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Summary: Court Sequel To Stabbing (Press, 15 April 1989)
In a trial that commenced in April 1989, Paul Waiohona Ngapuhi, a 22-year-old unemployed man, faced charges in the High Court regarding an incident that occurred on 19 February 1988 in Newtown. Ngapuhi pleaded not guilty to attempting to murder Neil Robert Archibald, with prosecutors alleging that he had intended to cause grievous bodily harm. The prosecution, led by Mr John Upton, outlined that Ngapuhi stabbed Archibald multiple times, inflicting injuries that were nearly fatal. During the proceedings, it was revealed that the motive for the attack was linked to allegations of homosexual advances made by Archibald towards Ngapuhi. According to police statements, Ngapuhi claimed that he felt "freaked out" by the advances, prompting him to retrieve a knife before confronting Archibald. The case continued to unfold in the courtroom as the jury listened to the evidence presented.
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