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Summary: A.I.D.S. (Press, 5 July 1988)
In a letter published in The Press on 29 June 1988, Varian J. Wilson expressed his views on the AIDS epidemic and the social implications of its spread. He argued that while complete segregation based on skin colour or race might have contained the spread of AIDS, such measures would infringe upon basic human rights. Wilson expressed doubt about the feasibility of a vaccine for the disease and called for social approaches to be grounded in truth. He referenced a recent Stockholm conference where researchers indicated that heterosexual cases of AIDS could rise to approximately 10 per cent in six years, suggesting current rates are around 2.25 per cent. Wilson noted that if the majority of cases (possibly as high as 95 per cent) are attributed to homosexuals, this places them predominantly at risk. He critiqued what he termed the “mischievous” claims of equal risk for heterosexuals, implying that such statements could harm public health initiatives and the community as a whole. Wilson's commentary highlighted a tension between community health concerns and the societal discourse surrounding AIDS, emphasising that the health services could be adversely affected by hostility and misinformation regarding the transmission of the virus. Overall, his letter reflects the complexities of the AIDS crisis during that period and the debates over risk, responsibility, and the implications for different social groups.
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