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Summary: A.I.D.S. Statistics (Press, 13 October 1988)
In a letter published on 13 October 1988, Varian J. Wilson expressed concerns regarding the rising number of A.I.D.S. cases in New Zealand, noting a reported rate of 25 cases per million inhabitants. Wilson pointed out that a significant majority of these cases, 69 out of 70, were linked to homosexual transmission, including those from blood transfusions. He recalled that A.I.D.S. garnered considerable media attention during the push for homosexual law reforms in the country, where the promotion of "gay" rights was presented as a virtue related to managing the health crisis. Wilson argued that had there been stricter controls over known infected homosexuals returning to New Zealand, the number of cases would likely be much lower. He contrasted New Zealand's approach to A.I.D.S. with that of 32 other nations, including the United States and the Soviet Union, which enforced entry restrictions on foreigners and returning citizens to mitigate the threat. He conveyed his fear that A.I.D.S. posed a significant danger to the national health system, yet felt that media education about the disease remained focused on the perspectives of victims who were predominantly associated with a particular sexual orientation. In conclusion, Wilson advocated for the implementation of stricter barriers to protect public health, while arguing that these measures should not be as extreme as those employed for more virulent diseases like foot and mouth disease.
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