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Summary: Irish Gays Stage ‘kiss-in’ (Press, 23 June 1988)
On 22 June 1988, a group of twenty gay individuals gathered outside the Irish Parliament in Dublin for a mid-summer's day “kiss-in” to protest against Ireland's anti-homosexuality laws. The demonstrators carried banners with messages like “Should my lips be sealed with an illegal kiss?” highlighting their demand for the right to express public affection without fear of criminalisation. According to a spokesman for the National Gay Federation, Ireland remains the only country in Western Europe that still criminalises male homosexuality. The protest coincided with legal challenges being made against this legislation, particularly one led by Irish Senator David Norris, who is contesting the law in the European Court of Human Rights. The court is scheduled to deliver its ruling in October 1988. The demonstrators expressed their frustration and desire for equality by kissing each other in front of the parliament, asserting their right to publicly express their affection without being branded as criminals.
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