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Introduction and Opening

In this podcast Kevin Haunui and Tiwhanawhana introduce and open the community event Queer History in the Making. The event was organised by the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand and hosted at the National Library of New Zealand, Wellington on 12 September 2015.

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A special thank you to the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand for allowing us to record this event.


This summary reflects on the podcast titled "Introduction and Opening - Queer History in the Making," recorded during a community event hosted by the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand at the National Library of New Zealand in Wellington, on September 12, 2015. The event focused on celebrating queer community history and examining important discussions regarding history, identity, and community dynamics.

The event aimed to consider the establishment of a Queer History month and to engage the community in conversations about the significance of its history and identity. The key message articulated throughout the podcast stressed the need to understand and embrace the distinctiveness of identities within the queer community, which have often been marginalized or generalized in society. It proposed a redefinition of community as a space of both celebration and discussion, highlighting the importance of recognizing and recording diversity and accomplishments.

In the recording, there was reflection on the various ways history and identity manifest within community archives, such as the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand, and the ways community members may feel represented or marginalized. This concept extended to a broader consideration of the recording, preservation, and accessibility of queer history within Wellington and beyond, addressing the opportunities and challenges faced by different generational viewpoints. The aim of this exercise was to improve visibility and ensure that the richness of the community’s history is known and accessible to all, regardless of their age, background, or interests in research.

The event not only acted as a celebration but also worked to inspire community introspection regarding the reasons behind the unity and distinctiveness of the queer community. Attention was given to the importance of community groups and individual participation in shaping and understanding their part in collective history. Furthermore, the event served as a platform for the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand to reach out and provide relevance to the community, encouraging members to consider their historical contributions and the interests they represent.

Highlighting the diversity present at the event, the podcast pointed out that nearly 30 organizations responded to participate, representing various facets of the queer community, including sports, film, Maori, and youth groups. The dynamic among these groups illustrated the wide-reaching impact of the community’s history on its members and the diversity within. Additionally, the involvement of youth voices and perspectives was underscored as an essential factor in capturing and shaping the narrative of queer history for future generations.

The event also acknowledged the importance of volunteers and collaborating organizations in its success and the facilitation of discussions vital to the community. A busy program punctuated the day, with various groups offering concise presentations, alongside parallel sessions designed to showcase curated collections significant to the community's history.

In conclusion, the podcast conveyed the essence of a community event dedicated to celebrating, recording, and making queer history accessible and engaging. Through lively dialogues and a showcase of organizations, the collective nature of the queer community’s past, present, and future was underlined, reaffirming its importance in the larger social fabric.

This summary is created using Generative AI. Although it is based on the recording's transcription, it may contain errors or omissions. Click here to learn more about how this summary was created.

Record date:12th September 2015
Location:Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
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Archive:The master recording is archived at the Alexander Turnbull Library (OHDL-004374).