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Alison Day

Alison Day presents at the Rainbow Studies Now symposium, held on 23 November 2023 at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington.

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Alison Day's presentation delves into their PhD research on the representation and documentation of LGBTQ+ communities in New Zealand's GLAMU sector (galleries, libraries, archives, museums, and universities). Day explores the historical underrepresentation of marginalized communities in these institutions, focusing on how mainstream collecting policies and practices have contributed to this issue. Their research examines the challenges of passive collection approaches, the lack of specific policies for marginalized communities, and the need for active engagement and relationship-building with LGBTQ+ communities to enhance representation. Day emphasizes the importance of developing safe spaces and trust, alongside addressing issues in description and metadata which limit the discoverability of queer narratives and objects in institutional collections. The presentation highlights innovative practices in New Zealand's GLAMU sector to address these challenges, including contemporary collecting methods, integrating queer perspectives in exhibitions, and utilizing control vocabularies like Homosaurus for improved description. Overall, Day advocates for a more inclusive and representative approach to collecting and documenting LGBTQ+ histories and narratives in New Zealand's GLAMU institutions.

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Record date:23rd November 2023
Location:Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington
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Archive:The master recording is archived at the Alexander Turnbull Library (OHDL-004962).