In this podcast Shaughan talks about being part of the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant.
This podcast features a detailed account of Shaughan Woodcock's experience with the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant, mostly covering the activities and preparation leading up to the event. The discussion, led by interviewer Gareth Watkins, traces Woodcock's journey from joining the pageant in 2008, through the intense preparation periods, to the relationships and community formed through the process. Woodcock delves into the commitment required for the pageant, describing the months-long rehearsal and preparation schedule, the construction and implications of costumes and headgear, intense dieting, and the camaraderie among participants.
Woodcock outlines the rigorous schedule, with rehearsals several nights a week and the need to juggle outfit preparations with rehearsals. They highlight the creativity required in interpreting the pageant's theme while adhering to guidelines set by directors Buffy and Bimbo, particularly the costume elements that reflect the country or entity they represent. The narrative gives glimpses into Woodcock's represented entity, Uranus, and the competitive yet friendly atmosphere of the pageant.
The interview moves to discuss the transformation process for the pageant, focusing on the physical aspects such as dieting, grooming, and costume fittings, which bring a psychological shift into the persona adopted on stage. Woodcock candidly remarks on both the thrill and challenges of being part of such a production, such as adhering to a strict regime and the surreal feeling of performing in front of a large audience. The sense of purpose extends beyond entertainment, as the pageant serves a charitable cause by raising HIV and AIDS awareness.
As the talk progresses, Woodcock expresses a mix of emotions with the upcoming 10th show, described as the finale. They reminisce about their complete expedition from an initial observer to a central performer and how the pageant will feel incomplete without the next year's show. The impact on the individual is juxtaposed with its significance to the wider community, demonstrating the pageant's role as both a personal journey and a vehicle for social causes, entertainment, and community building.
The conversation also touches on the practical aspects of being a part of a stage production like the Queen of the Whole Universe, such as the politics of backstage dynamics, support from colleagues, and sponsorship and mentorship – all crucial components of the glamorous on-stage presence. Woodcock discusses the detailed backstage arrangements, including the role of various helpers and the precision required to ensure a smooth show. Although the discussion ends on the show's conclusion, it emphasizes the gratitude Woodcock and others feel towards the supporters who made the show a reality and the benefits it brought to the community.
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Tags (computer generated)
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