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Summary: ‘Heterosexuals Need Sex Advice’ (Press, 16 April 1988)
On 16 April 1988, during a sitting of the Indecent Publications Tribunal in Wellington, Mr Bill Logan, the co-ordinator of the Gay Task Force, emphasised the necessity for sexually explicit magazines aimed at heterosexuals to include information about A.I.D.S. and safe sex practices. He argued that such publications required these disclosures even more than those targeting homosexual audiences. His remarks were in response to the tribunal's recent decision, which expressed concern regarding the insufficient information on safe sex in publications focused on male homosexuality. Mr Logan pointed out that the perception of A.I.D.S. as primarily a homosexual issue was misleading. He highlighted a concerning trend, explaining that A.I.D.S. was now spreading at a rate approximately double among heterosexuals compared to homosexuals. He referred to the transmission patterns seen in Africa, where around 75 per cent of cases were linked to heterosexual sexual activity. Logan noted that most homosexual men were generally well-informed about the significance of safe sex. In his statements, Logan acknowledged the good practices of homosexual magazine publishers in disseminating material on A.I.D.S. and safe sex information. He contended that the urgency and social importance of addressing safe sex in heterosexual magazines were paramount, suggesting that these publications should take a more proactive approach in educating their readers about safe sexual practices. Judge Kearney, the chairman of the tribunal, acknowledged Mr Logan's perspective but clarified that it was not within the tribunal's mandate to determine the transmission routes of A.I.D.S. The discussion highlighted the ongoing public health concern surrounding A.I.D.S. and the need for comprehensive education across all demographics, challenging the misconception of the disease's association predominantly with homosexuality.
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