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- 29th January
...yers for gay Christchurch man PETER ELLIS are seeking a Royal Commission of Inqui... - 21st March
... who didn't feel the pain of PETER ELLIS when his homosexuality and outgoing nat... - 5th April
...itical wing...Links: PETER ELLIS suffers heart attackPETER ELLIS, the co... - 22nd April
...: Wed 22 Apr 2015 PETER ELLIS Request For Commission of Inquiry Decli... - 8th June
... a series of efforts to clear PETER ELLIS's name...Links: Tue 8 Jun 1... - 9th June
...nded" at support for petition PETER ELLIS is "absolutely astounded" at the supp... - 10th June
... a top-level inquiry into the PETER ELLIS convictions, stating yesterday that "f... - 11th June's decision to ignore the PETER ELLIS petition currently circulating in Parli... - 12th June
...has lent her signature to the PETER ELLIS petition...Links: GayNZ.comOpposition p... - 19th June
...bour MPs are divided over the PETER ELLIS petition, with only Georgina Beyer bein... - 23rd June
...h-profile figures to sign the PETER ELLIS petition, which will be presented to Pa... - 24th June
...upport of an inquiry into the PETER ELLIS conviction today on the steps of Parlia... - 25th June
... a top-level inquiry into the PETER ELLIS convictions...Links: GayNZ.comNZ's tra... - 26th June
...d with new information on the PETER ELLIS case that can force a Royal Commission ... - 28th June
...nal child complainants in the PETER ELLIS case has signed the petition called for... - 29th June
...ommission of Inquiry into the PETER ELLIS convictions has reached the select comm... - 30th June
... GayNZ.comPM "uneasy" about PETER ELLIS casePrime Minister Helen Clark has admi... - 4th July on new information in the PETER ELLIS case after offering a $100,000 reward f... - 25th July
...victed 'child sex offender' PETER ELLIS, a gay man, says any inquiry into the C... - 26th July
... of children connected to the PETER ELLIS case will be made publicly available, t... - 27th July given by children accusing PETER ELLIS of abuse in the Christchurch Civic Crec... - 2nd August
...ldrens' testimonies from the PETER ELLIS case in newspapers nationwide tomorrow.... - 2nd August
...ldrens' testimonies from the PETER ELLIS case in newspapers nationwide tomorrow.... - 3rd August
...ommission of inquiry over the PETER ELLIS case, saying that the childrens testimo... - 3rd August
...ommission of inquiry over the PETER ELLIS case, saying that the childrens testimo... - 4th August
...hildrens' testimonies in the PETER ELLIS case, even though the trial judge ruled... - 4th August
...hildrens' testimonies in the PETER ELLIS case, even though the trial judge ruled... - 5th August
...ry | August 2019Links: Express PETER ELLIS One Step Closer to Clearing His Name bu... - 8th August
...s: Mon 8 Aug 2005 PETER ELLIS Enquiry RejectedAfter two years of deli... - 9th August
...the controversial book on the PETER ELLIS case A City Possessed, has been awarded... - 13th August
...timonies from children in the PETER ELLIS case on the internet, in a bid to show ... - 17th August
...c ritual abuse perpetuated by PETER ELLIS...Links: GayNZ.comNude Mika photo upset... - 19th August
...ychiatrist who helped convict PETER ELLIS has been discredited for her evidence i... - 24th August
...d a desire to testify against PETER ELLIS in a parliamentary select committee hea... - 26th August
...ome forward to claim abuse by PETER ELLIS, but in this case Ellis was not even em... - 5th September
...nks: Express Thu 5 Sep 2019 PETER ELLIS Dies While Appealing ConvictionLinks: E... - 6th September
...tival Links: ExpressHistoric PETER ELLIS Case to go Before Supreme CourtLinks: E... - 8th September
...tantiated allegations against PETER ELLIS on Linda Clark's Nine To Noon programm... - 12th September
...thor protests biased interview PETER ELLIS book author Lynley Hood has lodged a fo... - 16th September his refusal to revisit the PETER ELLIS case...Links: Mon 16 Sep 200... - 19th September a further inquiry into the PETER ELLIS case has brought some action from the g... - 23rd September
...dromeA new study blames the " PETER ELLIS syndrome" for the low proportion of ma... - 4th October
...lling for an enquiry into the PETER ELLIS case, this time signed by former creche... - 7th October
... ExpressSupreme Court Quashes PETER ELLIS’ Child Abuse ConvictionsLinks: Expres... - 12th October
...e 30 year battle to exonerate PETER ELLISIn 1993 a gay man called PETER ELLIS was... - 16th October
...nquiry into the controversial PETER ELLIS case...Links: GayNZ.comSlug pellets for... - 15th December
...ommission of Inquiry into the PETER ELLIS case...Links: GayNZ.comSparkle on Sunda... - 20th December
... for independent Ellis inquiry PETER ELLIS A fresh bid has been launched for an ... - 28th December
...tion will call for pardon for PETER ELLISPETER ELLIS, pictured at the time of the...
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