Robin Duff talks about many of the activist groups he was involved with in the 1970s, being the first openly gay man in New Zealand to stand for Parliament, and the beginnings of the National Gay Rights Coalition which grew into a membership of 65,000 people. Robin died on 16 February 2015. This podcast was made possible through generous support from the Rule Foundation.
The profile of Robin Duff, a significant figure in the New Zealand LGBTQ+ rights movement, is captured through an extensive interview covering pivotal moments from the 1950s through the 1980s. Born in Hastings, Hawke's Bay, in 1947, Duff's childhood memories were simple and filled with family holidays, yet stirred by a growing consciousness of being different, particularly as they noticed a greater excitement towards males during their school years.
Duff navigated an era when the mention of homosexuality was taboo, often whispered in secrecy, making their early internal journey one of caution and self-awareness. This introspection turned into a growing confidence and comfort with their identity, despite the social and familial challenges they faced. By their teenage years, Duff had become aware of their attraction to men and started to confront what this meant within the societal landscape of the time.
Throughout the interview, Duff recounts their prominent role in gay activism, including their involvement with various groups in 1970s New Zealand. Duff's groundbreaking decision to be the first openly gay man to stand for Parliament in New Zealand is highlighted, a testament to their commitment to advocacy and gay rights. The evolution of their activism also shines through, as they remember the founding of the National Gay Rights Coalition, which quickly grew to an impressive membership, demonstrating the reach and impact of the movement.
The importance of preserving and promoting gay history becomes apparent, as Duff discusses initiatives like the Gay Teachers Union and the Rainbow Task Force, underscoring the need for continued vigour in campaigning for LGBTQ+ rights in education and beyond. The conversation touches upon the AIDS crisis in the early '80s and how it disrupted the community and activism, revealing Duff's perspective on the challenges and progress of the gay liberation movement.
Further, the interview delves into moments such as the Warren Freer Bill and the Human Rights Commission's refusal to include sexual orientation as grounds for discrimination, capturing the struggles and milestones within the legislative sphere. Duff's reflections bring to light the complexities and perseverance of the LGBTQ+ community in seeking equality, leaving a lasting impression of the strides made and the challenges that persist.
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1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, activism, advertising, age of consent, aotearoa new zealand, auckland, befriend (christchurch), bullying, campaign for homosexual equality (che), carmen rupe, charles allan aberhart, christchurch, civil unions, club 69 (christchurch), colin moyle, coming out, community, counselling, crime, crimes amendment bill (1974, venn young), crimes amendment bill (1979, warren freer bill), cruising, decriminalisation, direct action, dorian society, drag, education, entrapment, equality, feminism, fran wilde, frank sargeson, friends, gay, gay activists society (christchurch), gay liberation christchurch, gay liberation front, gay liberation front auckland, gay liberation front christchurch, gay liberation front wellington, gay liberation movement, gay liberation wellington, gay teachers union, gaylink (christchurch), growing up, hagley park, halt all racist tours (hart), hasting boys high school, hastings, hawke's bay equality society, hawke's bay herald-tribune, heterosexuals unafraid of gays (hug), history, hiv / aids, homophobia, homophobic bullying, homosexual electoral and legislative lobby (hell), homosexual law reform, homosexual law reform society, human rights, human rights act (1993), human rights commission, ian scott, identity, impulse conference (1973), iran, jack goodwin, juliet hulme, language, law, lesbian, lesbian and gay archives of new zealand (laganz), lindsay taylor, marilyn waring, marriage amendment act (2012), marxism, media, mike waghorne, national gay liberation conferences, national gay rights coalition, national gay rights conference, nelson, new york city, new zealand tablet, new zealand values party, newspapers, nga tamatoa, ngahuia te awekotuku, otago gay equality society (oges), pat downey, pauline parker, pink triangle collective, police, politics, pride, profile, queer, radio, rainbow taskforce for safe schools (ppta), ray farrelly, regions, robert muldoon, robin duff, rugby, rule foundation, school, sexuality, social, social justice, socialism, society for promotion of community standards, sport, stonewall riots (1969), suicide, support, surveillance, teaching, the press (christchurch), tony brunt, transexual, trevor richards, united states of america, venn young, visibility, warren freer, welby ings, wellington, wolfenden report, women's liberation movement, youth
Tags (computer generated)
1880s, abuse, acceptance, access, actions, activities, advocate, affection, africa, alcohol, anger, anglican church, anti discrimination, archives, arrest, assault, attack, attitude, attraction, audience, australia, bait, balance, barriers, bars, belief, belonging, blackmail, board, boat, bottom, boxes, brisbane, building, bus, camp, campaigns, canada, cancer, canterbury, capital, caravan, career, change, children, church, closet, clubs, coffee, collective, community support, conference, confidence, consent, conservation, conservative, conversation, courts, culture, dance, dancing, data, dating, david, death, death threat, demonstrations, design, desire, deviant, difference, disability, disappear, discrimination, diversity, documentary, drag queen, emotional, energy, entertainment, epidemic, europe, events, exercise, expectations, experimental, expression, extremist, face, faggot, failure, family, farming, fear, feelings, fire, forum, france, freedom, frustration, fun, funding, future, gaming, gay radio, gender, god, government, harassment, hate, health, health education, hell, heterosexual, high heels, hit, holding hands, homosexual, homosexual law reform, honesty, hope, hospital, hotel, immigration, imprisonment, indecent assault, injustice, institutional homophobia, internet, invercargill, invisibility, islam, isolation, italy, job, joe, justice, kissing, knowledge, lawyer, leadership, legislation, liberation, liberty, listening, london, loss, love, magazines, mainstream, march, marriage, marriage equality, masturbation, mayor, meetings, melbourne, military, mirror, morality, motorbike, murder, napier, nationalism, nature, news, newsletter, nightclub, obsession, older people, opportunity, oral history, other, pacific, pants, parents, paris, parties, passing, people, plan, podcast, policy, post office, poverty, power, presbyterian, primary school, prison, privacy, privilege, proposition, protest, public opinion, queen, queer liberation, questioning, race, racism, radio pacific, raids, rainbow, reading, recognition, records, relationships, representation, research, resilience, resistance, retirement, revolution, running, rural, san francisco, saunas, scar, scene, scholarship, secondary school, security, sex, sex education, sexual orientation, sexual revolution, shame, shoes, silence, slap, social services, sociology, sodomy, soul, south africa, space, spectrum, speech, spying, statistics, stereotypes, stole, straight, strength, structure, study, stuff, submission, survey, survival, tablet, teacher, teenage, teeth, telephone support, tension, the closet, the other side, time, top, touch, tough, tradition, training, transgender, trauma, travel, treat, truth, typewriter, tīwhanawhana, understanding, unions, united nations, university, values, venues, vice, vietnam, violence, vote, walking, water, whitewash, women, work, writing, youth