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- 8th March to?Below, Dot's bar owner PETER TAYLOR delivers a scathing yet optimistic 'St... - 5th April
...athan Smith...Links: PETER TAYLOR – Ticking along nicelyPETER TAYLOR (R... - 11th May
...n the early 1960s. Prosecutor PETER TAYLOR informed the jury that Thorpe's politi... - 14th May
...t. The prosecution, led by Mr PETER TAYLOR Q.C., outlined a detailed scenario wher... - 2nd June
...ayNZ.comQueen of Queens 2014: PETER TAYLOREach Queen's Birthday Weekend GayNZ...L... - 13th June
...tion, led by Crown counsel Mr PETER TAYLOR, presented a narrative depicting Thorpe... - 14th June with 'this is your life' PETER TAYLOR, eternal optimist...Links: GayNZ.comTra... - 12th July
... GayNZ.comTickets on sale for PETER TAYLOR celebrationPETER TAYLOR Tickets are o... - 6th August treatment after celebration PETER TAYLOR Auckland’s adored community inspira... - 15th August
...: Sat 15 Aug 2009 PETER TAYLOR, living legendPETER TAYLOR is nothing s... - 29th August
...your own life" advises frail PETER TAYLORPETER TAYLOR As the final days of his ... - 31st August
...nks: Gay NZAn event to honour PETER TAYLOR is held at St Matthew-in-the-City. (Au... - 9th September
...and respected gay personality PETER TAYLOR ends his decades-long struggle with the... - 11th September
...dy underway...Links: PETER TAYLOR "weak, fluctuating, but doing ok"PETE... - 14th September
...: Sat 14 Sep 2013 PETER TAYLOR now in hospice as end draws nearAn alre... - 15th September
...3...Links: GayNZ.comObituary: PETER TAYLOR, 1953 - 2013Obituary: PETER TAYLOR...Li... - 16th September
...: Mon 16 Sep 2013 PETER TAYLOR, a well known Auckland personality dies... - 23rd September
...d this afternoon for the late PETER TAYLOR, who died a week ago after a two-decade... - 27th October
...: GayNZ.comTheatre tribute to PETER TAYLORA musical is in the works which will be ... - 13th November
...ayNZ.comUrge raises funds for PETER TAYLOR's trustThe late PETER TAYLOR Aucklan... - 19th November
...ton Central...Links: PETER TAYLOR: Looking for solutionsPETER TAYLOR PE... - 16th December
...s: GayNZ.comThis Is Your Life PETER TAYLOR (Part 1)This year we lost one of the mo... - 17th December
...: GayNZ.comThis Is Your Life: PETER TAYLOR (Part 2)We hear about PETER TAYLOR's e... - 18th December
...: GayNZ.comThis Is Your Life: PETER TAYLOR (Part 3)One of the surprise guests at t... - 19th December
...s: GayNZ.comThis Is Your Life PETER TAYLOR (Part 9)GayNZ...Links: GayNZ.comThis Is... - 20th December
...ound him since his great love PETER TAYLOR died...Links: GayNZ.comTamihere attempt...
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