentations at the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt display. The event was held at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa on...
Published: March 2023

In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt

Preserving the Quilt
Textile conservator Rachael Collinge and textile conservation volunteer Anne Williams talk about the process of preserving the quilt panels. Special thanks to Te Papa...
Published: August 2012

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Radio advert
Radio advert used to promote viewings of the New Zealand AIDS Memorial at the Manukau City Shopping Centre in late 1994. This advert was...
Published: October 1994

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Radio Gala (8 July 1990)
This Radio Gala retrospective programme contains a rich collection of audio actuality from the 1985-86 period of homosexual law reform. Much of the material...
Published: July 1990

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2020

Rainbow Pasefika 2020
Audio from the Rainbow Pasefika 2020 event, held at Wellington Museum on 29 February 2020 during Wellington's Pride festival. 00:05 - Leilani Sio, event...
Published: February 2020

In: Groups and Organisations

Rainbow taonga at Te Papa
History curators Stephanie Gibson and Lynette Townsend showcase some of the many rainbow taonga held in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa...
Published: August 2016

In: Groups and Organisations

Rainbow taonga at Te Papa (2019)
Curator Stephanie Gibson talks about rainbow taonga held in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa...
Published: August 2019

In: People

Randy Alfred
Randy talks about producing the radio programme The Gay Life, which broadcast on KSAN San Francisco in the 1970s and early 1980s. Randy produced...
Published: June 2012

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Remembering Neil Costelloe
Jayne (sitting by an open fire) remembers her brother Neil Costelloe. Neil was very active in the fight for homosexual law reform in the...
Published: April 2016

In: Walk Tours

Resonance walk tour
Join the team from Walk Tours NZ for the Resonance walk tour in Wellington...
Published: May 2020

In: Religion and Spirituality

Rev. Clay Nelson
Clay talks about his work with St Matthew-in-the-City; particularly organising the church billboards that have gained international attention...
Published: January 2013

In: People

Rex Halliday
Rex talks about growing up in New Plymouth, the Gay Liberation movement, early HIV AIDS prevention programmes and establishing the Hero party and festival...
Published: April 2013

In: People

Rick Gerharter
Rick talks about his photo-journalism career, including the early years of photographing AIDS activism in San Francisco...
Published: June 2012

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Rob Lake
Rob talks about activism during homosexual law reform and early responses to HIV AIDS in Wellington...
Published: November 2015

In: People

Ruth Busch
Ruth talks about her early years in the Bronx, growing up in a Holocaust surviving family, coming out as a lesbian and her legal...
Published: February 2013

In: Events

Samesame But Different: Te Whanganui-a-Tara edition
Audio from the Samesame But Different event held at the National Library on 23 September 2022. Emily Writes chairs a panel of poets: Cadence...
Published: September 2022

In: Locations - Wellington waterfront walk tour

St James Theatre
The Topp Twins, Douglas Wright, Michael Parmenter have all performed at the St. James. The theatre is also the home of the Royal New...
Published: January 2016

In: Gifting the Quilt to Te Papa - NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt

Stephanie Gibson
History curator Stephanie Gibson talks about the process of Te Papa becoming the guardian of the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt. The Quilt was...
Published: May 2012

In: Groups and Organisations

The beginnings of
Alison Day interviews Gareth Watkins, the founder of PrideNZ, about the website and how it came about. Alison is currently a Doctoral candidate...
Published: February 2023

In: Georgina Beyer

The Life and Times of Georgina Beyer
Audio from the memorial event for Georgina Beyer (Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Raukawa, and Ngāti Porou), held at the Embassy Theatre in...
Published: July 2023

In: Events

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2024
Audio from the service at St Andrew's on the Terrace, Wellington to commemorate Transgender Day of Remembrance. The service took place on Sunday 24...
Published: November 2024

In: Walk Tours

Turquoise walk tour
Join the team from Walk Tours NZ for the Resonance walk tour in Wellington...
Published: July 2020

In: Chrissy Witoko and Carmen Rupe memorial seats

Unveiling of the memorial seats
Audio from the unveiling of the memorial seats for Chrissy Witoko and Carmen Rupe. The seats, located on the corner of Cuba and Vivian...
Published: October 2022

In: Queer History 101

Ursula Bethell
Alison talks about the New Zealand poet Ursula Bethell...
Published: January 2011

In: Walk Tours

Violet walk tour
Join the team from Walk Tours NZ for the Resonance walk tour in Wellington...
Published: June 2020

In: People

Welby Ings
Welby talks about growing up, his involvement in homosexual law reform, the early days of HIV AIDS in New Zealand and his films Boy...
Published: September 2012

In: Walk Tours

Wellington waterfront
Take a self-guided circular 1-hour walk tour around the Wellington waterfront and discover some historic rainbow locations. Most of the 24 locations have companion...
Published: January 2016

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2016

William Spurlin
Audio from Prof. William Spurlin's talk: What we know from the historical record - the persecution of lesbians and gay men under the Third...
Published: March 2016

In: Walk Tours

Yellow walk tour
Join the team from Walk Tours NZ for the Yellow walk tour in Wellington...
Published: June 2020