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- 3rd April
...6 My Life before Law Reform: JAY BENNIEIn the late 1970s, as I became aware tha... - 28th May
...s in Wellington on June 3rd, JAY BENNIE and Jacqui Stanford review An English... - 26th October
... Zealand)Interviewees include JAY BENNIE, Michael Stevens and Tony Hughes. One ...
Results are ordered by the original publish date:
- The NZAF: Rumblings of discontent
In: HIV (22/01/2002) - Love! Sex! Infidelity! - French Toast
In: Performance (04/11/2002) - NZAF clarifies its position following criticism
In: HIV (31/01/2003) - Ending fatigue and complacency
In: HIV (29/02/2004) - HIV/AIDS Chat: Keeping gay men healthy
In: HIV (16/03/2004) - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
In: Books (20/04/2004) - Wizard used to unmask Maxim
In: Comment (26/04/2004) - Lateshift evacuated due to fire
In: New Zealand Daily News (18/05/2004) - Editorial: Perpetuating ancient fear, ignorance and greed
In: Features (22/06/2004) - Testing Labour's bottle
In: Features (24/06/2004) - Queer TV's uncertain future
In: Television (19/07/2004) - The Lighthouse
In: Performance (22/07/2004) - Hero Fest's a goer but parade is looking doubtful
In: Events (04/08/2004) - Strange Bedfellows
In: Movies (10/08/2004) - Tim Bray's Foibles
In: Performance (01/09/2004) - Editorial: Mum, the minister, Mary and Ripeka
In: Features (06/09/2004) - Nothing new for gays at Mayoral forum
In: New Zealand Daily News (09/09/2004) - Editorial: HIV: "It's just a few pills a day"
In: HIV (13/09/2004) - Ten seemingly simple questions
In: Comment (31/10/2004) - Camp camping: The beginner's guide to Vinegar Hill
In: Events (20/11/2004) - Editorial: Brash shows lack of leadership
In: Features (01/12/2004) - Editorial: That was...The Gay Agenda
In: Features (10/12/2004) - Frustrations at the frontier of gay media
In: Features (10/12/2004) - Editorial: Vexed messages
In: Features (15/12/2004) - AKL gay venues fear further firebombs
In: New Zealand Daily News (14/01/2005) - Editorial: A cynical, sinister marriage of convenience
In: Features (16/01/2005) - Alexander the Great
In: Movies (28/01/2005) - Smokefree nights of summer
In: Community (08/02/2005) - Editorial: BGO confrontation: A glimpse of the future
In: Community (15/02/2005) - Wanted: Just two hours for gay health study
In: Living Well (28/02/2005) - Editorial: Election year's 1st gay victims and a surprising accuser
In: Features (10/03/2005) - Editorial: Making a stand for fair play and justice
In: Features (21/03/2005) - Hero structure proves its worth
In: Events (21/03/2005) - Editorial: Jim Peron: Some questions and answers
In: True Stories (29/03/2005) - Editorial: The blatant, bloody hypocrisy of morals campaigners
In: Comment (01/04/2005) - Editorial: One kid's choice
In: Community (07/04/2005) - Few couples publicly rush to Unite
In: New Zealand Daily News (26/04/2005) - Happy unions continue nationwide
In: New Zealand Daily News (06/05/2005) - Stella Duffy: Author, survivor and trying hard
In: Events (20/05/2005) - Sports and gays - like oil and water?
In: Ask Our Expert (22/05/2005) - 'Formula 17' Enter The Phoenix'
In: Movies (24/05/2005) - Dealing with "faggot" put-downs
In: Ask Our Expert (30/05/2005) - 'Annie Sprinkle's Amazing World of Orgasm' Fluid'
In: Movies (01/06/2005) - Editorial: Unlamented farewells
In: Community (30/06/2005) - New AIDS cases in New Zealand more than double
In: HIV (19/07/2005) - NZAF BOARD: A 'chasm' between the Board and its stakeholders
In: HIV (24/07/2005) - Herne Bay House: Is the end in sight?
In: HIV (02/08/2005) - Editorial: The homophobic genesis of the Lange years
In: Features (16/08/2005) - Editorial: Fasten your seatbelts!
In: Features (15/09/2005) - Editorial: Go girrl!
In: Community (14/10/2005) - Wellington activist Daniel Fielding dies
In: New Zealand Daily News (16/10/2005) - Obituary: Daniel Fielding (1956 - 2005)
In: Community (20/10/2005) - HIV/AIDS Conference: "Wall of silence" helping spread HIV in Pacific
In: HIV (25/10/2005) - HIV/AIDS Conference: Gay Pacific Islanders - a high priority
In: HIV (28/10/2005) - NZAF AGM: "Dishonesty, political agendas and poor judgement"
In: HIV (15/11/2005) - Editorial: NZAF Board left dangling on a thread
In: HIV (20/11/2005) - Sex Venues: Auckland's Wingate and Lateshift
In: Entertainment (13/12/2005) - Review: Glam LA tranny adopts obsessive Kiwi motorcyclist
In: Performance (28/01/2006) - Editorial: It's official - NZ's gay men don't care about HIV
In: HIV (14/03/2006) - Freedom! The day our gay world changed
In: True Stories (07/04/2006) - Leaving reluctantly for richer pastures
In: HIV (20/04/2006) - "Light, bright" venue news sheet launched
In: New Zealand Daily News (21/04/2006) - Kenneth Anger: A Demonic Visionary in Wellington
In: Movies (02/05/2006) - Dream Team: Peter Wells and Edmund White on stage!
In: Events (03/05/2006) - Editorial: Some things never change. Why?
In: Comment (06/05/2006) - Storm in a condom: "Horny As" gets stickered
In: HIV (11/05/2006) - Choosing the films we want to see
In: Movies (25/05/2006) - New Plymouth: The "gay sex" capital of New Zealand!
In: People (26/05/2006) - Editorial: Out Takes soap exposes community dilemma
In: Community (16/06/2006) - Editorial: Shattered lives
In: Features (01/07/2006) - Time for NZAF Board to hear community voices
In: HIV (02/08/2006) - NZAF Board: A process of rebirth and review
In: HIV (03/08/2006) - NZAF Board: Keep the gay heart, let them speak
In: HIV (03/08/2006) - NZAF: Adapting to the second wave of HIV
In: HIV (14/08/2006) - The freedom of speech problem
In: Comment (01/11/2006) - Unsafe sex dominates internet hookups
In: New Zealand Daily News (11/11/2006) - Shaping the future of the AIDS Foundation
In: HIV (20/11/2006) - Editorial: The Brash legacy - expediency over decency?
In: Features (24/11/2006) - Its time we ALL took up the fight against HIV
In: HIV (28/11/2006) - John Key, supporter of equality for gays and lesbians
In: Features (03/12/2006) - Georgina Beyer: New futures for a consumate politician
In: Features (28/12/2006) - DVD: Documenting the effort behind a fabulous show
In: Television (14/02/2007) - Hero rattled by Parade announcement
In: New Zealand Daily News (25/02/2007) - Editorial: NZ's gay media is a small, small world
In: Community (08/03/2007) - Takataapui TV talks Hero history
In: New Zealand Daily News (14/03/2007) - An appreciation: Henare Te Ua
In: Community (02/05/2007) - Paula Brettkelly: embracing the sick and despised
In: HIV (13/06/2007) - Marked Men, dark lives
In: Books (14/08/2007) - Editorial: How do we define "support?"
In: Safe Sex (22/08/2007) - Age catches up with Tolliver and Maupin
In: Books (17/09/2007) - Editorial: NZ Dating turns a corner
In: Safe Sex (20/09/2007) - Editorial: Publish and be damned?
In: Community (24/09/2007) - English calls lawyers over GayNZ story
In: New Zealand Daily News (26/09/2007) - Editorial: Responding to our critics
In: Community (04/10/2007) - English admits son posted "offensive" abuse
In: New Zealand Daily News (10/10/2007) - Review: Lives on the edge in 'Hotel de Dream'
In: Books (19/10/2007) - When porn 'fantasy' meets reality
In: Features (24/10/2007) - "My personal passion for the AIDS Foundation"
In: HIV (30/10/2007) - Departing Chair charts AIDS Foundation's future
In: HIV (01/11/2007) - Review: GALS' sweet harmony and saucy wit
In: Performance (03/11/2007) - #1 NZ glbt website, again
In: New Zealand Daily News (14/11/2007) - Hamish Allardice: "A good listener, an active member"
In: HIV (14/11/2007) - Editorial: The flawed but noble Pride Centre
In: Community (15/11/2007) - Peter Taylor: Looking for solutions
In: HIV (19/11/2007) - The Transgender Inquiry: New Zealand reacts
In: Features (20/01/2008) - Fraser Moreton: A Kiwi bloke's gay life
In: True Stories (25/01/2008) - Editorial: William Golding and the vortices of vitriol
In: Features (30/01/2008) - Chat opens up secrets of bareback sex
In: Safe Sex (06/02/2008) - Police DLOs breaking down the fear barrier
In: Community (11/02/2008) - Review: Out of their depth at The Cape
In: Performance (13/02/2008) - Review: Watson's Crisp reveals gentle humanity
In: Performance (14/02/2008) - Review: Elephant vs Keyhole at the Great HERO Debate
In: Performance (19/02/2008) - Editorial:'s Forum and Blogs
In: Community (20/02/2008) - Editorial: The complex Poster Boys problem
In: Safe Sex (24/02/2008) - Poster Boy claim "untrue and based on spite"
In: New Zealand Daily News (25/02/2008) - Poster Boys showing determination and commitment
In: Safe Sex (26/02/2008) - Complaint upheld against story on MP's son
In: New Zealand Daily News (06/03/2008) - Editorial: We salute the Southland Times
In: Features (07/03/2008) - Sex and the New Zealanders
In: Books (30/03/2008) - Boobs, All Blacks and The End of the World
In: Books (06/04/2008) - Editorial: Thanks for two jobs well done
In: HIV (09/04/2008) - Review: Bare at Hamilton's Riverlea Theatre
In: Performance (04/05/2008) - Robin Isaacs Pt1: Searching for HIV treatments
In: HIV (16/05/2008) - Robin Isaacs Pt2: New drugs and HIV explained
In: HIV (18/05/2008) - Community mourns loss of GP Wildbore
In: New Zealand Daily News (20/06/2008) - Obituary: Dr. Matt Wildbore, 1963 - 2008
In: People (25/06/2008) - Tracking down Mates and Lovers - Pt1
In: Books (28/06/2008) - NZ is advocating human rights to fight HIV
In: HIV (29/06/2008) - Tracking down Mates and Lovers - Pt2
In: Books (02/07/2008) - Quick Quiz: The Movies
In: Movies (06/07/2008) - Review: The Life of Brian
In: Features (17/07/2008) - still NZ's #1 glbt website
In: New Zealand Daily News (05/08/2008) - TVNZ debate to tackle gay media
In: New Zealand Daily News (30/08/2008) - HIV advocate Sister Paula Brettkelly dies
In: New Zealand Daily News (31/08/2008) - Tim Barnett's remarkable journey
In: Features (04/09/2008) - What's up with NZ's gay media?
In: Television (04/09/2008) - "Out of the closet and into the House"
In: Features (06/09/2008) - goes live with winning logo
In: New Zealand Daily News (23/09/2008) - United Future 2.0: The little party that's changed
In: Features (12/10/2008) - NZ First: "Fighters against prejudice"
In: Features (19/10/2008) - ACT: Getting government out of our lives
In: Features (22/10/2008) - Labour: Committed to human rights and dignity
In: Features (27/10/2008) - Review: Brideshead lite
In: Movies (29/10/2008) - The Greens: Equality is party policy
In: Features (01/11/2008) - Review: GALS has plenty to delight and satisfy
In: Performance (01/11/2008) - Jim Anderton's Progressives: Prepared to front up
In: Features (04/11/2008) - Gay Vote08: Coverage and absences
In: Features (06/11/2008) - Change isn't always a bad thing
In: Features (09/11/2008) - Review: Spectacular drag in QWU pageant
In: Performance (17/11/2008) - World AIDS Day: Why bother with condoms?
In: Community (01/12/2008) - Editorial: Taking the NZAF to task
In: HIV (24/01/2009) - Milk movie makes cash for OUTLine
In: New Zealand Daily News (29/01/2009) - Review: Brilliant, tender Milk
In: Movies (29/01/2009) - NZAF answers: Homophobes, staff and money
In: HIV (05/02/2009) - Towards 2010: the NZAF's progress
In: HIV (02/03/2009) - Editorial: The reality of our HIV epidemic
In: Community (21/03/2009) - Sex venues shut doors to HIV 'predator'
In: New Zealand Daily News (16/05/2009) - What you should know about HIV and the law
In: Features (21/05/2009) - Editorial: Our glbt debt of gratitude to Out! magazine
In: Community (21/05/2009) - What you should know about HIV and confidentiality
In: Features (28/05/2009) - Andy King's passion for investigation
In: Community (01/06/2009) - Review: Patrik Age 1.5
In: Movies (02/06/2009) - Review: GALS' recession-busting fun
In: Performance (28/06/2009) - Editorial: The Ambach trial and 'gay panic' defence
In: Features (09/07/2009) - Review: Holding the Man
In: Performance (07/08/2009) - Same-sex couple adoption? Don't hold your breath
In: Features (21/08/2009) - Cash crisis hits OUTLine
In: Community (21/09/2009) - 24-hour collection for OUTLine kicks off
In: New Zealand Daily News (02/10/2009) - "So thoughtless, so foul and so wrong!"
In: Features (21/10/2009) - Review: Good times with GALS' Kiwifruits
In: Performance (31/10/2009) - The great gay blood donation debate (updated 18/11/09)
In: Health and HIV (15/11/2009) - Editorial: HIV prevention - are we doing OK?
In: Features (28/11/2009) - Are HIV test kits coming to an outlet near you?
In: HIV (01/12/2009) - "How Glenn Mills gave me HIV"
In: True Stories (02/12/2009) - $600 donation to ailing Body Positive services
In: New Zealand Daily News (28/12/2009) - Sharing ownership of the NZAF's progress
In: HIV (31/01/2010) - writer accepts Sydney editor role
In: New Zealand Daily News (23/02/2010) - Review: Gay lives revealed, in our own words
In: Books (22/03/2010) - First public shots fired in the HIV services turf war
In: HIV (26/04/2010) - New journo appointed to role
In: New Zealand Daily News (28/04/2010) - nominated for Qantas Media Award
In: New Zealand Daily News (17/05/2010) - Review: No Fretful Sleeper
In: Books (19/05/2010) - Reviews: Out Takes 2010 opening night
In: Movies (28/05/2010) - Review: Stepping Out
In: Performance (14/06/2010) - A Collective unease
In: HIV (29/06/2010) - Staring disaster in the face
In: True Stories (05/09/2010) - Editorial: Will Len Brown be good for glbt Auckland?
In: Features (09/10/2010) - How committed to condoms are we?
In: HIV (09/11/2010) - Review: Mates and Lovers - history speaking to us
In: Performance (17/11/2010) - NZers bite back over WiFi censorship story
In: New Zealand Daily News (11/01/2011) - The lives of Williams, Fry and Wilde
In: Books (16/01/2011) - Why home testing for HIV is perilous
In: Health and HIV (09/02/2011) - Mates and Lovers to usher in Outgames
In: New Zealand Daily News (17/02/2011) - Surviving HIV.. and now the earthquake
In: Health and HIV (27/02/2011) - Reporters will cover Games live from capital
In: Out Games News (02/03/2011) - Editorial: How do we stop HIV this time?
In: Health and HIV (08/03/2011) - Review: The vivacity and power of Drumdrag
In: Performance (13/03/2011) - A day at the (glbt) races
In: Events (14/03/2011) - A new future of pride and strength
In: Events (17/05/2011) - Reviews: The String - "Nice"; Marine Story - "Worthy"
In: Movies (27/05/2011) - Review: We Were Here - "Stunning"
In: Movies (28/05/2011) - Review: Stonewall Uprising "Arresting"
In: Movies (30/05/2011) - Review: Sasha "touching"
In: Movies (02/06/2011) - Menfriends: Fighting to re-open asap
In: Our Communities (15/06/2011) - July 1st 1986: Something wonderful is about to happen!
In: Politics and Religion (01/07/2011) - July 2, 1986: Parliament on decision night
In: Politics and Religion (02/07/2011) - July 9, 1986: The "poofs" have it!
In: Features (09/07/2011) - "Mean-spirited" NZAF retaining 50% of street appeal donations
In: HIV (17/07/2011) - Bill Logan Pt.1: "It was a good ride!
In: People (24/07/2011) - Bill Logan Pt2: The change in NZ culture
In: Our Communities (25/07/2011) - Law Reform: raising the cash
In: True Stories (10/08/2011) - Editorial: 25 years of freedom for the poncing poofs
In: Our Communities (11/08/2011) - An appreciation: Sir Paul Reeves RIP
In: Health and HIV (18/08/2011) - The Glenn Mills case, uncovered
In: HIV (02/09/2011) - Election platform: Candidates address glbti issues
In: Politics and Religion (15/10/2011) - Review: From Farrokh to Freddie to immortal fame
In: Music (30/10/2011) - Facing a lifetime with HIV - pt1
In: HIV (31/10/2011) - Facing a lifetime with HIV - pt2
In: HIV (04/11/2011) - Number 8 Films presents: The Green
In: Movies (17/11/2011) - Mates and Lovers actor up for theatre award
In: New Zealand Daily News (18/11/2011) - Editorial: Why the gay vote leans to the left.
In: Politics and Religion (23/11/2011) - Editorial: Fronting up to the challenge
In: Health and HIV (11/12/2011) - Quotes of the year - 2011
In: Features (03/01/2012) - Limited options and 'keeping it real'
In: Features (07/02/2012) - Limited options and escape to safety
In: Features (09/02/2012) - Body Positive: Providing the final safety net
In: HIV (08/03/2012) - Editorial: The sad conflict over Carmen's legacy
In: Community (29/03/2012) - What's behind the newly invigorated NZAF?
In: Health and HIV (09/04/2012) - Openness, honesty and a little confrontation
In: Health and HIV (15/04/2012) - A rather limited welcome...
In: Politics and Religion (21/04/2012) - The NZAF: A connected-in part of our community?
In: Health and HIV (29/04/2012) - Editorial: Mourning more than lives lost
In: Health and HIV (20/05/2012) - 2012 NZ Queen of Queens: Carmen Rupe
In: Hall of Fame (04/06/2012) - Review: GALS - Out in the city, Songs for queer Auckland
In: Performance (23/06/2012) - Review: Love is the Cure
In: Books (16/08/2012) - Parenting - a grandmother's view
In: True Stories (17/08/2012) - NZ, where equality must mean equality
In: Comment (19/09/2012) - For and against: The Ak University Marriage Equality debate
In: Politics and Religion (02/10/2012) - What drives Colin Craig?
In: Features (04/10/2012) - Review: Manly Affections
In: Books (07/10/2012) - Review: Flawed and fabulous GALS concert
In: Performance (28/10/2012) - Editorial: An open letter to the Prime Minister
In: Features (09/11/2012) - Review: Skyfall
In: Movies (28/11/2012) - Back to normal after World AIDS Day
In: HIV (02/12/2012) - Stories of the year: 20 to 11
In: Features (28/12/2012) - Art, drama and literature treats for Pride
In: Entertainment (04/01/2013) - Wedding Belles: An ordinary Kiwi wedding
In: True Stories (24/01/2013) - Editorial: A salute to Sir Paul Holmes
In: True Stories (01/02/2013) - Pride review: Gobsmacked
In: Performance (13/02/2013) - Pride review: Salon Mika
In: Performance (14/02/2013) - Pride review: Black Faggot
In: Performance (17/02/2013) - Pride review: After Lilburn
In: Performance (23/02/2013) - Democracy at work: Two days at the marriage equality hearings
In: Features (28/02/2013) - Editorial: Corporal Dougie Hughes' legacy?
In: Living Well (11/03/2013) - Review: Dances of Desire
In: Performance (12/03/2013) - Black Faggot awarded Melbourne Fringe slot
In: New Zealand Daily News (13/03/2013) - ANZAC Day feature: Gay and in the Army, pt1 - Basic Training
In: True Stories (25/04/2013) - Gay and in the army: Pt2 - Real men can kiss (each other)
In: True Stories (27/04/2013) - Gay and in the Army: Pt3: So many unanswered questions
In: True Stories (30/04/2013) - The gaping holes in gay Christchurch history
In: Our Communities (11/05/2013) - Candlelight Memorial: Tributes and memories
In: HIV (19/05/2013) - 2013 NZ Queen of Queens: Chrissy Witoko
In: People (03/06/2013) - Review: K' Rd Strip is a triumph
In: Performance (12/06/2013) - Review: GALS Love and Marriage
In: Performance (11/07/2013) - Review: Behind the Candelabra
In: Movies (30/07/2013) - Extra screening of Liberace flick in Auckland
In: New Zealand Daily News (01/08/2013) - Review: William Yang: My Generation
In: Movies (15/08/2013) - Channelling Crisp
In: Performance (16/08/2013) - Review: Ward as Crisp is spot on
In: Performance (22/08/2013) - Review: Dated and heavy-handed 'Vicious'
In: Television (29/08/2013) - Review: La Cage Aux Folles in Queenstown
In: Performance (01/09/2013) - Review: Destiny, The life and times of...
In: Features (05/09/2013) - Fun, flurries and faceplants - Gay Ski Week, Aussie-style
In: People (06/09/2013) - Scenes from a wedding
In: Weddings and Civil Unions (13/09/2013) - Obituary: Peter Taylor, 1953 - 2013
In: Hall of Fame (15/09/2013) - "The perfectness of it all"
In: People (23/09/2013) - Remembering Sue King
In: Hall of Fame (24/10/2013) - Honouring Georgie
In: Events (11/11/2013) - Editorial: Sex Ed 2013-style
In: Features (12/11/2013) - HIV - Success vs failure
In: Health and HIV (29/11/2013) - HIV - Diverging prevention paths
In: Health and HIV (30/11/2013) - HIV - Treatment as prevention?
In: Health and HIV (01/12/2013) - HIV - Prevention by clinician
In: Health and HIV (03/12/2013) - HIV - Homophobia and craziness
In: Health and HIV (04/12/2013) - Our favourite things of 2013: Arts and Entertainment
In: Entertainment (22/12/2013) - Editorial and appreciation: Tony Katavich
In: Hall of Fame (01/01/2014) - Obituary: Tony Katavich, 1935-2013
In: Hall of Fame (04/01/2014) - Review: Pride Gala and Mika's Mardi Gras
In: Performance (08/02/2014) - Review: One Night Only
In: Performance (11/02/2014) -, All Blacks and PM up for net award
In: New Zealand Daily News (14/02/2014) - Review: GALS free concert
In: Performance (16/02/2014) - Review: The Dallas Buyers' Club
In: Movies (19/02/2014) - Black Faggot about to open in Wellington
In: New Zealand Daily News (24/02/2014) - Extra Auckland Black Faggot show added
In: New Zealand Daily News (07/03/2014) - Review: Lady Poets presents Queer Poets
In: Performance (19/03/2014) - The joy and sadness of gay bingo
In: Events (21/03/2014) - Mr Gay NZ 'host' ad a "misunderstanding"
In: New Zealand Daily News (27/03/2014) - Abuse of Trust: Pt 1 - The trap
In: True Stories (03/05/2014) - Abuse of Trust: Pt 2 - The assaults
In: True Stories (04/05/2014) - Abuse of Trust Pt 3: Victims ignored
In: True Stories (10/05/2014) - Abuse of Trust Pt 4: Justice
In: True Stories (11/05/2014) - The AIDS Quilt panels at rest
In: HIV (18/05/2014) - Review: Sweet Dreams: Songs by Annie Lennox
In: Performance (05/06/2014) - Editorial: John Banks - gone but not forgiven
In: Politics and Religion (08/06/2014) - Comment: The Yellow Hole?
In: Comment (18/06/2014) - Showgirl glamour cabaret for Whakatane
In: Performance (19/06/2014) - Brushing with Destiny Pt 1: Making friends
In: Features (27/06/2014) - Brushing with Destiny Pt2: Taking the heat
In: Features (28/06/2014) - Brushing with Destiny Pt3: Marches, marriage and kids
In: Features (29/06/2014) - AIDS 2014: Listening, learning and advising
In: Health and HIV (19/07/2014) - The legacy of Corporal Dougie Hughes
In: True Stories (20/07/2014) - Review: One Of Those
In: Performance (13/08/2014) - Whaledump and Whale Oil - a gay reading
In: Features (24/08/2014) - Review: Wine Lips
In: Performance (27/08/2014) - Review: Earnest
In: Performance (28/08/2014) - Readying for Outgames 2016
In: Events (04/09/2014) - Sleaze, bullying and smears at Mr Gay World
In: Our Communities (11/09/2014) - Review: Pride
In: Movies (17/10/2014) - Review: The Life and Loves of a He Devil
In: Books (16/11/2014) - Editorial: The Pride Board, day 8 under the dome
In: Our Communities (17/11/2014) - Review: GALS' A Night Out
In: Performance (25/11/2014) - Decades of making a difference - Pt1
In: Our Communities (30/11/2014) - Decades of making a difference - Pt2
In: Our Communities (01/12/2014) - Decades of making a difference - Pt3
In: Our Communities (03/12/2014) - Editorial: Another milestone towards glbti equality
In: Community (08/12/2014) - Robbie Manson - Pt1: The path to success
In: Hall of Fame (30/12/2014) - Robbie Manson - Pt2: Being out and proud
In: Hall of Fame (01/01/2015) - Review: The Imitation Game
In: Movies (02/01/2015) - Review: Proud - My Autobiography
In: Books (07/01/2015) - One-of-a-kind, Warwick Broadhead dies
In: New Zealand Daily News (09/01/2015) - Pieces of a magical puzzle
In: True Stories (14/01/2015) - Review: Auckland Pride Gala 2015
In: Performance (07/02/2015) - Review: Legacy Project
In: Performance (11/02/2015) - Review: XOX Pride at The Box
In: Performance (12/02/2015) - Review: Review Revue
In: Books (18/02/2015) - Review: Fine Fatale's Freak Show
In: Performance (19/02/2015) - Editorial: A Pride Parade to remember
In: Our Communities (21/02/2015) - Review: GALS Pride Festival concert
In: Performance (27/02/2015) - Best of the Fest
In: Events (02/03/2015) - Reaching out widely to build communities
In: Our Communities (10/03/2015) - Condoms optional: Promoting the PrEP philosophy
In: Safe Sex (14/03/2015) - Obituary: Vern Keller
In: Community (12/04/2015) - Ushering in change for people with HIV - Pt 1
In: Health and HIV (27/04/2015) - Review: The Girl and The Gay
In: Performance (29/04/2015) - Ushering in change for people with HIV - Pt 2
In: Health and HIV (03/05/2015) - On the cusp of history: Kevin Hague
In: Features (04/05/2015) - Auckland Uni Pride Week begins today
In: New Zealand Daily News (04/05/2015) - Review: Eli Matthewson: Faith
In: Performance (13/05/2015) - Nothing but aroha: Lee and Sandra's wedding
In: Weddings and Civil Unions (18/05/2015) - 2015 Queen of Queens: Warwick Broadhead
In: Our Communities (01/06/2015) - Editorial: What do you want from Ak Pride?
In: Our Communities (17/06/2015) - Auckland Pride Pt1: In the beginning...
In: Our Communities (21/06/2015) - Auckland Pride Pt2: Things go awry...
In: Our Communities (23/06/2015) - Auckland Pride pt3: Tragic and heartbreaking...
In: Our Communities (24/06/2015) - Auckland Pride responds: part one
In: Our Communities (02/07/2015) - Auckland Pride responds: part two
In: Our Communities (03/07/2015) - Auckland Pride responds: part three
In: Our Communities (04/07/2015) - Don't miss: K' Rd Strip's return season
In: Performance (11/07/2015) - Tim Wilson's anti-gender diversity diatribe
In: Features (18/07/2015) - Movie review: Holding the Man
In: Movies (30/07/2015) - Crunch time for Ak Outgames
In: Our Communities (03/08/2015) - Editorial: It's time to step up to starting line
In: Our Communities (06/08/2015) - Outgames progress update, August 7, 2015
In: Our Communities (07/08/2015) - Then there were two: the dual Gay Ski Weeks
In: Events (28/08/2015) - GaySkiWeekQT: Days 1and2 - Recovery and foam
In: Our Communities (29/08/2015) - Outgames Update, August 30, 2015
In: Our Communities (30/08/2015) - Behind the closure of BP Wellington
In: Health and HIV (01/09/2015) - GaySkiWeekQT: Days 3and4 - On the slopes
In: Our Communities (01/09/2015) - GaySkiWeekQT: Days 5and6 Caluzzi girls! Lisa! Karoke!
In: Our Communities (03/09/2015) - Outgames decision - behind the scenes
In: Our Communities (03/09/2015) - Replacing the Outgames - a fresh start
In: Our Communities (04/09/2015) - GaySkiWeekQT: Day 7and8: Farewell party time
In: Our Communities (05/09/2015) - Editorial: Farewell Jacqui Stanford
In: Hall of Fame (08/10/2015) - Inside Body Positive
In: Health and HIV (09/10/2015) - Inside the Ak Outgames fiasco
In: Our Communities (24/10/2015) - The lost $20,000 Outgames legacy
In: Our Communities (25/10/2015) - Review: OE. I AM
In: Performance (29/10/2015) - Proud To Play is underway
In: Community (06/11/2015) - Review: Hudson and Halls
In: Performance (07/11/2015) - Petition calls to “drop the T” in LGBTI
In: New Zealand Daily News (08/11/2015) - 13 questions for Beenie Man before Raggamuffin
In: Performance (18/11/2015) - Auckland's Good, Bad and Ugly mayors
In: Features (22/11/2015) - NZAF to Govt.: Get back in the HIV game!
In: HIV (23/11/2015) - Review: GALS R Us
In: Performance (01/12/2015) - Fronting Up: Pride responds to criticism, pt1
In: Our Communities (18/12/2015) - Fronting Up: Pride responds to criticism, pt2
In: Our Communities (20/12/2015) - Fronting Up: Pride responds to criticism, pt3
In: Our Communities (21/12/2015) - Journeys through life: Joanna's story
In: Community (25/12/2015) - Contrasts of past and future
In: Events (26/01/2016) - Making the hard decision against Corrections
In: Events (27/01/2016) - One night at the old Staircase
In: Performance (02/02/2016) - Review: No More Dancing In The Good Room
In: Performance (03/02/2016) - People like these: Cindy and Ramon
In: Performance (09/02/2016) - Review: Et Lux
In: Performance (11/02/2016) - Ak Pride Debate: Bigger is judged to be Better
In: Performance (13/02/2016) - Review: F' You
In: Performance (16/02/2016) - Review: People Like Us
In: Performance (17/02/2016) - Hard times, fun times
In: Our Communities (27/02/2016) - Looking back and looking forward
In: Health and HIV (22/05/2016) - Grieving for Ihaia, a special brother
In: Features (27/05/2016) - Editorial: 24 years later, a different approach from the NZRU
In: Our Communities (04/06/2016) - Review: The magnificent life and times of Niccole Duval
In: People (09/06/2016) - Media and communities ignoring Mexico massacre
In: International News (17/06/2016) - "Here come the gays! Come on my face!"
In: Our Communities (04/08/2016) - Young, gay, vulnerable... and targeted
In: Our Communities (07/08/2016) - GALS' The Full Catastrophe
In: Entertainment (12/08/2016) - Review: GALS The Full Catastrophe
In: Performance (15/08/2016) - Friendships and down-to-earth fun in Queenstown
In: Events (30/08/2016) - Leading from the head and the heart
In: Health and HIV (28/09/2016) - HIV prevention: It's time for a change
In: Health and HIV (29/09/2016) - HIV prevention: Groping in the dark
In: Health and HIV (05/10/2016) - Changing tactics for changing times
In: Health and HIV (18/10/2016) - The struggle continues for Georgina Beyer
In: Community (25/10/2016) - The questions NZ Rugby won't answer
In: Features (16/11/2016) - Bringing gay Māori men out of the closet
In: Our Communities (18/11/2016) - Editorial: Where are the gay and bi men?
In: Health and HIV (29/11/2016) - Adding 'edge' to the Ak Pride Parade
In: Events (03/12/2016) - From the Big Gay Disco protest
In: Politics and Religion (07/12/2016) - Introducing Paul Foster-Bell MP
In: Our Communities (10/12/2016) - Introducing Paul Foster-Bell MP - pt 2
In: Community (12/12/2016) - Siesta time at Uretiti
In: Community (29/12/2016) - Update: Body Positive, after the battle
In: Health and HIV (30/12/2016) - Embracing change, activism and conflict
In: Events (08/01/2017) - Technology's double-edged sword?
In: Our Communities (30/01/2017) - Review: Auckland Pride Festival 2017 Gala
In: Performance (11/02/2017) - Review: Impostar: Who do you think you are?
In: Performance (13/02/2017) - Review: Hot Brown Honey
In: Performance (14/02/2017) - Review: The Ak Pride Festival Great Debate
In: Performance (21/02/2017) - Ak Pride: West of Eden premiere
In: Movies (24/02/2017) - The Pride Parade Experience
In: Events (27/02/2017) - Health and HIV: Written questions for the Minister
In: Health and HIV (15/03/2017) - Review: Resident Alien
In: Performance (22/03/2017) - Editorial: to 'retire' May 31st.
In: Community (10/04/2017) - The Way We Were
In: Our Communities (19/04/2017) - Farewell Tony Hughes (not an obituary!)
In: Our Communities (04/05/2017) - Trans behind bars: Tama's story, Pt 2
In: People (17/05/2017) - Farewell and unfinished business
In: Our Communities (26/05/2017)