Audio from the Rainbow elders panel, held during Wellington's Pride festival at 19 Tory Street on 25 February 2018. The event was organised by InsideOUT and hosted by Maggie Shippam and Rosie Leadbitter. A special thank you to InsideOUT and all of the participants for allowing us to record and share this event.
The summary encapsulates an event titled "Rainbow Elders Panel (2018)" which took place during Wellington's Pride festival. Organized by InsideOUT, the panel hosted at 19 Tory Street on February 25, 2018, paid homage to the experiences and contributions of elders within the rainbow community. The panelists included prominent voices from the community - Amanduh la Whore, Colin Daley, Georgina Beyer, Kay Jones, Maggie Shippam, Mani Bruce Mitchell, Prue Hyman, and Rosie Leadbitter, who gathered to offer insights into the cultural landscape changes over the decades, from the 1950s through to the 2010s.
The recording reveals personal narratives that pivot around significant historical moments, encapsulating the panelists' roles in law reform, activism, and their shared mission for equality and understanding within the community. These stories ranged from coming out, navigating personal and professional spaces as a member of the rainbow community, to their participation in pivotal campaigns such as the homosexual law reform, which played a fundamental role in shaping the rights and societal acceptance of the rainbow community today.
Through their discussion, not only did the panelists reflect on the past but also engaged with contemporary concerns such as aging within the community. They shared insights on the evolving challenges related to health, inclusivity, and the need for structures that cater to the older members of the LGBTQ+ community. The panelists highlighted the importance of intergenerational relationships, recognition of contributions by elders, and the crucial need for continued activism, advocacy, and support networks.
Humorous anecdotes intermittently weave through the narrative, illustrating the intersectionality of the panelists' lives beyond their sexual identities. These ranged from interactions with notable figures such as the Queen and the Pope to personal experiences of growth and discovery within their communities.
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17-19 tory street, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 2000s, 2010s, a gay disease (hiv aids), about face: jewel's darl (tv, 1985), acceptance, accessibility, activism, alcohol, alfies 1, amanduh la whore, anti vietnam war protest, aotearoa new zealand, april ashley, auckland, australia, bars, benefits, binary, bisexual, bob scott retirement village (lower hutt), books, brass bands, brian tamaki, burnout, caitlyn jenner, carmen rupe, carterton, carterton community centre, catherine tizard, cees kooge, censorship, change for the better: the story of georgina beyer as told to cathy casey (2000, book), children, chris carter, christchurch, christine jorgensen, church, civil union act (2004), colin daley, community, council, counselling, courts, cricket, cruising, dana de milo, danny la rue, danyon loader, deafness, dennis altman, disability, dog, dominion post (newspaper), dorothy booth, drag, economics, economist, edmund hillary, education, elders, enough is enough (2004, destiny church rally), faith, farm, farming, feminism, fergus collinson, fran wilde, freaks, french, friends, gateways club (london), gay christian network, gender identity, gender illusionist, georgina beyer, government house, health, helen clark, history, hiv / aids, holmes (tv), homelessness, homophobia, homosexual, homosexual law reform, homosexual law reform act (1986), homosexual: oppression and liberation (book), honesty, hope, hospital, human rights, human rights act (1993), humour, identity, insideout kōaro, internet, intersex, intersex trust aotearoa new zealand (itanz), iwi, jan morris, japan, jem traylen, jim bolger, joan bolger, judith dale, judith tizard, julian mounter, julie watson, kassie hartendorp, kay jones, kerry prendergast, knowledge, leadership, lesbian, lesbian feminism, lesbian line (wellington), lexie matheson, lianne dalziel, library, local government, london, maggie shippam, malcolm kennedy-vaughan, mani bruce mitchell, marginalisation, marginalised communities, marriage amendment act (2012), mayor, media, member of parliament, metropolitan community church, mormonism, māori, national party, new zealand aids memorial quilt, new zealand labour party, non-binary, norman jones, nuremberg rally, older people, online ministry, onsen, onslow college, opportunity shop, out (magazine), out in the park (wellington), owen shanks, parliament buildings, paul henry, paul holmes, peter wells, pets, phil parkinson, pink triangle (magazine), pink triangle collective, playboy (magazine), police, politics, pope john paul ii, prostitution reform act (2003), protest, prue hyman, public toilet, public transport, queen elizabeth ii, queen street (auckland), queer, quilted bananas (wellington access radio), rainbow elders panel (2018), religion, renal failure, resource management act (1991), respect, rest homes, richard hanna, rodney knight, rosie leadbitter, rural, ruth richardson, salvation army, school, school's out (wellington), scott kennedy, scotty and mal's cocktail bar, second-wave feminism, sex work, shoes, sonja davies, sport, sports dyke, sprung, squash, st. vincent's hospital (sydney), steve danby, stonewall (uk group), support, sydney, tabby besley, television, tikanga, tim barnett, tinnitus, tiny tina, tipene o'regan, tokoroa, trans, transexual, transgender, transition, transvestite, troy perry, united kingdom, united states of america, victoria club, vivian street, vladimir luxuria, wairarapa, walking, wellington, whanganui, william woodley-hartley, winston peters, wisdom, youth, youth work, youthline
Tags (computer generated)
access, accident, activities, advice, agenda, airport, allies, apathy, army, artist, attack, attitude, attraction, author, barriers, bear, birthday, blood, board, bob scott, bottom, building, campaigns, canada, caravan, change, charity, china, civil unions, class, clubs, coffee, collective, coming out, coming up, concerts, conference, congregation, connections, conservative, conversation, culture, dance, death, difference, dignity, documentary, donation, dresses, eating, email, embarrassment, empowerment, energy, entertainment, environment, equality, events, face, facilitator, failure, family, fashion, fear, film, filming, flowers, forum, fun, funeral, future, gaming, gay, gender, god, government, grandchildren, growing up, hate, health system, hell, heritage, heterosexual, hit, hospice, housing, hug, icons, india, individual, integrity, interfaith, intimacy, job, journey, kira, labels, ladies, language, law, lgbt, listening, love, magazines, mana, march, marriage, marriage equality, melbourne, mirror, museums, nature, newspapers, nightclub, normal, occupation, opportunity, other, outdoors, pain, parents, parties, peace, people, persona, petition, photocopy, policy, power, prayer, primary school, privilege, profile, pronouns, public office, queen, quilt, radio, rally, reading, recognition, reconciliation, records, reflection, representation, residential care, resource, retirement, running, safety, scene, scum, sex, shade, shooting, silver rainbow, sin, singing, skirt, social, social history, space, spaces, spectrum, straight, struggle, stuff, surgery, swimming, tamaki, teaching, thailand, the other side, therapist, time, top, touch, training, transport, travel, treat, trust, truth, uniform, unions, university, vice, victim, victoria street, video, vietnam, vietnam war, violence, visibility, volunteer, vote, wellington bisexual women's group, wellington city council, wind, women, work, worship, writing, youth