In: Issues
A Place to Stand
MP Jan Logie's speech in Parliament on 14 February 2018 during the General Debate. Jan pays tribute to Dana de Milo, speaks about...
Published: February 2018
In: Beyond Rainbows
Adrian talks about pan-sexuality and gender identity...
Published: November 2013
In: Uplifting Takatāpui and Rainbow Elder Voices
Ageing - Freedom, Changes and Ageism
A 16-part podcast series produced by Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura and Rainbow Hub Waikato. The team set out to explore the experiences of Takatāpui...
Published: October 2023
In: People
Alison Laurie
Alison talks about growing up and being involved in queer activism from the 1960s...
Published: February 2010
In: Q12 Auckland
Allia talks about being young and pansexual in 2012. Allia talked to Ben during the Hui Putahi, held at Tapu te Ranga Marae in...
Published: July 2012
In: Beyond Rainbows
Andie talks about identifying as a genderqueer christian libertarian...
Published: November 2014
In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames
Angela King
Angela King from New Zealand talks about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011
In: Butch on Butch
Ann-Marie talks about religion, a 19-year relationship and three commitment ceremonies...
Published: April 2015
In: Making a Difference
Anne Speir
Anne talks about growing up, working in the media, activism in the 1970s and 1980s, working on the Hero events in the 1990s and...
Published: February 2011
In: Making a Difference
Aunty Wai Mason
Aunty Wai talks about being a kaumatua for the NZ AIDS Foundation...
Published: January 2011
In: Events
Beacons of Hope 1993
Audio from the Beacons of Hope memorial, held at Frank Kitts Park in Wellington on 23 May 1993. Beacons of Hope was the international...
Published: May 1993
In: People of colour Decolonisation hui
Belinda Borell
Belinda gives a keynote presentation at the hui...
Published: February 2012
In: Uplifting Takatāpui and Rainbow Elder Voices
Belonging, Acceptance And Surviving Discrimination
A 16-part podcast series produced by Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura and Rainbow Hub Waikato. The team set out to explore the experiences of Takatāpui...
Published: October 2023
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Bill Logan
Bill talks about being part of various groups that rallied in support of homosexual law reform. A selection of David Hindley's images to do...
Published: June 2015
In: Rainbow Touchstones
Mary talks about growing up and dealing with depression...
Published: August 2010
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Body Positive
Charlie, Ron and Ngapoe talk about Body Positive - a group founded by and run for people living with HIV and AIDS in New...
Published: July 2012
In: People
Caren Wilton
Caren talks about growing up in Masterton in the 1960s, moving to Wellington, feminism, lesbianism and bisexuality. Caren then goes on to talk about...
Published: April 2023
In: South: Otago
Christina talks about growing up and living in Dunedin...
Published: May 2014
In: Parliamentary proceedings: Marriage Equality
Committee of the whole House
Audio from the Committee of the whole House debate on the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill. The Bill passed this stage without any...
Published: March 2013
In: Parliamentary proceedings: homosexual law reform
Committee of the Whole House (5 March 1986)
Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 5 March 1986. A more detailed log...
Published: March 1986
In: Ceremonies - AsiaPacific Outgames
Conference opening
Audio from the opening of the Human Rights conference. The opening took place in the Ilott Theatre, Wellington Town Hall. 00:10 - Barry Taylor...
Published: March 2011
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Crimes Amendment Bill (1974)
In 1974 Venn Young, National MP for Egmont, introduced the Crimes Amendment Bill. The Bill sought to legalise homosexual activity between consenting adults...
Published: July 1975
In: Relationships
Des Smith and John Jolliff
Des and John talk about their early lives, their relationship, homosexual law reform, the beginnings of HUG (Wellington), the Gay and Lesbian and Fair...
Published: February 2013
In: Older Gay Men
Donald Stenhouse
Don talks about what it's like to be an older gay man. Don died on 7 January 2018. In 2011 Don was interviewed with...
Published: September 2012
In: Rainbow Politicians
Elizabeth Kerekere
Elizabeth Kerekere from the Green Party talks to Regis Perez about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: November 2022
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Elizabeth Kerekere
Elizabeth reflects on her early activist years with the Black Women's movement, homosexual law reform, the formation of Tiwhanawhana and the new resource booklet...
Published: December 2015
In: Rainbow Voices of Aotearoa New Zealand
Elizabeth Kerekere
As part of Project Uplift (the refurbishment of the Rainbow Room) a documentary was produced by the Office of the Clerk/Parliamentary Service to tell...
Published: April 2019
In: Q12 Hawke's Bay
Erik talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: Marriage Equality Conference
Faith Forum
Rev. Dr. Margaret Maymen leads a discussion on the faith-based Christian case for marriage equality, and provides some "spiritual self-defence" strategies for difficult conversations...
Published: December 2012
In: Marriage Equality Conference
Fighting Homophobia
Audio from the second keynote panel discussion: Fighting Homophobia in Our Communities. Speakers include Bill Logan, Eileen Brown, Steve Farrow, Jan Logie and...
Published: December 2012
In: Parliamentary proceedings: Marriage Equality
First reading of the Bill
Audio from the first reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill, introduced into Parliament by Labour MP Louisa Wall on 29 August...
Published: August 2012
In: Keynote speakers - AsiaPacific Outgames
Fuimaono Karl Pulotu-Endemann
Fuimaono Karl Pulotu-Endemann delivers a keynote presentation. Karl is introduced by Kevin Hague. The presentation happened during the opening plenary: Intersectionality - the whole...
Published: March 2011
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Gay BC (28 June 1986)
This Gay BC radio programme was broadcast on the anniversary of Stonewall, and just before the passing of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill (9...
Published: June 1986
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Gay Rights Movement (c.1979)
In this recording from c.1979 Mike Waghorne describes the motivations behind the Gay Rights Movements. A detailed log of the recording is available from...
Published: January 1979
In: Georgina Beyer
Georgina Beyer
Georgina reflects on her childhood, various careers and time in public office. Georgina has also recorded interviews about
significant legislation (prostitution reform, civil unions and...
Published: January 2013
In: Georgina Beyer
Georgina Beyer - places and personalities
Georgina remembers some of the clubs, venues and personalities in Wellington from the mid-1970s and her time in Auckland in the 1980s. Georgina has...
Published: January 2013
In: Rainbow Politicians
Georgina Beyer - significant legislation
Georgina Beyer reflects on some of the significant legislation passed during her time in Parliament: the Prostitution Reform Act (2003), Civil Unions Act (2004)...
Published: January 2013
In: Civil Unions
Georgina Beyer and Brian Tamaki
MP Georgina Beyer and Brian Tamaki from Destiny Church debate civil unions on the Holmes television programme. It was broadcast live nationwide just...
Published: August 2004
In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames
Graeme Kane
Graeme Kane from Australia talks about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011
In: Uplifting Takatāpui and Rainbow Elder Voices
Healthcare Services
A 16-part podcast series produced by Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura and Rainbow Hub Waikato. The team set out to explore the experiences of Takatāpui...
Published: October 2023
In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames
Hiroyuki Taniguchi
Hiroyuki Taniguchi from Japan talks about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011
In: Issues
Homosexual Law Reform petition (1968)
On 8 November 1968 Parliament heard the report back from the Petitions Committee relating to the recent Homosexual Law Reform petition. This recording...
Published: November 1968
In: People
Huhana Hickey
Huhana Hickey talks to Kathryn Ryan about indigenous disabled human rights and social justice advocacy...
Published: June 2013
In: Events
Audio from the IDAHOBIT event held at Parliament. The panel presentation marked the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia and Intersexphobia. A special...
Published: May 2017
In: Events
Audio from the IDAHOBIT flag raising ceremony held on the forecourt of Parliament. The event marked the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia...
Published: May 2018
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Insight 84 - homosexual law reform
Listen to a Radio New Zealand documentary on homosexual law reform, produced in 1984 - a year before the introduction of Fran Wilde's Homosexual...
Published: July 1984
In: Events
Intergenerational talk
Audio from an intergenerational queer women-focused talk held at the Charlotte Museum in July 2010...
Published: July 2010
In: Parliamentary proceedings: homosexual law reform
Introduction (8 March 1985)
Audio from the introduction and first reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill in Parliament, 8 March 1985. 0:00:14 - Fran Wilde...
Published: March 1985
In: Beyond Rainbows
Jack talks about sex work...
Published: May 2015
In: South: Otago
Jennifer talks about growing up and feeling isolated, making connections via the internet and educating medical students from a rainbow perspective...
Published: May 2014
In: John Jakeman
John Jakeman - hairdressing
John Jakeman talks about his career as a hairdresser - in Wellington, London and Europe, from the 1960s onwards...
Published: May 2017
In: Relationships
Johnny and Peter
Johnny and Peter Johnny Croskery and Peter Kooiman talk about their relationship - how they met and their life together. Johnny passed away...
Published: August 1999
In: Making a Difference
Jonathan Smith
Jonathan talks about growing up and creating, and running the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant...
Published: January 2011
In: Arts and Media
Jules and Ness
Jules Lovelock and Ness Simons talk about film-making and what makes a queer film...
Published: August 2013
In: Organise - Creating Our Stories
Julian Cook
Julian talks about organising a variety of corporate and community-based events, including the GABA Gold Charity Auction, and the Hero and Aroha festivals...
Published: March 2012
In: Research - Creating Our Stories
Julie Glamuzina
Julie talks about researching lesbian-related subjects, particularly for the books Parker and Hulme: a lesbian view and Out Front: Lesbian Political Activity in Aotearoa...
Published: March 2012
In: People
Julz Darroch
Julz Darroch talks about exercise and wellness...
Published: October 2010
In: Religion and Spirituality
Keith King
Keith talks about spirituality, discovery and ageing...
Published: October 2013
In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames
Ken Moala
Ken Moala from Samoa talks about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011
In: People
Kevin talks about growing up in the 1960s, friendship with Carmen Rupe and the LGBTI rainbow scene in Wellington in the 1970s and later...
Published: November 2021
In: People
Kira talks about transitioning from male to female at seventeen. This podcast was funded by a generous donation from Roger Smith...
Published: May 2010
In: People
Kym Strathdee
Since the 1970s Kym Strathdee has photographed queer events and people around the world - including in Auckland, Wellington, Sydney, Melbourne and San Francisco...
Published: June 2022
In: ILGA World Conference 2019
Launch of the ILGA World Conference 2019
Audio from the launch of the ILGA World Conference 2019. The event was held at the National Library of New Zealand on 24...
Published: August 2018
In: Wairarapa - Q12
Laurie talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: Queer History 101
Legal background
Alison talks about the legal background for queer communities in New Zealand...
Published: January 2011
In: Q12 Taranaki
Lou talks about being young, demisexual and panromantic in 2012...
Published: August 2012
In: People
Madam Mary
Madam Mary talks about the sex industry and being bendy...
Published: March 2010
In: Malcolm Vaughan
Malcolm Vaughan profile
Malcolm Vaughan talks about the many Wellington bars and hospitality establishments he has owned or worked in over the last four decades. This...
Published: January 2022
In: People
Mary OHagan
Mary O'Hagan talks about growing up and mental health issues...
Published: October 2010
In: Arts and Media
Mates and Lovers
Ronald Trifero Nelson and co-producer Ahi Karunaharan talk about the second season of Mates and Lovers - a play based around historical events in...
Published: October 2010
In: People
Meg Torwl
Meg Torwl, a multidisciplinary artist, talks about her life and creative process. You can view some of Meg's photography here. Meg died a few...
Published: March 2013
In: People
Mike Bryant and Esme Oliver
Mike Bryant and Esme Oliver talk about being young and queer. This podcast was funded by a generous donation from Roger Smith...
Published: April 2010
In: Older Gay Men
Mike Keegan
Mike talks about what it's like to be an older gay man in 2012...
Published: October 2012
In: People
Miscellaneouslee talks about family life, Auckland in the 1980s and performing in drag...
Published: October 2013
In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)
National High School Quilt programme
The national High School Quilt programme co-ordinator from the NAMES Project in San Francisco gives a presentation, along with a group of San Jose...
Published: March 1995
In: People
Neville Creighton
Neville talks about his background, becoming the first Director of the New Zealand AIDS Foundation, secondary school teaching, and managing the Gayline counseling service...
Published: February 2013
In: Orlando mass shooting
New Zealand Parliament
Audio from a parliamentary motion put by the Prime Minister to acknowledge the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, USA on 13...
Published: June 2016
In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)
New Zealand presentation
Warren Butler, New Zealand's representative from the AIDS Memorial Quilt, makes a presentation to the conference. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the...
Published: March 1995
In: AIDS Memorial Quilt
Nicki Eddy and co (1992)
Nicki Eddy and Allan [Warren Butler] talk to Mike Bakers on Radio Pacific about the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt. Special thanks to MediaWorks...
Published: September 1992
In: Events
NXT:14 Youth Leaders Conference
Participants at NXT:14 talk to Tabby Besley about what the conference meant to them. Delegates representing rainbow youth groups from New Zealand and the...
Published: February 2014
In: Events
Out in the carPark
Participants, stall-holders and the public talk about attending the Love Parade and Out in the carPark. 0:00:05 - Karen Harris, parade co-ordinator
0:02:25 - Adrienne...
Published: March 2015
In: Groups and Organisations
Squadron Leader Stu Pearce talks about OverWatch - a group that provides support and guidance to the New Zealand Defence Force’s rainbow community...
Published: February 2013
In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (16 October 1985)
Part 1 (16 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 16 October 1985 (part 1 of 2)...
Published: October 1985
In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (23 October 1985)
Part 1 (23 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 23 October 1985 (part 1 of 2)...
Published: October 1985
In: Parliament: Committee of the Whole House - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (26 March 1986)
Part 1 (26 March 1986)
Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 26 March 1986 (part 1 of 2)...
Published: March 1986
In: Parliament: Committee of the Whole House - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (9 April 1986)
Part 1 (9 April 1986)
Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 9 April 1986 (part 1 of 2)...
Published: April 1986
In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (9 October 1985)
Part 1 (9 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 9 October 1985 (part 1 of 2)...
Published: October 1985
In: Rainbow Pride Community Honours (2015)
Part 2
Part 2 of an honours evening which celebrated people who have made outstanding contributions to the queer and takataapui communities of the Wellington region...
Published: February 2015
In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (16 October 1985)
Part 2 (16 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 16 October 1985 (part 2 of 2)...
Published: October 1985
In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (23 October 1985)
Part 2 (23 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 23 October 1985 (part 2 of 2)...
Published: October 1985
In: Parliament: Committee of the Whole House - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (9 April 1986)
Part 2 (9 April 1986)
Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 9 April 1986 (part 2 of 2). This...
Published: April 1986
In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (9 October 1985)
Part 2 (9 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 9 October 1985 (part 2 of 2)...
Published: October 1985
In: Our Forgotten Epidemic
Part One
Our Forgotten Epidemic. Part One - an epidemic arrives Our Forgotten Epidemic is a six-part series about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to HIV and...
Published: July 2022
In: Shift hui (2015)
Connor talks to Shift hui participants. The hui ran from the 16 - 19 April 2015 at Tapu Te Ranga Marae in Island...
Published: April 2015
In: Shift hui (2016)
Participants (part 2)
Rowan Moulder talks to participants at Shift hui 2016. More participant interviews can be heard in part one. 00:07 - Ashley, Te Maunga...
Published: April 2016
In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)
Phil Siegel
Phil Siegel from Media Works in San Francisco gives a keynote presentation on working with the media. A special thank you to Christina Sunley...
Published: March 1995
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Positive Women
Jane Bruning, national coordinator of Positive Women Inc, talks about the history and services offered nationally to HIV+ positive women...
Published: July 2012
In: Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation
Poutokomanawa storytelling
As part of the exhibition Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation, community members came together to recount stories of people, places and events in Wellington...
Published: October 2019
In: People
Priscilla Penniket
Priscilla talks about working for Rainbow Youth to do homophobia education in schools. This podcast was funded by a generous donation from Roger Smith...
Published: May 2010
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Prue Hyman
Prue takes Jac Lynch through a personal archive of newspaper articles, letters and submissions made in support of homosexual law reform...
Published: November 2015
In: Events
Queer Liberation - Vernon Tile Vamaua
To mark the 50th anniversary of the formation of the first Gay Liberation Front groups in New Zealand in 1972, the International Socialist Organisation...
Published: June 2022
In: Marriage Equality Conference
Queer-Straight Alliances
Tabby, Griffin and Tommy from the newly formed QSA Network Aotearoa (now InsideOUT Kōaro) talk about Queer-Straight Alliances and organising in schools. Participants then...
Published: December 2012
In: Documentary
QWU documentary
A documentary that follows participants in the last Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant. More interviews with the participants can be found here...
Published: July 2012
In: Arts and Media
Rachel Hoskin
Rachel Hoskin talks about Butch: A Photographic Exploration, a social project of reaction to Butch women. The exhibition ran from 18 May -...
Published: July 2017
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2018
Rainbow elders panel
Audio from the Rainbow elders panel, held during Wellington's Pride festival at 19 Tory Street on 25 February 2018. The event was organised...
Published: February 2018
In: Events
Rainbow Election Forum
On 22 August 2017 Rainbow Wellington hosted a rainbow election forum at St Andrew's on the Terrace in Wellington. Nine representatives from a...
Published: August 2017
In: Events
Rally for Trans acceptance and reproductive rights
Audio from the rally held on Sunday 26 March 2023 in Civic Square, Wellington. Originally the rally was to oppose a planned rally...
Published: March 2023
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Ralph Knowles
Ralph Knowles talks about the early years of HIV/AIDS in Christchurch, and how he helped produce the first pamphlet about the virus in New...
Published: December 2011
In: Ralph Knowles
Ralph Knowles
Ralph Knowles talks about growing up and taking part in aversion therapy in the 1960s. Ralph died on 3 July 2019...
Published: December 2011
In: People
Randy Alfred
Randy talks about producing the radio programme The Gay Life, which broadcast on KSAN San Francisco in the 1970s and early 1980s. Randy produced...
Published: June 2012
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Remembering Neil Costelloe
Jayne (sitting by an open fire) remembers her brother Neil Costelloe. Neil was very active in the fight for homosexual law reform in the...
Published: April 2016
In: Events
Remembering the Evergreen and Chrissy Witoko
The Evergreen Coffee House was a haven for the LGBTQIA+ community in the 1980s and 1990s in Wellington. Established by Chrissy Witoko, it still...
Published: July 2022
In: Events
Resist Transphobia rally
Audio from the rally held on Thursday 8 June 2023 in Parliament grounds, Wellington. The rally was organised by Queer Endurance/Defiance to counter...
Published: June 2023
In: Religion and Spirituality
Rev. Dr. Margaret Mayman - last reflection
Margaret Mayman's last reflection Audio of Rev. Dr. Margaret Mayman's last reflection "The blessing of gratitude". After nearly twelve years of ministry, Margaret...
Published: November 2013
In: People
Rex Halliday
Rex talks about growing up in New Plymouth, the Gay Liberation movement, early HIV AIDS prevention programmes and establishing the Hero party and festival...
Published: April 2013
In: Beyond Rainbows
Riki talks about transitioning and transgender issues...
Published: March 2014
In: People
Robin Duff
Robin Duff talks about many of the activist groups he was involved with in the 1970s, being the first openly gay man in New...
Published: April 2013
In: Events
Schools Out
Audio from a School's Out broadcast on Wellington Access Radio in 2007. Mike, Craig and Tyler talk about growing up, HIV AIDS and...
Published: December 2007
In: Parliamentary proceedings: homosexual law reform
Second reading debate (6 November 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 6 November 1985. A more detailed log...
Published: November 1985
In: Parliamentary proceedings: Marriage Equality
Second reading of the Bill
Audio from the second reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Labour MP Louisa Wall...
Published: March 2013
In: Parliamentary proceedings: Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences)
Second reading of the Bill
Audio from the second reading of the Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences) Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by...
Published: March 2018
In: Events
Service for Virginia Burns
Audio from the service to commemorate and celebrate the life of Virginia Burns (a.k.a Virginia Parker-Bowles). The service was held at Old St...
Published: June 2017
In: Beyond conference
Session 11
Audio from the session: Fighting homophobia, transphobia and bigotry in our communities. Social transformation means transformation of our own communities; our workplaces, schools, homes...
Published: October 2013
In: Beyond conference
Session 14
Audio from the session: Healthcare, housing and schools - fighting for survival, fighting for more. We still have a long way to go. Health...
Published: October 2013
In: Beyond conference
Session 2
Audio from the session: Access and disability. How can we make queer spaces and activism more accessible? How does disability shape gender and sexual...
Published: October 2013
In: C.L.I.T Fest Wellington 2013
Session 2
Audio from the session: Sex work. Participants include Kate Scarlet, Catherine Healy, Vita, Chanel Hati and Rouge...
Published: June 2013
In: Ilott Theatre sessions
Session 4
Audio from the Disability session...
Published: March 2011
In: C.L.I.T Fest Wellington 2013
Session 4
Audio from the session: Body Politics - food, health, fat, disability, class and moral virtue. Participants include Esther Woodbury, Grace Millar, Ali Nissenbaum, Robyn...
Published: June 2013
In: C.L.I.T Fest Wellington 2013
Session 5
Audio from the session: Class panel - social stigma, mental health and institutionalisation. Participants include Hana Plant, Nic and Ruth Amato...
Published: June 2013
In: Beyond conference
Session 7
Audio from the session: Trans representation in the media. Mainstream media representations of trans* folk are often objectifying, inaccurate or outright hostile. A discussion...
Published: October 2013
In: Beyond conference
Session 9
Audio from the session: Beyond the gender binary. There is so much more than she and he, him and her. Discussing the realities of...
Published: October 2013
In: Shift hui (2015)
Sexuality and Gender workshop
Hui participants take part in a workshop on sexuality and gender. The hui ran from the 16 - 19 April 2015 at Tapu Te...
Published: April 2015
In: Queen of the Whole Universe
Shaughan Woodcock
Shaughan talks about being part of the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant...
Published: March 2012
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Shelley Te Waiariki Howard
Shelley talks about being in the military during homosexual law reform, the need to repress and then express her femininity, and the power of...
Published: October 2015
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Sophie Jayawardene
Sophie talks about being diagnosed HIV+ in 1989, her journey with HIV and living positively...
Published: April 2014
In: Religion and Spirituality
St Peters church service (1967)
St Peter's church service (1967) The Reverend Godfrey Wilson introduces a service reflecting on homosexuality. It was held at St Peter's church in...
Published: June 1967
In: Religion and Spirituality
St Peters church service (2017)
St Peter's church service 2017 Audio from the special 50th anniversary church service marking Reverend Godfrey Wilson's landmark sermon on homosexuality (possibly the first...
Published: June 2017
In: Q12 Waikato
Storm talks about being young and bisexual in 2012...
Published: March 2012
In: Rainbow Voices of Aotearoa New Zealand
Tabby Besley
As part of Project Uplift (the refurbishment of the Rainbow Room) a documentary was produced by the Office of the Clerk/Parliamentary Service to tell...
Published: April 2019
In: Shift hui (2016)
Takataapui workshop
Elizabeth Kerekere discusses the history of takataapui, building relationships and creating inclusive spaces...
Published: April 2016
In: Groups and Organisations
Takatāpui taonga at Te Papa
Mātauranga Māori curator Isaac Te Awa talks about takatāpui taonga held in the Mātauranga Māori collection at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa...
Published: July 2021
In: Q12 Manawatu
Tamara talks about being young and bisexual in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: Georgina Beyer
The Rainbow Perspective - Georgina Beyer
This is one of the last radio interviews with Georgina Beyer before her death on 6 March 2023. Georgina talks to Brianna Ball...
Published: January 2023
In: Parliamentary proceedings: Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences)
Third reading of the Bill
Audio from the third reading of the Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences) Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by...
Published: April 2018
In: Tiwhanawhana
Tiwhanawhana interviews
Interviews with members of Tiwhanawhana at the event to celebrate Tiwhanawhana's 20th anniversary on 15 March 2021 at Thistle Hall, Wellington. 00:01 - Kevin...
Published: March 2021
In: People
Tom ODonoghue
Tom O'Donoghue is interviewed by Pete Duncan in 1993 (exact date unknown), about his journey with HIV and AIDS. Tom was a co-founder of...
Published: 1993
In: Events
Unsettled Diasporas
Audio from Unsettled Diasporas - a panel discussion on Asian feminism from contributors to Mellow Yellow, a local Asian feminist zine. The panel...
Published: August 2015
In: Events
Vigil for Zena
Audio from the Vigil for Zena Campbell, held in Civic Square on 20 March 2018. Zena died on the 11 February 2018 in Wellington...
Published: March 2018
In: People
Welby Ings
Welby talks about growing up, his involvement in homosexual law reform, the early days of HIV AIDS in New Zealand and his films Boy...
Published: September 2012
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2017
Wellington Pride Parade 2017
Audio from the Wellington Pride Parade 2017. This was the first time in over two decades that a pride parade has marched through the...
Published: March 2017
In: People
Will Hansen
Will Hansen talks about what drives his passion for LGBTI rainbow history...
Published: September 2018
In: Historic Convictions
Wiremu Demchick
Wiremu Demchick talks to Simon Mercep about the petition to get historic convictions for consexual homosexual activity wiped from criminal records...
Published: February 2015
In: Proud 2016
Youth and Womens hui report backs
Report backs from the youth pre-conference hui and the women's pre-conference hui, followed by Ros Noonan - patron of Intersex Trust of Aotearoa New...
Published: March 2016
In: Butch on Butch
Zoe talks about school life, identity and sumo wrestling in Russia...
Published: March 2015