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Summary: Partners Law Stymied (Press, 29 July 1989)
Conservative religious groups in San Francisco have reportedly gathered enough signatures for a legal petition aimed at blocking a newly adopted domestic partners law until voters can decide its fate in a November 1990 election. The city ordinance, which was unanimously approved by the Board of Supervisors in June 1989, permits the registration of both homosexual and heterosexual unmarried couples at city hall, granting them specific rights previously reserved for married couples. The petition campaign has been spearheaded by Rev. Charles Mcllhenny, a pastor of a small offshoot of the Presbyterian Church, and Rabbi Lionel Feldman, who does not lead a congregation. The initiative is associated with several conservative organisations in San Francisco, including anti-abortion activists and a national group opposed to expanding women's rights through constitutional amendments. The petition reportedly contains 27,000 signatures, with a requirement that at least 18,800 of these must be validated for the issue to appear on the ballot. In the meantime, the Board of Supervisors has placed the new law on hold while the matter is resolved.
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