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Summary: R.a.a.f. To Investigate Porn, Allegations (Press, 15 May 1989)
On 15 May 1989, it was reported that the R.A.A.F. police in Adelaide planned to investigate allegations involving former Air Force personnel and their alleged use of R.A.A.F. equipment to produce pornographic photographs of homosexual activities. The claims were brought to light by former R.A.A.F. Leading Aircraftsman Bill Bakker, who communicated his concerns in a letter sent to officials in both Melbourne and Adelaide. In his correspondence, Bakker outlined that during the late 1970s and early 1980s, obscene photographs had been processed using equipment located at the Edinburgh base in Adelaide. He asserted that these photographs were subsequently circulated among a homosexual group consisting of various members, including officers, administrative staff, and civilians associated with the R.A.A.F. Additionally, Bakker alleged a connection between this group and a gang referred to as "the Family." This gang is infamously linked to the murder of five young men in Adelaide between the years 1979 and 1983, a series of crimes that garnered significant attention. The defence spokesman acknowledged the seriousness of Bakker's accusations and confirmed that an investigation would be conducted to determine the veracity of these claims.
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