You can also search for pages that audibly feature Tabby Besley.
In: Beyond Rainbows
Alex talks about identifying as asexual female-to-male trans* guy...
Published: March 2015
In: South: Nelson
Alicia talks about growing up and fluid bisexuality...
Published: October 2013
In: South: Otago
Amelia talks about bullying, living in Dunedin and flatting situations that are homophobic and sexist...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Angela talks about identifying as genderqueer, pansexual poly...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Anna talks about identifying as a binary identified transsexual...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Annabel talks about coming out as a lesbian...
Published: May 2014
In: Shift hui (2016)
Beyond Rainbows
Panel members talk about the challenges of being a minority within rainbow communities. The discussion was facilitated by Tabby Besley and features...
Published: April 2016
In: Shift hui (2015)
Beyond Rainbows panel discussion
Panel members talk about the challenges of being a minority within rainbow communities. Unfortunately due to technical difficulties this recording ends part-way...
Published: April 2015
In: Beyond Rainbows
Charlie talks about identifying as a non-binary guy...
Published: January 2015
In: South: Otago
Christina talks about growing up and living in Dunedin...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Delilah talks about identifying as gay while being in highschool...
Published: May 2014
In: Rainbow Voices of Aotearoa New Zealand
As part of Project Uplift (the refurbishment of the Rainbow Room) a documentary was produced by the Office of the Clerk/Parliamentary Service to tell...
Published: 2019
In: Proud 2016
Dont Leave Out the I
Audio from the workshop Don't Leave Out the I: Intersex issues in New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific. This workshop is historic as it...
Published: March 2016
In: South: Otago
Dusty talks about growing up and being out in Dunedin...
Published: May 2014
In: Events
Elizabeth Kerekere farewell from Parliament
Audio from MP Elizabeth Kerekere's farewell event held at Parliament on 16 August 2023. A special thank you to the organisers and participants...
Published: August 2023
In: South: Otago
Ellen talks about coming out and identifying as bisexual...
Published: May 2014
In: Beyond Rainbows
Faye talks about identifying as genderqueer demisexual pansexual...
Published: March 2015
In: South: Canterbury
Felix talks about identifying as gender queer...
Published: May 2014
In: Parliamentary proceedings: Conversion Practices Prohibition
First reading of the Bill
Audio from the first reading of the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Justice Minister Kris Faafoi on...
Published: August 2021
In: South: Nelson
Group 1
A group of young people in Nelson talk about growing up, school and Queer Straight Alliances (QSA)...
Published: October 2013
In: South: Canterbury
Hamish talks about identifying as gay and living in Christchurch...
Published: May 2014
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2021
Hikoi to Out in the City (2021)
Interviews with people on the hikoi to Out in the City, which was held on 27 March 2021. The hikoi is followed by the...
Published: March 2021
In: Proud 2016
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence
Audio from the workshop: Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence. Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence is dedicated to building rainbow communities...
Published: March 2016
In: Hui Takatāpui 2014
Hui Takatāpui interviews
Participants talk to Tabby Besley about attending the hui which was held at Te Papa-o-Rotu Marae, Whatawhata from the 6th to the 9th of...
Published: November 2014
In: Events
Audio from the IDAHOBIT event held at Parliament. The panel presentation marked the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia and Intersexphobia. A special...
Published: May 2017
In: Issues
InsideOUT Kōaro - Navigating the hate
Tabby Besley and River Ayto talk about the rise of hatred directed towards InsideOUT Kōaro and rainbow communities, since the visit of Posie Parker...
Published: August 2023
In: Events
InsideOUT Kōaro -10th birthday
Audio from the event to celebrate InsideOUT Kōaro's 10th birthday. The event was held in the shared space at 2/57 Willis Street, Wellington. A...
Published: October 2022
In: Out in the City (2024)
InsideOUT Kōaro at Out in the City (2024)
As part of Out in the City 2024, the team from InsideOUT Kōaro held a panel discussion in the main auditorium of the Michael...
Published: March 2024
In: Beyond Rainbows
Jenna talks about being young and transgender in 2014...
Published: November 2014
In: South: Otago
Jennifer talks about growing up and feeling isolated, making connections via the internet and educating medical students from a rainbow perspective...
Published: May 2014
In: People
Jerome Cargill
Jerome talks about being a teacher who is openly gay, the Newlands College diversity group and why its important to make sure diversity is...
Published: May 2016
In: South: Nelson
Kennedy talks about pan-sexuality, school and Queer Straight Alliances (QSA)...
Published: October 2013
In: South: Otago
Kerry talks about identifying as asexual, aromantic and agender...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Nelson
Kitty talks about being a self-identified dyke and activism around marriage equality...
Published: October 2013
In: Events
Launch of the Rainbow Crossing
Wellington's Rainbow Crossing is New Zealand's second rainbow pedestrian crossing. The launch date on 10 October 2019, was timed to coincide with the birthday...
Published: October 2018
In: Events
Leaving a Legacy
Audio from the Leaving a Legacy workshop held at Thistle Hall, Wellington on 14 September 2016. The workshop looked at creative ways to record...
Published: September 2016
In: South: Otago
Mark talks about early years in Queenstown, coming out to family members and being bullied at university...
Published: May 2014
In: Manawatu Lesbian and Gay Rights Association (MALGRA)
Matt talks about the early years of the Manawatu Gay Rights Association (MAGRA), its development into the Manawatu Lesbian and Gay Rights Association (MALGRA)...
Published: July 2017
In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009
NAGS Nelson
Wai Ho talks to Tabby Besley about NAGS in Nelson and an unidentified person talks about a workshop on sexuality and gender...
Published: January 2009
In: Beyond Rainbows
Nathaniel talks about identifying as a takatāpui trans man...
Published: January 2015
In: Events
National Schools Pride Week
Tabby Besley, Managing Director of InsideOUT, talks about the first ever National Schools Pride Week. The week ran 24-28 August 2020 with over 100...
Published: August 2020
In: Events
NXT:14 Youth Leaders Conference
Participants at NXT:14 talk to Tabby Besley about what the conference meant to them. Delegates representing rainbow youth groups from New Zealand and the...
Published: February 2014
In: Events
NXT:15 - LGBTIQ Youth Leaders Conference
Participants at NXT:15 talk to Tabby about what the conference meant to them. Delegates representing rainbow youth groups from New Zealand and the Pacific...
Published: February 2015
In: South: Otago
Oliver talks about being a queer trans-man in Dunedin...
Published: May 2014
In: Queer History in the Making
Open mic sessions
Audio from the open mic sessions held during the community event Queer History in the Making, where individuals and community groups were invited to...
Published: September 2015
In: Rainbow Pride Community Honours (2015)
Part 1
Part 1 of an honours evening which celebrated people who have made outstanding contributions to the queer and takataapui communities of the Wellington region...
Published: February 2015
In: Rainbow Pride Community Honours (2015)
Part 2
Part 2 of an honours evening which celebrated people who have made outstanding contributions to the queer and takataapui communities of the Wellington region...
Published: February 2015
In: Opening ceremony at Parliament - Wellington Pride Festival 2016
Part 2
Audio from the opening ceremony at Parliament: remembering the Homosexual Law Reform era - 30 years on. Note a number of musical performances have...
Published: March 2016
In: Marriage Equality Conference
Participant Reaction
Participants reflect on the Marriage Equality Conference held at Community House in Wellington. 00:07 - Sara Fraser
00:29 - Ian Anderson
01:44 - Shelley Te Waiariki...
Published: December 2012
In: Shift hui (2016)
Participants (part 1)
Rowan Moulder talks to participants at Shift hui 2016. More participant interviews can be heard in part two. 00:07 - Noah
01:57 - Mallorie
03:33 -...
Published: April 2016
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2016
Pride Parade
Audio from the Wellington Pride Parade, held along Wellington's waterfront on 12 March 2016. A very special thank you to Ness Simons for...
Published: March 2016
In: Events
Protect sexual education resources in schools
Audio from the event: Protect sexual education resources (RSE) in schools, co-hosted by NZEI Te Riu Roa and Rainbow Wellington. The event was held...
Published: July 2024
In: Marriage Equality Conference
Queer-Straight Alliances
Tabby, Griffin and Tommy from the newly formed QSA Network Aotearoa (now InsideOUT Kōaro) talk about Queer-Straight Alliances and organising in schools. Participants then...
Published: December 2012
In: Wellington Pride Festival 2018
Rainbow elders panel
Audio from the Rainbow elders panel, held during Wellington's Pride festival at 19 Tory Street on 25 February 2018. The event was organised...
Published: February 2018
In: Shift hui (2017)
Rainbows in a Monochrome World
Navigating the world as someone from rainbow communities brings with it many challenges, taking different forms for different people. Dani, Lee, Lilly, Brandon, Ethan...
Published: April 2017
In: South: Otago
Samantha talks about growing up in Invercargill, homophobia at university and bisexuality...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Sara talks about being confused about gender identity...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Otago
Sarah talks about growing up in Invercargill and identifying as lesbian...
Published: May 2014
In: Beyond Rainbows
Shane talks about identifying as gender fluid transmascbian...
Published: February 2015
In: South: Canterbury
Skye talks about identifying as transmasculine and living in Christchurch...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Stacey talks about identifying as gender fluid...
Published: May 2014
In: Q12 Wellington
Tabby talks about being young and pansexual in 2012...
Published: September 2012
In: Participants - Queer History in the Making
Tabby Besley
An interview with Tabby Besley from InsideOUT, recorded during the community event Queer History in the Making. Tabby received a Queen's Young Leader award...
Published: September 2015
In: Shift hui (2016)
Tabby Besley
Tabby Besley, national co-ordinator for InsideOUT talks about being part of the team organising the hui...
Published: April 2016
In: Rainbow Voices of Aotearoa New Zealand
Tabby Besley
As part of Project Uplift (the refurbishment of the Rainbow Room) a documentary was produced by the Office of the Clerk/Parliamentary Service to tell...
Published: April 2019
In: Shift hui (2016)
Takataapui workshop
Elizabeth Kerekere discusses the history of takataapui, building relationships and creating inclusive spaces...
Published: April 2016
In: Parliamentary proceedings: Marriage Equality
Third reading of the Bill
Audio from the third reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Labour MP Louisa Wall...
Published: April 2013
In: Beyond Rainbows
Vee talks about identifying as a queer, femme, fat, amazing person who has a mental illness...
Published: March 2015
In: Tranzform
Wai Ho - Tranzform
Wai Ho, co-founder of Tranzform, talks about the early days of the youth support group which was established in Wellington in 2008...
Published: May 2019
In: South: Canterbury
Wei talks about identifying as bigender and queer...
Published: May 2014
In: South: Canterbury
Zac talks about identifying as non-binary gender...
Published: May 2014