The hui was a two-day celebration of decolonisation, feminism and anti-racism, for people of colour/indigenous feminists and activists.
Around forty people attended the hui which was held in the Ponsonby Community Centre over Waitangi weekend 2012. The hui examined the connections between racism, sexism, colonisation, classism and other oppressions.
A special thank you to the organisers and participants for allowing parts of the hui to be recorded and made available online.
Hui introduction
Introduction to the hui from Giang Pham, Wai Ho and Meng Zhu Fu...
Elizabeth Kerekere
Elizabeth gives a keynote presentation at the hui...
Belinda Borell
Belinda gives a keynote presentation at the hui...
Farida Sultana
Farida gives a keynote presentation at the hui...
Ruth DeSouza
Ruth gives a keynote presentation at the hui...