Significant Anniversaries
This page highlights significant anniversaries relating to Aotearoa New Zealand's Takatāpui LGBTI Rainbow communities.
- 100th anniversary of Peter Stratford (a.k.a. Deresley Morton) marrying Elizabeth Rowland (1 Oct 1925)
- 90th anniversary of Eric Mareo murdering his wife Themla Mareo (15 April 1935). Themla was also in a relationship with dancer Freda Stark
- 70th anniversary of the birth of Mahinarangi Tocker in Taumarunui (1955)
- 60th anniversary of the death of composer Tuini Ngawai (12 August 1965)
- 50th anniversary of Carmen Rupe controversially declaring that she knew of both bisexual and gay Members of Parliament (1 May 1975)
- 50th anniversary of Robin Duff standing for parliament - the first openly gay parliamentary candidate in New Zealand's history (November 1975)
- 40th anniversary of MP Fran Wilde introducing the Homosexual Law Reform Bill into Parliament (8 March 1985)
- 40th anniversary of the first AIDS Candlelight Memorials held in New Zealand (May 1985. Internationally, the first memorials took place in the USA in May 1983)
40th anniversary of the New Zealand AIDS Foundation (September 1985), now called the Burnett Foundation Aotearoa
- 40th anniversary of the death of HIV AIDS activist Bruce Burnett (1 June 1985)
- 30th anniversary of The Queer Resources - Aotearoa New Zealand, probably the first queer web pages from New Zealand published on the internet
- 30th anniversary of the first annual Out Takes queer film festival (May 1995)
- 150th anniversary of the birth of poet Ursula Bethell (b. 6 October 1874)
- 90th anniversary of the death of Effie Pollen (d. 8 November 1934), partner of Ursula Bethall
- 80th birthday of authors Witi Ihimaera (b. 7 February 1944) and David Hartnell (b. 29 June 1944)
- 60th anniversary of the brutal killing of Charles Aberhart in Hagley Park (23 January 1964)
- 40th anniversary of the formation of the AIDS Support Network (which would grow into the NZ AIDS Foundation/Burnett Foundation Aotearoa)
- 30th anniversary of LILAC - the Lesbian Information, Library and Archives Centre (7 September 1994)
- 25th anniversary of the first openly transgender Member of Parliament in the world (Georgina Beyer, 27 November 1999)
- 15th anniversary of (domain registered on 12 April 2009)
- 120th anniversary of the birth of writers James Courage (9 February 1923) and Frank Sargeson (23 March 1923)
- 100th anniversary of the death of writer Katherine Mansfield (d. 9 January 1923)
- 70th birthday of activist Mani Bruce Mitchell (b. 10 March 1953)
- 60th anniversary of The Dorian Society forming a legal subcommittee to work towards homosexual law reform (1963)
- 40th anniversary of the first reported cases of AIDS in New Zealand (1983)
- 30th anniversary of the passing of the Human Rights Act (28 July 1993)
- 30th anniversary of the deaths of activists Eve van Grafhorst, Darren Horn and Tom O'Donoghue from AIDS-related conditions
- 30th anniversary of the first openly gay male Member of Parliament (Chris Carter, 6 November 1993)
- 30th anniversary of the MMP referendum to change how New Zealand votes in the General Election (6 November 1993)
- 25th anniversary of the murder of Matthew Shepard in Wyoming, USA (1998)
- 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Prostitution Reform Act (28 June 2003)
- 10th anniversary of the enactment of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act (19 August 2013)