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Summary: Youth Council Backs Condom Handouts (Press, 1 December 1989)
On 1 December 1989, plans were announced by the A.I.D.S. Foundation to distribute free condoms to young people in Christchurch, coinciding with World A.I.D.S. Day. The initiative received backing from the National Youth Council, despite existing legislation that prohibits the supply of contraceptives to individuals under 16. Volunteers from the gay and lesbian youth group, Crosses and Arrows, funded by Lottery Youth, were set to hand out up to 1800 condoms at Cathedral Square as part of a safe sex education campaign. James Nihoniho, a spokesperson for the National Youth Council, expressed support for the Foundation's efforts, emphasising the need for adequate information on safe sex among young people, especially in light of rising H.I.V. and A.I.D.S. cases in younger demographics. Nihoniho acknowledged that while distributing condoms is not a complete solution for changing attitudes toward safe sex, it plays a vital role in providing education and resources. The council also promoted the idea of “giving a condom for Christmas” to further encourage safe sex practices. Youth worker Paddy McCabe noted that the volunteers were aware of the legal implications and potential backlash from some community members regarding the distribution of condoms. He stressed that the campaign focused on advocating for safe sex as part of disease prevention rather than solely contraception. Dr Mel Brieseman, head of community health for the Canterbury Area Health Board, acknowledged the intention behind the A.I.D.S. Foundation's campaign but expressed reservations about its effectiveness. He recognised that while the use of condoms could potentially reduce the risk of A.I.D.S., simply distributing them may not lead to changes in sexual behaviour. Dr Brieseman pointed out that legislation poses a barrier to accessing education on safe sex, and that while distributing condoms is a step forward, it does not guarantee usage. He underscored the importance of education in combination with any distribution efforts. The safe sex packs handed out during the campaign would also include literature stating that only abstinence can prevent pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, a viewpoint mirrored by New Zealand's Catholic bishops. The overarching goal of the campaign was to advocate for informed choices and promote safe practices among the youth.
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