The title of this recording is "Parliament: Committee of the Whole House - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (26 March 1986) - part 2". It is described as: Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 26 March 1986 (part 2). It was recorded in Parliament buildings, 1 Molesworth Street, Wellington on the 26th March 1986. This is a parliamentary recording and features the voices of George Gair, John Banks, Merv Wellington and Norman Jones. Their names are spelt correctly, but may appear incorrectly spelt later in the document. The duration of the recording is 50 minutes, but this may not reflect the actual length of the proceedings. A list of correctly spelt content keywords and tags can be found at the end of this document. A brief description of the recording is: Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 26 March 1986 (part 2 of 2). The content in the recording covers the 1980s decade. A brief summary of the recording is: The audio recording from 26th March 1986 titled "Parliament: Committee of the Whole House - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (part 2)" captures a historical debate in the New Zealand Parliament on the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. The crux of the debate involves the proposed amendment to the bill that would change the age of consent from 16 to 18 years. The discussion reflects the social and political tensions of the 1980s regarding the legislation concerning homosexual rights. During the intense debate, which highlights the political tactics and convictions of the period, various MPs discuss the implications and nuances of the proposed law and its amendments. One MP passionately vows to campaign against anyone who supports the bill with a lowered age of consent, while another emphasizes the need for a middle course and suggests that an age of consent at 18 would serve as a more acceptable compromise to the previously proposed age of 16. The debate indicates a significant split in society and in parliamentary opinion over the bill, emphasizing that the amendment is not simply about age but also encompasses broader concerns regarding human rights, morality, and public health issues such as AIDS. Throughout the dialogue, there are procedural complications and disagreements over how the committee should handle the discussion of the bill's amendments. The MPs discuss at length whether to proceed clause by clause or to allow a wider debate across all parts before moving the individual amendments. Some members stress the importance of following standing orders while others voice concerns over restrictions this would cause in the debate, possibly suppressing the full exploration of pertinent issues. The recording includes a series of points of order and interventions by various MPs. A notable moment captures an MP being ordered to leave the chamber due to their conduct during the proceedings. The heated nature of the discussion is evident, as is the complexity of managing a fair and orderly parliamentary debate on such a contentious issue. The lawmakers engaged in a tug of war over adopting a procedure that permits a comprehensive debate across the full spectrum of the bill versus one that adheres strictly to procedural norms which could limit such discourse. It becomes clear that a key aim of the parliamentarians is to ensure that their viewpoints, as well as those of their constituents, are represented and that the Bill's details are thoroughly scrutinized before any decisions are made. The full transcription of the recording begins: The full transcription of the recording ends. A list of keywords/tags describing the recording follow. These tags contain the correct spellings of names and places which may have been incorrectly spelt earlier in the document. The tags are seperated by a semi-colon: 1980s ; Aotearoa New Zealand ; Events ; Fran Wilde ; Geoffrey Palmer ; George Gair ; God ; Graeme Lee ; Hamilton ; Homosexual Law Reform ; Homosexual Law Reform Act (1986) ; Iran ; Island Bay ; Jim McLay ; John Banks ; John Luxton ; Merv Wellington ; Michael Cullen ; Nelson ; Nigeria ; Norman Jones ; North Shore ; Parliament buildings ; Paul East ; People ; Philip Woollaston ; Robert Muldoon ; Trevor Mallard ; Venn Young ; Wellington ; age of consent ; anger ; apology ; archives ; boxes ; change ; choice ; class ; code ; compromise ; consent ; defiance ; democracy ; desire ; difference ; energy ; environment ; equality ; exercise ; expression ; face ; fashion ; fear ; feelings ; gay ; government ; guidance ; heterosexual ; homosexual ; homosexual law reform ; homosexual law reform petition ; hope ; human rights ; intervention ; law ; legislation ; lesbian ; media ; medicine ; minority ; nature ; news ; normal ; opportunity ; other ; passing ; petition ; politics ; proposal ; quiz ; respect ; running ; security ; sleep ; sodomy ; speech ; submission ; support ; time ; understanding ; voice ; vote ; water ; workshop. The original recording can be heard at this website Please note that this document may contain errors or omissions - you should always refer back to the original recording to confirm content.