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Summary: Assault Pair Sought (Press, 26 July 1988)
On 26 July 1988, police are searching for a tall Māori man connected to an assault that occurred in a shop in Cathedral Square on the evening of 22 July. The incident took place around 8:25 p.m. when two girls were confronted by two transvestites in the store. The suspects are both Māori, with one being approximately 193 cm (6 feet 4 inches) tall, who was dressed in black high-heeled shoes, fishnet stockings, and a white dress. The second suspect is about 173 cm (5 feet 8 inches) tall and was reported to be wearing a long dark overcoat and high heels, with brown wavy hair that appeared to be dyed. Authorities noted that the shorter man bears a similar description to a transvestite involved in a previous incident near Cashel Mall on 14 July. In that earlier occurrence, a man walking through the mall was approached by a transvestite who offered sexual services. The transvestite led him to an alley, where he persuaded the man to remove his trousers, subsequently stealing the man's wallet that fell from his clothing before fleeing the scene. Police are urging anyone with information regarding these incidents to come forward.
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