In: Wellington Pride Festival 2018
A Fresh Start for Human Rights
Audio from the public forum A Fresh Start for Human Rights, held during Wellington's Pride festival at St Andrew's on 7 March 2018. In...
Published: March 2018
In: Proud 2016
A Refugee Among Refugees
Eliana's case attracted international media attention after she was detained at Hong Kong International Airport's immigration facility for over 8-months as her appearance did...
Published: March 2016
In: Events
Against Equality
Audio from Ryan Conrad's community presentation. The discussion was held at 17 Tory Street, Wellington on 1 March 2015. Special thanks to The...
Published: March 2015
In: Ageing
Aged Care Research
Michal talks about research into the care of Rainbow people in aged residential care in New Zealand...
Published: May 2013
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
AIDS Candlelight Tribute
2023 marks the 40th anniversary of the first people in Aotearoa New Zealand to be identified as living with AIDS. In that same year...
Published: May 2023
In: AIDS Candlelight Tribute
AIDS Candlelight Tribute (video)
2023 marks the 40th anniversary of the first people in Aotearoa New Zealand to be identified as living with AIDS. In that same year...
Published: May 2023
In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009
Alison Laurie
Elizabeth Kerekere introduces a queer history talk by Alison Laurie...
Published: January 2009
In: Q12 Auckland
Allia talks about being young and pansexual in 2012. Allia talked to Ben during the Hui Putahi, held at Tapu te Ranga Marae in...
Published: July 2012
In: Keynote speakers - AsiaPacific Outgames
Annette Xiberras
Annette Xiberras delivers a keynote presentation. Annette is introduced by David Huebner, the United States Ambassador to New Zealand. The presentation happened during...
Published: March 2011
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Archives New Zealand
Lenette Breytenbach, a digitisation assistant at Archives New Zealand, talks about what the archive holds relating to homosexual law reform...
Published: March 2021
In: GayNZ
Ask our expert
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Ask our expert...
Published: January 2000
In: Auckland Pride Festival 2013
Auckland Pride Parade
2013 saw the first parade held in Auckland in over a decade. The parade also saw the NZ Defence Force march for the...
Published: February 2013
In: Arts and Media
Audio preservation
John talks about preserving audio/visual material for the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco. John was responsible for preserving approximately 250 episodes of The...
Published: June 2012
In: Tranzform
Bella Simpson - Tranzform
Bella Simpson talks about being one of the first members of Tranzform, a youth support group established in Wellington in 2008...
Published: May 2019
In: Q12 The Tour
Benji Watt
Benji Watt, producer of Q12 The Tour, talks about the tour and his personal journey...
Published: September 2012
In: GayNZ
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Books...
Published: January 2000
In: Queen of the Whole Universe
Brian Andrews and Matthew Hunt
Brian Andrews talks about photographing the Queen of the Whole Universe and Matthew Hunt talks about performing in the beauty pageant...
Published: May 2012
In: Butch on Butch
Cathie describes what it is like being queer in the legal profession and doing stand-up comedy...
Published: April 2015
In: Rainbow Politicians
Charles Chauvel
Charles Chauvel from the Labour Party talks to Jo Jackson about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: October 2012
In: Parliamentary Proceedings
Charles Chauvel - Maiden Speech (1 August 2006)
CHARLES CHAUVEL (Labour): Madam Speaker, my first public acknowledgment of you came in 1994 at the University of Auckland, in the preface to my...
Published: August 2006
In: Groups and Organisations
Charlotte Museum
Miriam Saphira and Jenny Rankine talk about the Charlotte Museum. The museum collects and preserves artefacts of lesbian culture such as labrys, music...
Published: September 2010
In: People
Chloe Coombe profile
Chloe Coombe, PhD candidate in history at the University of Otago, talks about her research: A Study of End-of-Life Care and Cultures of Commemoration...
Published: February 2025
In: People
Claire Ryan
Claire Ryan talks about disability, gender and sexual identity...
Published: February 2010
In: Arts and Media
Cole Hampton
Cole Hampton talks about growing up, creating Pamela Hancock, Pride, and the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand. Cole passed away on...
Published: March 2020
In: GayNZ
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Comment...
Published: January 2000
In: GayNZ
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Community...
Published: January 2000
In: Arts and Media
Confessions of a Drag Queen
Ricky Burjac talks about Confessions of a Drag Queen...
Published: December 2010
In: Beyond Rainbows
Danny talks about stereotypes, aspirations and gay asian representation...
Published: July 2015
In: People
David and Rae
David and Rae talk about coming out, identity and relationships...
Published: July 2012
In: Queen of the Whole Universe
David Inglis
David talks about being part of the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant...
Published: April 2012
In: Arts and Media
David Oxenbridge on Interference
David Oxenbridge is the associate producer and social impact producer of a new feature documentary in development with the working title of Interference...
Published: January 2024
In: Relationships
Des Smith and John Jolliff
Des and John talk about their early lives, their relationship, homosexual law reform, the beginnings of HUG (Wellington), the Gay and Lesbian and Fair...
Published: February 2013
In: Rainbow Politicians
Elizabeth Kerekere
Elizabeth Kerekere from the Green Party talks to Regis Perez about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: November 2022
In: Events
Elizabeth Kerekere farewell from Parliament
Audio from MP Elizabeth Kerekere's farewell event held at Parliament on 16 August 2023. A special thank you to the organisers and participants...
Published: August 2023
In: South: Otago
Ellen talks about coming out and identifying as bisexual...
Published: May 2014
In: Civil Unions
Enough is Enough (2004)
MP Georgina Beyer confronts Destiny Church followers on the steps of Parliament during the Enough is Enough march and rally. Thousands of Destiny Church...
Published: August 2004
In: GayNZ
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Entertainment...
Published: January 2000
In: GayNZ
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Events...
Published: January 2000
In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009
Extreme Taupo
Wai Ho talks to people from the peer support group Extreme Taupo...
Published: January 2009
In: Marriage Equality Conference
Faith Forum
Rev. Dr. Margaret Maymen leads a discussion on the faith-based Christian case for marriage equality, and provides some "spiritual self-defence" strategies for difficult conversations...
Published: December 2012
In: GayNZ
Features (1)
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Features (1)...
Published: January 2000
In: GayNZ
Features (2)
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Features (2)...
Published: January 2000
In: Events
Fighting for Our Lives
Audio from the online event hosted by Queer Endurance/Defiance and the Wellington Workers' Educational Association. A special thank you to the participants and organisers...
Published: May 2022
In: Parliamentary proceedings: Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences)
First reading of the Bill
Audio from the first reading of the Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences) Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by...
Published: July 2017
In: Keynote speakers - AsiaPacific Outgames
Fuimaono Karl Pulotu-Endemann
Fuimaono Karl Pulotu-Endemann delivers a keynote presentation. Karl is introduced by Kevin Hague. The presentation happened during the opening plenary: Intersectionality - the whole...
Published: March 2011
In: Issues
Gareth Watkins on PrideNZ and Artificial Intelligence
Gareth Watkins, founder of, is interviewed by Roger Smith about's use of Artificial Intelligence and Gen AI...
Published: December 2024
In: Participants - Queer History in the Making
Gay Line Wellington
An interview with John Mayes from Gay Line Wellington. This interview was recorded during the community event Queer History in the Making...
Published: September 2015
In: Collections
GayNZ was a news, features and commentary website focussing on LGBTI rainbow issues in Aotearoa New Zealand. It ran for approximately 16 years (2001-2017)...
In: Religion and Spirituality
Geno Sisneros
Geno talks about the journey to becoming ordained as a priest in the Anglican Church, and taking a case against the Bishop of Auckland...
Published: May 2013
In: Georgina Beyer
Georgina Beyer
Georgina reflects on her childhood, various careers and time in public office. Georgina has also recorded interviews about
significant legislation (prostitution reform, civil unions and...
Published: January 2013
In: Parliamentary Proceedings
Georgina Beyer - Maiden Speech (9 February 2000)
GEORGINA BEYER (NZ Labour—Wairarapa): I find it a privilege to stand in this House today to speak for the first time. I would like...
Published: February 2000
In: Georgina Beyer
Georgina Beyer - people remembered
Georgina Beyer remembers some memorable people and situations - including Queen Elizabeth II, Ruby Wax, Jerry Hall, John Banks and facilitating a meeting in...
Published: January 2013
In: Rainbow Politicians
Georgina Beyer - significant legislation
Georgina Beyer reflects on some of the significant legislation passed during her time in Parliament: the Prostitution Reform Act (2003), Civil Unions Act (2004)...
Published: January 2013
In: Civil Unions
Georgina Beyer and Brian Tamaki
MP Georgina Beyer and Brian Tamaki from Destiny Church debate civil unions on the Holmes television programme. It was broadcast live nationwide just...
Published: August 2004
In: Rainbow Politicians
Glen Bennett
Glen Bennett from the Labour Party talks to Regis Perez about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: November 2022
In: Rainbow Politicians
Grant Robertson
Grant Robertson from the Labour Party talks to Jo Jackson about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: October 2012
In: Parliamentary Proceedings
Grant Robertson - Maiden Speech (9 December 2008)
GRANT ROBERTSON (Labour—Wellington Central): E te Pika, tēnā koe. Ki ngā mema o tēnei Whare, tēnā koutou katoa. Tēnei e mihi ana ki ngā...
Published: December 2008
In: Rainbow Politicians
Grant Robertson - on his retirement as an MP
At the time of his retirement from national politics, Grant Robertson reflects on his time in Parliament. Grant began working at Parliament in 2001...
Published: April 2024
In: GayNZ
Hall of fame
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Hall of fame...
Published: January 2000
In: People
Hamish Allardice
Hamish talks about being bullied at school, abuse, addiction and recovery. The AIDS Memorial Quilt panel for Rudi and John can be viewed here...
Published: February 2015
In: GayNZ
Health and HIV
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Health and HIV...
Published: January 2000
In: GayNZ
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: HIV...
Published: January 2000
In: Proud 2016
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence
Audio from the workshop: Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence. Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence is dedicated to building rainbow communities...
Published: March 2016
In: Gallery
Hugo Gong
Hugo is a photographer based in Wellington, New Zealand. Many of these images were shot during a trip to South America...
Published: 2010
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2017
Human Rights with Richard Tankersley
Audio from a presentation by Human Rights Commissioner Richard Tankersley on human rights issues facing rainbow and gender diverse communities in Aotearoa New Zealand...
Published: March 2017
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Ian Smith
Ian talks about the early years of HIV AIDS in Christchurch. Ian also talks about the establishment of the AIDS Support Network, which later...
Published: May 2012
In: Events
Audio from the IDAHOBIT flag raising ceremony held on the forecourt of Parliament. The event marked the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia...
Published: May 2018
In: Inaugural World AIDS Day Parliamentary Breakfast
Inaugural World AIDS Day Parliamentary Breakfast - Part 2
Audio from the Inaugural World AIDS Day Parliamentary Breakfast, held on 3 December 2024 in Wellington. The recording has been split into two...
Published: December 2024
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2018)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at the Tararua Tramping Club in Wellington on 21 May 2018. Parts of the service...
Published: May 2018
In: GayNZ
International news
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: International news...
Published: January 2000
In: Parliaments Rainbow Room
Jan Logie tours the Rainbow Room
MP Jan Logie tours the newly refurnished Rainbow Room at Parliament...
Published: August 2019
In: People
Jerome Cargill
Jerome talks about being a teacher who is openly gay, the Newlands College diversity group and why its important to make sure diversity is...
Published: May 2016
In: Making a Difference
Johnny Givins
Johnny talks about growing up, producing the television series Queer Nation and documenting the Hero parades...
Published: February 2011
In: Auckland Pride Festival 2013
Julian Cook
Pride Festival Co-ordinator Julian Cook talks about some of the sixty events happening during the Auckland Pride Festival 2013. For more details about the...
Published: February 2013
In: Out in the Park participants (2016)
Kaleb talks about School's Out, OuterSpaces, Tranzform and Naming New Zealand...
Published: March 2016
In: Religion and Spirituality
Kathy Baldock
Kathy Baldock, a straight Evangelical Christian LGBTI ally, talks about the current marriage equality debate in Australia, the changing nature of the Salvation Army...
Published: September 2016
In: Making a Difference
Katija Vlatkovich
Katija talks about growing up, working with Rainbow Youth and organizing Proud Mary...
Published: February 2011
In: People
Kevin talks about growing up in the 1960s, friendship with Carmen Rupe and the LGBTI rainbow scene in Wellington in the 1970s and later...
Published: November 2021
In: Queen of the Whole Universe
Kevin Baker
Kevin, a.k.a. Buffy from Buffy and Bimbo, talks about being part of the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant. Kevin died on 22...
Published: January 2012
In: People
Kevin Hague profile
On the eve of his departure from Parliament, MP Kevin Hague reflects on his time in politics as well as earlier activism around apartheid...
Published: September 2016
In: People
Kiritapu Allan
In 2008 Gay Line Wellington commissioned a series of interviews with young people from the rainbow community. One of those interviewed was 24-year-old...
Published: 2008
In: People
Kym Strathdee
Since the 1970s Kym Strathdee has photographed queer events and people around the world - including in Auckland, Wellington, Sydney, Melbourne and San Francisco...
Published: June 2022
In: People
Lana Lawless
Lana talks about growing up, transitioning and becoming the 2008 women's world long drive golf champion. Lana was the first professional transsexual woman golfer...
Published: June 2012
In: Same Same But Different (2016)
Larger Than Life Stories
Audio from the session: Larger Than Life Stories. Alison Mau wrote the remarkable story of Liz Roberts, the first New Zealander to undergo full...
Published: February 2016
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2018
LBGTI+ education forum
Audio from the LBGTI+ education forum, held during Wellington's Pride festival at St Andrews on the Terrace on 27 February 2018. The event...
Published: February 2018
In: Auckland Pride Festival 2013
Lesbian heritage walk
Miriam Saphira takes a tour group around some of the historic lesbian sites in central Auckland. A special thank you to the Charlotte Museum...
Published: February 2013
In: Arts and Media
Library of Congress
The United States Library of Congress has selected the website for preservation in the Library of Congress Web Archive. RNZ's Bryan Crump talks...
Published: August 2021
In: GayNZ
Living well
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Living well...
Published: January 2000
In: Q12 Taranaki
Lou talks about being young, demisexual and panromantic in 2012...
Published: August 2012
In: Locations - Wellington waterfront walk tour
Lower Cuba Street
Lower Cuba Street has seen a number of rainbow-related events. In the mid-1980s there was a pro-homosexual law reform march and in 2015 the...
Published: January 2016
In: Queen of the Whole Universe
Maggie Munford
Maggie talks about performing in the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant...
Published: June 2012
In: Malcolm Vaughan
Malcolm Vaughan profile
Malcolm Vaughan talks about the many Wellington bars and hospitality establishments he has owned or worked in over the last four decades. This...
Published: January 2022
In: Malcolm Vaughan
Malcolm Vaughan profile part 2
Malcolm Vaughan remembers people and venues relating to Wellington's rainbow communities over the last four decades. This is part two of a longer interview...
Published: January 2022
In: Parliamentary Proceedings
Maryan Street - Maiden Speech
MARYAN STREET (Labour): Te Rangatira o tenei Whare tena koe! Nga mema nei o tenei Paremata, tena koutou. E nga iwi katoa, tena koutou...
Published: November 2005
In: People
Meg Torwl
Meg Torwl, a multidisciplinary artist, talks about her life and creative process. You can view some of Meg's photography here. Meg died a few...
Published: March 2013
In: AIDS Memorial Quilt
Michael Bancroft
Michael, guardian of the NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt, talks about the history of the quilt in New Zealand...
Published: June 2010
In: Queen of the Whole Universe
Michael Sanders
Michael talks about being one of the choreographers for the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant...
Published: April 2012
In: Preserve - Creating Our Stories
Miriam Saphira
Miriam talks about establishing the Charlotte Museum Trust - a museum based in Auckland that collects and preserves artefacts of lesbian culture in New...
Published: March 2012
In: GayNZ
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Movies...
Published: January 2000
In: GayNZ
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Music...
Published: January 2000
In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009
NAGS Nelson
Wai Ho talks to Tabby Besley about NAGS in Nelson and an unidentified person talks about a workshop on sexuality and gender...
Published: January 2009
In: GayNZ
National news
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: National news...
Published: January 2000
In: People
Neville Creighton
Neville talks about his background, becoming the first Director of the New Zealand AIDS Foundation, secondary school teaching, and managing the Gayline counseling service...
Published: February 2013
In: Arts and Media
New Zealand Cartoons and Comics Archive
Sam Orchard, Assistant Curator Cartoons and Comics at the Alexander Turnbull Library, talks about the history of the New Zealand Cartoons and Comics Archive...
Published: January 2022
In: GayNZ
New Zealand writing
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: New Zealand writing...
Published: January 2000
In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009
North Canterbury
Wai Ho talks to Kerry Brown about the North Canterbury queer support group...
Published: January 2009
In: Same Same But Different (2016)
Now and Then
Audio from the session: Now and Then. A mash-up of readings of new voices and established writers noted for their evocation of our challenging...
Published: February 2016
In: Queer History in the Making
Open mic sessions
Audio from the open mic sessions held during the community event Queer History in the Making, where individuals and community groups were invited to...
Published: September 2015
In: GayNZ
Our communities
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Our communities...
Published: January 2000
In: Events
Our Stonewall
2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising in New York City. The uprising, which began on 28 June 1969, is seen...
Published: June 2019
In: Groups and Organisations
Out in the Bay
Eric Jansen talks about Out in the Bay - a weekly queer radio show in San Francisco...
Published: June 2008
In: Groups and Organisations
Out Loud radio
Noah Miller talks about the creation of Out Loud radio in San Francisco...
Published: July 2008
In: GayNZ
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Outgames...
Published: January 2000
In: Same Same But Different (2016)
Paddling Your Own Waka
Audio from the session: Paddling Your Own Waka. In a world of the internet, global publishing companies no longer have the same power as...
Published: February 2016
In: GayNZ
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: People...
Published: January 2000
In: GayNZ
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Performance...
Published: January 2000
In: Out in the Park participants (2016)
Peter and partner
Peter and partner reflect on life before homosexual law reform, their civil union and attending Out in the Park...
Published: March 2016
In: Religion and Spirituality
Peter Lineham
Peter talks about his religious and spiritual journey and how he came to Auckland Community Church...
Published: March 2013
In: People
Peter Wells
Peter talks about the journey as a film maker and writer...
Published: October 2013
In: Events
Peter Wells on Little Queen
Film maker and author Peter Wells, discusses his short film Little Queen (1984) at City Gallery Wellington Te Whare Toi, on 3 May 2018...
Published: May 2018
In: People
Philip Patston
Philip talks about growing up, identity, comedy and uniqueness...
Published: February 2013
In: GayNZ
Politics and religion
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Politics and religion...
Published: January 2000
In: New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt display (2023)
Presentations at the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt display. The event was held at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa on...
Published: March 2023
In: GayNZ
Pride news
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Pride news...
Published: January 2000
In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009
Qtopia Christchurch
Wai Ho finds out more about the youth support group Qtopia...
Published: January 2009
In: Events
Queer Arts Festival hub
Jess Ducey, co-founder of the Queer Arts Festival talks about the inaugural festival which ran in Wellington from 30 May to 5 June 2022...
Published: June 2022
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2018
Rainbow elders panel
Audio from the Rainbow elders panel, held during Wellington's Pride festival at 19 Tory Street on 25 February 2018. The event was organised...
Published: February 2018
In: Shift hui (2018)
Rainbow history
An exploration of some of the fascinating stories from the histories of our queer communities - focusing on trans history in Wellington and the...
Published: April 2018
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2020
Rainbow Pasefika 2020
Audio from the Rainbow Pasefika 2020 event, held at Wellington Museum on 29 February 2020 during Wellington's Pride festival. 00:05 - Leilani Sio, event...
Published: February 2020
In: Groups and Organisations
Rainbow taonga at Te Papa (2019)
Curator Stephanie Gibson talks about rainbow taonga held in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa...
Published: August 2019
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Ray talks about the history of HIV+ support groups in Canterbury - including Body Positive Canterbury and POS Plus. Ray also talks about the...
Published: May 2012
In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009
Reactions to day 1
Hui participants reflect on the first day of the hui...
Published: January 2009
In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009
Reactions to day 3
Hui participants reflect on the third day of the hui...
Published: January 2009
In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009
Recently out participant
Wai Ho talks to a hui participant who has recently come out...
Published: January 2009
In: Religion and Spirituality
Rev. Dr. Margaret Mayman
Margaret talks about religion and spirituality...
Published: February 2010
In: Rainbow Politicians
Ricardo Menéndez March
Ricardo Menéndez March from the Green Party talks to Regis Perez about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: November 2022
In: Queen of the Whole Universe
Robert Grieve
Robert talks about being part of the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant...
Published: June 2012
In: Queen of the Whole Universe
Ron New
Ron talks about being part of the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant...
Published: May 2012
In: People
Ronald Trifero Nelson
Ronald talks about growing up and a number of plays that he has written and directed...
Published: April 2010
In: GayNZ
Safe sex
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Safe sex...
Published: January 2000
In: Events
Schools Out
Audio from a School's Out broadcast on Wellington Access Radio in 2007. Mike, Craig and Tyler talk about growing up, HIV AIDS and...
Published: December 2007
In: Beyond conference
Session 13
Audio from the session: Imperialism, Nationalism and Queer Liberation. Western discourse often uses gay rights, women's rights, and gender politics to justify imperialism (for...
Published: October 2013
In: C.L.I.T Fest Wellington 2013
Session 2
Audio from the session: Sex work. Participants include Kate Scarlet, Catherine Healy, Vita, Chanel Hati and Rouge...
Published: June 2013
In: Rainbow Politicians
Shanan Halbert
Shanan Halbert from the Labour Party talks to Regis Perez about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: November 2022
In: Q12 Taranaki
Shaun talks about being gay in 2012...
Published: August 2012
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Shelley Te Waiariki Howard
Shelley talks about being in the military during homosexual law reform, the need to repress and then express her femininity, and the power of...
Published: October 2015
In: People
Stuart Douce
Stuart talks about some of the issues with being a gay teacher at a single-sex secondary school...
Published: October 2010
In: People
Sue Alexander - Lesbian clipping collection
Sue Alexander talks about her lesbian clippings collections that spans over forty years. The interview was recorded at LILAC, Wellington's lending library for...
Published: November 2024
In: Rainbow Politicians
Tangi Utikere
Tangi Utikere from the Labour Party talks to Regis Perez about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: November 2022
In: Butch on Butch
Tasha talks about powerlifting and acceptance in sport...
Published: March 2015
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Ted Greensmith-West
In the 30th anniversary year of homosexual law reform, Ted considers three areas that still require attention: legislative change, social acceptance and international diplomacy...
Published: June 2016
In: GayNZ
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Television...
Published: January 2000
In: Groups and Organisations
The beginnings of
Alison Day interviews Gareth Watkins, the founder of PrideNZ, about the website and how it came about. Alison is currently a Doctoral candidate...
Published: February 2023
In: Arts and Media
The digital life of rainbow youth
John Fenaughty reflects on how digital technologies are impacting on rainbow youth...
Published: March 2013
In: LILACs 30th birthday celebrations
The history of LILAC
Ellen Faed talks about the history of LILAC - the Lesbian Information, Library and Archives Centre, which was opened on 17 September 1994...
Published: September 2024
In: Georgina Beyer
The Life and Times of Georgina Beyer
Audio from the memorial event for Georgina Beyer (Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Raukawa, and Ngāti Porou), held at the Embassy Theatre in...
Published: July 2023
In: Groups and Organisations
The Womens Bookshop
Carole Beu talks about establishing The Women's Bookshop - an independent bookshop which opened in Auckland in 1989...
Published: June 2013
In: Parliamentary proceedings: Marriage Equality
Third reading of the Bill
Audio from the third reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Labour MP Louisa Wall...
Published: April 2013
In: Rainbow Politicians
Tim Barnett
Tim Barnett talks about growing up in the United Kingdom; becoming Britain's "first professional homosexual"; moving to New Zealand and becoming a Member of...
Published: November 2013
In: Tiwhanawhana
Tiwhanawhana interviews
Interviews with members of Tiwhanawhana at the event to celebrate Tiwhanawhana's 20th anniversary on 15 March 2021 at Thistle Hall, Wellington. 00:01 - Kevin...
Published: March 2021
In: People
Tony Smith
Tony talks about being married with children and then coming out in his 50s...
Published: October 2013
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2021
Trans Archives Zine launch
Audio from the launch of the second volume of the collaborative zine The Archive is Alive. The zine was the outcome of an intensive...
Published: March 2021
In: GayNZ
True stories
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: True stories...
Published: January 2000
In: Events
Unsettled Diasporas
Audio from Unsettled Diasporas - a panel discussion on Asian feminism from contributors to Mellow Yellow, a local Asian feminist zine. The panel...
Published: August 2015
In: Out in the Park participants (2018)
Valda Edyvane
Valda Edyvane talks about the Armstrong and Arthur Charitable Trust for Lesbians...
Published: February 2018
In: Marriage Equality
Vaughans getting married
Vaughan shares his thoughts on his upcoming marriage to Shane...
Published: March 2013
In: Walk Tours
Violet walk tour
Join the team from Walk Tours NZ for the Resonance walk tour in Wellington...
Published: June 2020
In: Tranzform
Wai Ho - Tranzform
Wai Ho, co-founder of Tranzform, talks about the early days of the youth support group which was established in Wellington in 2008...
Published: May 2019
In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009
Waikato Queer Youth
Wai Ho learns about the Waikato Queer Youth support group...
Published: January 2009
In: GayNZ
Weddings and civil unions
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Weddings and civil unions...
Published: January 2000
In: Rainbow Studies Now 2023
Welby Ings - keynote
Professor Welby Ings delivers the keynote address at the symposium Rainbow Studies Now: Legacies of Community. Welby is introduced by Dr. Rebekah Galbraith...
Published: November 2023
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2020
Wellington International Pride Parade 2020
Audio from the Wellington International Pride Parade held on 7 March 2020. At the end of the parade (on the waterfront by Circa theatre)...
Published: March 2020
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2017
Wellington Pride Parade 2017
Audio from the Wellington Pride Parade 2017. This was the first time in over two decades that a pride parade has marched through the...
Published: March 2017
In: Queen of the Whole Universe
Wendy Cunningham and Melanie Church
Wendy and Melanie talk about performing in the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant as both a girl and a boy...
Published: February 2012
In: GayNZ
Worth checking out
A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Worth checking out...
Published: January 2000
In: Walk Tours
Yellow walk tour
Join the team from Walk Tours NZ for the Yellow walk tour in Wellington...
Published: June 2020