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Summary: Gays Lack Safe Sex Advice (Press, 11 April 1988)
On 11 April 1988, the Indecent Publications Tribunal in New Zealand announced that magazines focused on male homosexuality must include advice on safe sex. This decision arose after the tribunal reviewed four publications that were imported to Auckland in October 1987 and subsequently seized by customs officials. The tribunal's chairman, Judge Richard Kearney, expressed concerns over the lack of editorial commentary regarding safe sex in these publications, highlighting the global issue of AIDS, which disproportionately affects homosexual men. The tribunal concluded that it is imperative for publishers of gay magazines to include practical guidance and advice on safe sex to address the ongoing health crisis. The four seized publications primarily featured photographs of male models in various poses, but were deemed indecent for individuals under the age of 18. The tribunal's ruling reflects a growing recognition of the need for responsible health messaging within the LGBTQ+ community, particularly given the rising concerns surrounding sexually transmitted infections and the importance of promoting safe practices.
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