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Summary: A.I.D.S. (Press, 29 June 1988)
In a letter published on 29 June 1988, Anne E. Gainsford responds to a previous commentary by Varian J. Wilson regarding AIDS education and the perception of risk groups in relation to the illness. Gainsford highlights the proactive role of the homosexual community in initiating AIDS education and asserts that they have been more aware of "at-risk" activities than the broader society. She challenges the notion that there are specific "at-risk" groups, stating instead that it is the activities that carry risk, a perspective she believes is crucial for the protection of young people, especially given the high incidence of over 38,000 official AIDS cases in Sydney. Gainsford expresses concern over the implications of Wilson's views, particularly regarding the stigma against homosexuals related to child sexual abuse. She urges Wilson to reconsider the facts surrounding this issue.
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