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Summary: Lander Landed (NZ Truth, 27 February 1915)
On 27 February 1915, a significant legal event unfolded in Auckland, centering on a case involving a bootmaker named Albert Edward McGurk and a musician known as John Leslie Lander, referred to in the press as the "Mysterious Musician." McGurk had recently been sentenced to seven years of imprisonment for charges deemed severe, and it emerged that Lander played a notable role in this complex case.
Lander, a 24-year-old pianist from Auckland, had captured public attention amidst the fallout of McGurk's sentencing. Following the trial, the police, led by Detective Mick Gourley, initiated an investigation into Lander, who became a suspect in a separate case involving serious allegations. He was subsequently arrested and brought before Mr. Culten, S.M.
At the court hearing, Lander faced two serious charges of an "utterly unmentionable character." His legal representation was provided by Mr. R. Singer. Due to the sensitive nature of the evidence, details presented in court remained largely undisclosed to the public. The key witnesses against Lander included Gordon James Cunningham, a 15-year-old boy, along with McGurk himself, who was serving his sentence and had named Lander as a victim of his own crimes.
Following the proceedings, Lander reserved his defense and was committed for trial, with bail being granted. The case developed against Lander added complexity to the initial scandal surrounding McGurk, raising questions about the intricate web connecting both men and the nature of the allegations against Lander. As the legal processes progressed, this case would certainly continue to capture both public interest and concern.
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