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Summary: Christchurch Gets New A.I.D.S. Clinic (Press, 21 October 1988)
On 21 October 1988, the A.I.D.S. Foundation's new clinic in Christchurch was officially opened by the Minister of Health, Mr Caygill. Named the Ettie Rout clinic, it is the third clinic established by the foundation, joining the Awhina clinic in Wellington and the Bruce Burnett clinic in Auckland. The clinic aims to provide counselling, testing, and education for individuals living with the H.I.V. infection, as well as their partners and relatives, as stated by the Christchurch regional co-ordinator, Mr Ian Smith. Mr Smith highlighted the significance of naming the clinic after Ettie Rout, a notable figure from Christchurch who campaigned during World War I for the distribution of condoms to New Zealand troops to combat high rates of venereal disease. This historical link aligns with the foundation's current focus on promoting safe sexual practices, particularly through the use of condoms. The clinic's inauguration coincided with the foundation's annual conference, which took place in Christchurch that year.
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