Audio from the plenary session: Speaking Out Proud.
The New Zealand Human Rights Commission held a moderated 'open hearing' where prepared questions were delivered to politicians. The session was chaired by Richard Tankersley from the Human Rights Commission.
Submitters: Bella Simpson, Eliana Rubashkyn, Elizabeth Kerekere, Jack Byrne, Joey Macdonald, Sally Dellow and Sandra Dickson.
Panel members: David Seymour (MP for Epsom, leader of ACT New Zealand), Denis O'Rourke (List MP, New Zealand First), Jackie Blue (Human Rights Commission), Kevin Hague (List MP, Green Party) and Louisa Wall (MP for Manurewa, Labour Party).
The event "Speaking Out Proud - Proud 2016" took place at the University of Otago Wellington School of Medicine, capturing voices of multiple advocates and representatives addressing LGBTI human rights issues over the 2010s decade. The plenary session focused on empowering the LGBTI communities by addressing their concerns and ensuring inclusivity. The session emphasized the critical importance of solidarity, warning against the detrimental effects of isolation and fragmentation within the community. The discourse resonated with attendees, highlighting the need for togetherness and overcoming challenges collectively.
Facilitated by the Human Rights Commission, the session invited a cross-party group of parliamentarians to listen to issues articulated by the LGBTI communities, reinforcing the necessity of support from both the audience and officials for such endeavors to succeed. Recognizing the wealth of expertise within the room, the organizers acknowledged the pivotal roles individuals played in the community's collective well-being. Government officials in attendance were expected to inform and advise the government on actions that align with the commitment to civil society engagement made post-Universal Periodic Review (UPR) recommendations.
The session also recognized the efforts of those who made written and oral submissions, underscoring their significance in shaping the future narrative and strategy for the LGBTI groups. The Human Rights Commission played an integral role, with their team focusing on sexual orientation and gender identity portfolios.
A prime focus was discussing the development of a national rainbow strategy, a community-led initiative seeking to streamline issues across the country and establish a concrete action plan in collaboration with the government. Crafting policies in critical areas, from legislation to healthcare, and considering a long-term perspective, was deemed essential to advance the community's cause. This community-government collaboration aimed to ensure inclusivity and recognition of each group's unique challenges while maintaining an evolving strategy reflective of ongoing societal changes.
During the presentations, the panel and submitters engaged in conversations around legal recognition, healthcare access, and creating a more inclusive and safer community for all. Importantly, the need for clarity in discrimination laws was highlighted, emphasizing that including sexual characteristics is critical to protect intersex individuals. Discussing healthcare challenges, speakers expressed the struggle trans and intersex communities face in obtaining adequate medical support and surgeries, signifying a profound disparity in healthcare provisions.
Lastly, the submissions shed light on the urgency to support LGBTI refugees, advocating for a governmental policy that specifically allocates a percentage of the refugee quota for LGBTI refugees. Recognizing the vulnerability and additional challenges faced by LGBTI individuals in refugee camps, it was argued that established communities should proactively support their integration and well-being post-resettlement in New Zealand.
The urgency and dedication of the speakers called for a whole-of-government approach and accountability in addressing LGBTI issues, as outlined in previous reports and findings. Understanding that while legislative change is a vital aspect, the true measure is in the consistent application and life-improving impact of those policies on individuals within the community.
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2010s, accountability, activism, aotearoa new zealand, ara taiohi, australia, bella simpson, birth certificate, bisexual, burnout, china, colonisation, conference, cross political party working group, david seymour, denis o'rourke, diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (dsm), education, education review office (ero), eliana rubashkyn, elizabeth kerekere, empowerment, endocrinologist, engagement, exclusion, family court, gay, gender, gender expression, gender identity, gender neutral bathrooms, gisborne, government, green party, health, homelessness, hormone blockers, hormone replacement therapy (hrt), hormone treatment, how do we make it better (report), how safe are our schools (report), hui, human rights, human rights act (1993), human rights commission, identity documents, intersex, jack byrne, jackie blue, jan logie, joey macdonald, joy liddicoat, julie watson, kaupapa, kevin hague, lesbian, louisa wall, malta, manatū hauora ministry of health, marama fox, marriage, marriage amendment act (2012), marriage certificate, marriage equality, member of parliament, mental health, ministry of education, māori, national rainbow strategy, nauru, northern region district health boards (dhbs), onslow college, palmerston north, passport, pathways to life, politics, prison, prisoners, proud 2016 (wellington), queer, racism, rainbow cultural competency, rainbow refugee quota, rainbow tick, refugee, rehabilitation, renato sabbadini, research, richard tankersley, rosslyn noonan, safety, sally dellow, sandra dickson, school, self determination, sex characteristics, sexuality, shawn moodie, sogii universal periodic review (upr) coalition, sport, suicide, suicide prevention, surgery, susan devoy, takatāpui, to be who i am (2008), tokenism, tommy hamilton, trans, transgender, transition, tīwhanawhana, united kingdom, university of otago wellington school of medicine, visibility, wellington, wellington high school, whakapapa, whangarei, yogyakarta principles (2006), youth, youth 2000 national youth health and wellbeing survey, youth parliament, youth'12 survey
Tags (computer generated)
access, addiction, advice, advocate, africa, animals, anti discrimination, argentina, auckland, audience, balance, bathrooms, beauty, board, bodily autonomy, books, building, bus, camp, capital, cats, change, cheese, children, choice, christchurch, citizenship, civil rights, civil society, collaboration, collective, coming out, coming up, communion, community, conflict, consent, conversation, costumes, council, covenant, crown, culture, data, david, difference, dignity, disability, discrimination, diversity, elders, email, environment, equality, europe, events, expression, face, family, family violence, film, freaks, fun, funding, future, gender diverse, gender neutral, geneva, god, gym, health system, hiding, history, hit, homophobia, hope, housing, identity, individual, informed consent, internet, intersex roundtable, intervention, isolation, job, joe, justice, knowledge, language, law, leadership, legacy, legal rights, legislation, lgbt, listening, love, mainstream, mask, media, meetings, michael stevens, minority, mistakes, modeling, monitor, music, nature, new zealand first, normal, oceania, opportunity, other, out proud, pacific, parties, peace, people, perception, persecution, petition, podcast, police, policy, power, pregnancy, priorities, privacy, privilege, proposal, psychology, public health, public service, quiz, race, rainbow, rainbows, rally, recognition, refugee camp, refugee quota, respect, review, road trip, rugby, sad, scene, scotland, select committee, sex, sexual orientation, sexual violence, skype, social, social media, space, spectrum, statistics, stigma, straight, strategy, strength, stress, struggle, stuff, submission, suit, support, survey, switzerland, technology, thailand, time, top, training, trans woman, travel, treat, treaty, trust, understanding, united nations, university, values, video, violence, voice, water, wedding, wind, women, work, writing, youth