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Summary: Jury And Court (Dominion, 1 November 1929)
On 1 November 1929, Chief Justice Hon. M. Myers addressed the importance of mutual confidence between the jury and the court during a sentencing in the Supreme Court. This statement came as he sentenced Norris Frank Davey, who had been convicted of indecently assaulting a male. The Chief Justice emphasized that a strong bond of confidence could significantly reduce the likelihood of miscarriages of justice. During the proceedings, the court received a strong recommendation for mercy regarding Davey's case. Hon. Myers indicated that he would fully acknowledge this recommendation in his sentencing decision. He expressed a belief that the court should always strive to heed such recommendations when justifiable. However, he did not consider the situation appropriate for probation. Instead, he decided that Davey would be required to come up for sentence again in two years if the court so called upon him. Davey was represented in court by Mr. W. Perry, and the proceedings highlighted the judicial system's efforts to balance justice with compassion in the application of the law.
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