In: Q12 Waikato
[name withheld 7]
[name withheld] talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: July 2012
In: Same Same But Different (2016)
#The Future
Audio from the session: #The Future. Fresh LGBTQI talent is shaking up the theatre scene. Victor Rodger, author of Black Faggot and currently...
Published: February 2016
In: Proud 2016
A Refugee Among Refugees
Eliana's case attracted international media attention after she was detained at Hong Kong International Airport's immigration facility for over 8-months as her appearance did...
Published: March 2016
In: Q12 Auckland
Allia talks about being young and pansexual in 2012. Allia talked to Ben during the Hui Putahi, held at Tapu te Ranga Marae in...
Published: July 2012
In: South: Canterbury
Angela talks about identifying as genderqueer, pansexual poly...
Published: May 2014
In: Butch on Butch
Ann-Marie talks about religion, a 19-year relationship and three commitment ceremonies...
Published: April 2015
In: South: Nelson
Anna talks about living in Nelson and being attracted to women...
Published: October 2013
In: South: Canterbury
Anna talks about identifying as a binary identified transsexual...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Annabel talks about coming out as a lesbian...
Published: May 2014
In: Arts and Media
Audio preservation
John talks about preserving audio/visual material for the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco. John was responsible for preserving approximately 250 episodes of The...
Published: June 2012
In: Q12 The Tour
Benji Watt
Benji Watt, producer of Q12 The Tour, talks about the tour and his personal journey...
Published: September 2012
In: People
Benji Watt
Benji talks about being the first openly gay boxing judge in New Zealand and his upcoming marriage...
Published: May 2015
In: Q12 Manawatu
Beth talks about being young and lesbian in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: Wairarapa - Q12
Brad talks about being gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: People
Brendan Goudswaard
Brendan talks about growing up and being a facilitator with Schools Out - a queer youth group in Wellington. This interview was funded by...
Published: April 2010
In: Queen of the Whole Universe
Brian Andrews and Matthew Hunt
Brian Andrews talks about photographing the Queen of the Whole Universe and Matthew Hunt talks about performing in the beauty pageant...
Published: May 2012
In: Carmen Rupe
Carmen Rupe interview (1991)
Jack Body interviews Carmen Rupe about her life. The recording was made at Carmen's apartment in Kings Cross, Sydney in 1991. A special...
Published: January 1991
In: Carmen Rupe
Carmen Rupe memorial, Auckland
Audio from the memorial to Carmen held at St Matthew-in-the-City, Auckland. A special thank you to the Mika Haka Foundation and the New...
Published: February 2012
In: South: Otago
Christina talks about growing up and living in Dunedin...
Published: May 2014
In: Arts and Media
Cole Hampton
Cole Hampton talks about growing up, creating Pamela Hancock, Pride, and the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand. Cole passed away on...
Published: March 2020
In: Snapshot 2000
Coming out stories
Coming out stories In this podcast compilation participants talk about their coming out experiences...
Published: January 2000
In: Parliamentary proceedings: homosexual law reform
Committee of the Whole House (16 April 1986)
Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 16 April 1986 (the night Part 2 containing...
Published: April 1986
In: People
Conan McKegg
Conan talks about writing for the screen and working on the draft script for House of Memories...
Published: February 2014
In: Arts and Media
Confessions of a Drag Queen
Ricky Burjac talks about Confessions of a Drag Queen...
Published: December 2010
In: South: Nelson
Crystal and Harriet
Crystal and Harriet talk about identity and relationships...
Published: October 2013
In: Carmen Rupe
Dana de Milo on Carmen Rupe
Dana talks about her friendship with Carmen, working at The Balcony and sex work in the 1970s. Dana has also done another interview about...
Published: December 2012
In: People
Daniel Nicoletta
Daniel talks about his photographic career, the Castro in the 1970's and his time with Harvey Milk and Scott Smith. Daniel worked in Harvey...
Published: June 2012
In: People
David and Rae
David and Rae talk about coming out, identity and relationships...
Published: July 2012
In: Relationships
Des Smith and John Jolliff
Des and John talk about their early lives, their relationship, homosexual law reform, the beginnings of HUG (Wellington), the Gay and Lesbian and Fair...
Published: February 2013
In: South: Otago
Dusty talks about growing up and being out in Dunedin...
Published: May 2014
In: Events
Evergreen Legacies: a Whakawāhine Herstory
Audio from the event Evergreen Legacies: a Whakawāhine Herstory. Leilani Sio and Saviiey Nua facilitate a discussion with Jochanelle Pouwhare and Adam Dehaar about...
Published: August 2024
In: South: Canterbury
Felix talks about identifying as gender queer...
Published: May 2014
In: Snapshot 2000
First same-sex experience
First same-sex experience In this podcast compilation participants talk about their first same-sex experiences...
Published: January 2000
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Gay Radio (27 June 1982)
This Gay Radio programme is mainly a repeat of a recording made a year earlier during Pride Week 1981 and broadcast on Wellington Access...
Published: June 1982
In: Keynote speakers - AsiaPacific Outgames
Geetanjali Misra
Geetanjali Misra delivers a keynote presentation. Geetanjali is introduced by David Huebner, the United States Ambassador to New Zealand. The presentation happened during the...
Published: March 2011
In: Religion and Spirituality
Geno Sisneros
Geno talks about the journey to becoming ordained as a priest in the Anglican Church, and taking a case against the Bishop of Auckland...
Published: May 2013
In: Q12 Manawatu
Georgie talks about being young and lesbian in 2012...
Published: October 2012
In: South: Canterbury
Hamish talks about identifying as gay and living in Christchurch...
Published: May 2014
In: Events
Healthy Relationships and Consent launch
Audio from the launch of Healthy Relationships and Consent: through the lens of Rainbow identifying youth. The launch was held on 26 April...
Published: April 2021
In: 2nd AsiaPacific Outgames Human Rights Conference
Human Rights film evening
Screenings and discussions on two films: Courage Unfolds - Living the Principles and Assume Nothing. Courage Unfolds - Living the Principles seeks to...
Published: March 2011
In: Arts and Media
In the Rainbow
Rose McMahon (series creator) and Holly McMahon (writer) talk about the seven-part series In the Rainbow, produced for TVNZ OnDemand. The series...
Published: July 2019
In: Events
Intergenerational talk
Audio from an intergenerational queer women-focused talk held at the Charlotte Museum in July 2010...
Published: July 2010
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2014)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held on Te Marae at Te Papa on 18 May 2014 in Wellington. Parts of the service...
Published: May 2014
In: Queer History in the Making
Introduction and Opening
Kevin Haunui and Tiwhanawhana introduce and open the community event Queer History in the Making. The event was organised by the Lesbian and...
Published: September 2015
In: Beyond Rainbows
Jack talks about sex work...
Published: May 2015
In: Organise - Creating Our Stories
Jack Trolove
Jack talks about organising a variety of community-based events, including Kazam! a national takatapui, queer and trans youth hui held in 2011...
Published: March 2012
In: South: Otago
Jennifer talks about growing up and feeling isolated, making connections via the internet and educating medical students from a rainbow perspective...
Published: May 2014
In: John Jakeman
John Jakeman - hairdressing
John Jakeman talks about his career as a hairdresser - in Wellington, London and Europe, from the 1960s onwards...
Published: May 2017
In: Arts and Media
Jules and Ness
Jules Lovelock and Ness Simons talk about film-making and what makes a queer film...
Published: August 2013
In: Research - Creating Our Stories
Julie Glamuzina
Julie talks about researching lesbian-related subjects, particularly for the books Parker and Hulme: a lesbian view and Out Front: Lesbian Political Activity in Aotearoa...
Published: March 2012
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Julie Glamuzina
Julie talks about documenting lesbian political activity pre-homosexual law reform, her involvement in various movements in the 1970s and 1980s and the importance of...
Published: October 2015
In: People
Julz Darroch
Julz Darroch talks about exercise and wellness...
Published: October 2010
In: People
Kevin talks about growing up in the 1960s, friendship with Carmen Rupe and the LGBTI rainbow scene in Wellington in the 1970s and later...
Published: November 2021
In: South: Nelson
Kitty talks about being a self-identified dyke and activism around marriage equality...
Published: October 2013
In: Same Same But Different (2016)
Larger Than Life Stories
Audio from the session: Larger Than Life Stories. Alison Mau wrote the remarkable story of Liz Roberts, the first New Zealander to undergo full...
Published: February 2016
In: Events
Last Chance film evening discussion
Audio from a discussion pre and post screening of Last Chance, a documentary that tells the stories of five rainbow asylum seekers who flee...
Published: October 2014
In: Wairarapa - Q12
Laurie talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: Events
Lesbian Visibility Day panel
Audio from the InsideOUT intergenerational, online panel discussion to celebrate Lesbian Visibility Day on 26 April 2020. The panel featured Creek, Sophie, Karen, Summer...
Published: April 2020
In: Q12 Wellington
Lloyd talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: February 2012
In: Uplifting Takatāpui and Rainbow Elder Voices
Looking To Our Histories
A 16-part podcast series produced by Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura and Rainbow Hub Waikato. The team set out to explore the experiences of Takatāpui...
Published: October 2023
In: Malcolm Vaughan
Malcolm Vaughan profile part 2
Malcolm Vaughan remembers people and venues relating to Wellington's rainbow communities over the last four decades. This is part two of a longer interview...
Published: January 2022
In: South: Otago
Mark talks about early years in Queenstown, coming out to family members and being bullied at university...
Published: May 2014
In: Q12 Wellington
Mike talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: People
Mike Bryant and Esme Oliver
Mike Bryant and Esme Oliver talk about being young and queer. This podcast was funded by a generous donation from Roger Smith...
Published: April 2010
In: Q12 Auckland
Nicolas talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: February 2012
In: Queer History in the Making
Open mic sessions
Audio from the open mic sessions held during the community event Queer History in the Making, where individuals and community groups were invited to...
Published: September 2015
In: Groups and Organisations
Out in the Bay
Eric Jansen talks about Out in the Bay - a weekly queer radio show in San Francisco...
Published: June 2008
In: Events
OuterSpaces information evening. OuterSpaces is a collaborative initiative between Wellington's gender and sexuality diverse youth support organisations: School's Out, Tranzform, Naming New Zealand...
Published: May 2016
In: Parliament: Committee of the Whole House - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (9 April 1986)
Part 1 (9 April 1986)
Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 9 April 1986 (part 1 of 2)...
Published: April 1986
In: Our Forgotten Epidemic
Part Five
Our Forgotten Epidemic. Part Five - Do we dare to hope? Our Forgotten Epidemic is a six-part series about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to...
Published: September 2022
In: People
Paul talks about growing up in Australia in the 1950s, sex work in New York City, cruising Rudolf Nureyev, serving beer to Marlene Dietrich...
Published: April 2015
In: People
Peter Wells
Peter talks about the journey as a film maker and writer...
Published: October 2013
In: Events
Peter Wells on Little Queen
Film maker and author Peter Wells, discusses his short film Little Queen (1984) at City Gallery Wellington Te Whare Toi, on 3 May 2018...
Published: May 2018
In: People
Philip Patston
Philip talks about growing up, identity, comedy and uniqueness...
Published: February 2013
In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand
Positive Women
Jane Bruning, national coordinator of Positive Women Inc, talks about the history and services offered nationally to HIV+ positive women...
Published: July 2012
In: Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation
Poutokomanawa storytelling
As part of the exhibition Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation, community members came together to recount stories of people, places and events in Wellington...
Published: October 2019
In: New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt display (2023)
Presentations at the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt display. The event was held at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa on...
Published: March 2023
In: People
Priscilla Penniket
Priscilla talks about working for Rainbow Youth to do homophobia education in schools. This podcast was funded by a generous donation from Roger Smith...
Published: May 2010
In: Older Lesbians
Prue Hyman and Pat Rosier
Prue and Pat talk about aging as a lesbian couple...
Published: May 2012
In: Groups and Organisations
Q-topia and Forge
Joe talks about the Christchurch youth groups Q-topia and Forge...
Published: May 2010
In: Events
Queer Archives Zine launch
Audio from the launch of the collaborative zine The Archive is Alive. The zine was the outcome of an intensive archival workshop. A dozen...
Published: October 2020
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Radio Gala (8 July 1990)
This Radio Gala retrospective programme contains a rich collection of audio actuality from the 1985-86 period of homosexual law reform. Much of the material...
Published: July 1990
In: Shift hui (2018)
Rainbow history
An exploration of some of the fascinating stories from the histories of our queer communities - focusing on trans history in Wellington and the...
Published: April 2018
In: Snapshot 2000
Randy talks about coming out and first sexual experience...
Published: February 2000
In: Events
Remembering the Evergreen and Chrissy Witoko
The Evergreen Coffee House was a haven for the LGBTQIA+ community in the 1980s and 1990s in Wellington. Established by Chrissy Witoko, it still...
Published: July 2022
In: Q12 Hawke's Bay
Ryan talks about being young and bisexual in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: Documentary
Explore the iconic figure of the sailor in rainbow culture. The programme also looks at sexual activity around the wharfs and on the...
Published: September 1998
In: People
Sam Orchard
Sam talks about growing up, comics and creativity...
Published: February 2013
In: South: Otago
Sarah talks about growing up in Invercargill and identifying as lesbian...
Published: May 2014
In: Shift hui (2018)
Self care tactics for mental health
A group chat from members of our communities, bringing a frank and honest discussion of experiences of mental health, and tactics for keeping yourself...
Published: April 2018
In: Ilott Theatre sessions
Session 1
Audio from the Yogyakarta Principles Part 1 session...
Published: March 2011
In: C.L.I.T Fest Wellington 2013
Session 1
Audio from the session: Indigenous feminisms and social movements. Participants include Marama Davidson and Shasha Ali...
Published: June 2013
In: Beyond conference
Session 1
Audio from the session: Transfemininities and transmisogyny. A facilitated discussion on the experiences of, and the unique ways sexism and transphobia affects those who...
Published: October 2013
In: Beyond conference
Session 12
Audio from the session: Gender and Prisons. Prisons have long been used as a way to confine, control and monitor populations. Despite clear evidence...
Published: October 2013
In: Q12 Manawatu
Seth talks about being gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: Uplifting Takatāpui and Rainbow Elder Voices
A 16-part podcast series produced by Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura and Rainbow Hub Waikato. The team set out to explore the experiences of Takatāpui...
Published: October 2023
In: Beyond Rainbows
Shane talks about identifying as gender fluid transmascbian...
Published: February 2015
In: Homosexual Law Reform
Shelley Te Waiariki Howard
Shelley talks about being in the military during homosexual law reform, the need to repress and then express her femininity, and the power of...
Published: October 2015
In: Arts and Media
Spectrum website (1996)
Kevin Jensen talks about creating one of the earliest rainbow websites originating from New Zealand. The website went live on 27 January 1996 and...
Published: May 2018
In: Religion and Spirituality
St Peters church service (1967)
St Peter's church service (1967) The Reverend Godfrey Wilson introduces a service reflecting on homosexuality. It was held at St Peter's church in...
Published: June 1967
In: Butch on Butch
Stevei talks about identifying as wāhine toa, representing New Zealand in softball and creating art...
Published: February 2015
In: Q12 Wellington
Tabby talks about being young and pansexual in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: Arts and Media
The digital life of rainbow youth
John Fenaughty reflects on how digital technologies are impacting on rainbow youth...
Published: March 2013
In: Arts and Media
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
A group of men reflect on the first time they saw a gay character on television or in a film...
Published: July 1998
In: Q12 Waikato
Thomas talks about being young and bisexual in 2012...
Published: July 2012
In: People
Torfrida and Ali
Torfrida and Ali talk about the lesbian scene in Canterbury in the 1980s and their personal journeys...
Published: November 2013
In: Trans Awareness Week 2019
Trans Awareness Week Gala
Interviews with participants and stall holders at the Trans Awareness Week Gala. The event was held at the Newtown Community and Cultural Centre on...
Published: November 2019
In: Events
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2023
Audio from the service at St Andrews on the Terrace, Wellington to commemorate Transgender Day of Remembrance. The service occurred on Sunday 19 November...
Published: November 2023
In: Carmen Rupe
Trevor Morley - Wellington Vice Squad
Trevor Morley talks about working on the Vice Squad in Wellington in the 1970s; including cases involving Carmen Rupe, the movie Deep Throat and...
Published: April 2012
In: Chrissy Witoko and Carmen Rupe memorial seats
Unveiling of the memorial seats
Audio from the unveiling of the memorial seats for Chrissy Witoko and Carmen Rupe. The seats, located on the corner of Cuba and Vivian...
Published: October 2022
In: Marriage Equality
Vaughans getting married
Vaughan shares his thoughts on his upcoming marriage to Shane...
Published: March 2013
In: South: Canterbury
Wei talks about identifying as bigender and queer...
Published: May 2014
In: People
Welby Ings
Welby talks about growing up, his involvement in homosexual law reform, the early days of HIV AIDS in New Zealand and his films Boy...
Published: September 2012
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2025
Wellington Pride Hīkoi 2025 - speeches
Audio from the speeches in Parliament grounds as part of the Pride Hīkoi. The hīkoi began in Waitangi Park, and marched through Courtenay Place...
Published: March 2025
In: South: Canterbury
Zac talks about identifying as non-binary gender...
Published: May 2014