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Aaron(April 2012)

In this podcast Aaron talks about being young and takataapui / gay in 2012.

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In a personal and candid podcast titled "Aaron - Q12," recorded in Auckland, New Zealand, an individual shares their experience of being young and identifying as takatāpui (or gay) in the 2010s. The speaker, who works as a bar manager at Family Bar, gives insights into their life, interests, and experiences related to their sexuality and cultural identity.

The podcast details the speaker's realization of their sexual orientation at the age of 12—a discovery that initially confused them, as it was during a time when being bisexual wasn't widely recognized in their environment. These reflections include a humorous anecdote about shifting from having a crush on a girl to developing feelings for her brother upon return from a holiday break.

The speaker also discusses the challenges faced during the 1990s, when attitudes towards sexuality were different, expressing that they felt it necessary to keep their sexual orientation secret. It wasn't until nearly 21 years of age that the speaker came out, during a game of truth with friends—a moment described as a weight being lifted for both them and their friends.

Family reactions to their coming out were also mentioned, with a particular emphasis on acceptance by their Māori community, while describing the contrast between their rural upbringing in the Bay of Islands and their current urban life in Auckland. The speaker emphasizes the importance of confidence and self-acceptance, qualities that seemed to flourish after moving to the city.

Relationships and social dynamics were significant themes of the discussion, including the speaker's approach to forming connections and the fluidity of their relationships. They note a preference for romantic partners outside of Auckland, hinting at a disconnect with the local gay community's perceived preoccupation with image and perfection.

In addressing the topic of virginity, the speaker shares their nuanced view that it encompasses more than just a physical aspect, suggesting that emotional virginity ties in with first loves, a personal journey distinct from mere physical experiences.

The podcast also touches upon issues of verbal and physical abuse, particularly within the context of Auckland's Karangahape Road (commonly known as K Road) nightlife. Despite such challenges, the speaker demonstrates resilience and a no-nonsense attitude rooted in their upbringing.

The conversation concludes with reflections on the value of authenticity, direct communication, and supportive friendships, underlining the empowerment found in owning one's identity and confronting issues head-on.

This summary is created using Generative AI. Although it is based on the recording's transcription, it may contain errors or omissions. Click here to learn more about how this summary was created.

Record date:2nd April 2012
Interviewer:Benji Watt
Location:Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand
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Archive:The master recording is archived at the Alexander Turnbull Library (OHDL-003950).