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Summary: Gays Plan To Speak In Schools (Press, 8 April 1989)
On 8 April 1989, the Auckland University Gay Students’ Association announced an initiative aimed at visiting schools in Auckland to challenge the stereotypes of homosexuals often portrayed in films. The programme is designed to reach out to adolescents who may be struggling with their sexuality and who might feel isolated due to prevailing media representations. Kevin Hague, the association's treasurer, highlighted the concerning rates of youth suicide linked to sexual identity issues, alongside the pressing need for education about safe-sex practices in light of the A.I.D.S. crisis. Hague noted that the lack of visibility of gay and lesbian individuals in the public sphere contributes to young people feeling alone in their experiences. The initiative anticipates some resistance from schools, particularly those that are in greatest need of such outreach. According to Hague, these educational institutions often act as “gatekeepers of information,” and the decisions about whether the programme can take place may be influenced by the same individuals controlling the information. The association is committed to ensuring that participants in the school visits come from diverse backgrounds, giving them a broad range of perspectives to share with students. In preparation for the initiative, association members are undergoing training in counselling to handle any sensitive situations that may arise while interacting with the pupils. This training aims to equip them to respond effectively and supportively during their engagements. Additionally, many teachers have expressed their support for the initiative, being involved with the association or other homosexual support groups, and are expected to assist in facilitating these school visits. The overall goal of the programme is to create a more understanding environment for young individuals grappling with their sexual identity and to combat the isolation they may feel.
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