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Summary: State Sector Bill Rush Expected (Press, 3 March 1988)
Sales of the State Sector Bill in Christchurch are anticipated to surpass those of the previous significant rush experienced with the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, according to the Government Bookshop. As of 3 March 1988, the shop had sold around 300 copies of the State Sector Bill and expressed optimism that additional copies from the third reprint would arrive soon. Mrs Jocelyn Heatley, the shop’s supervisor, noted that there are currently 59 people on the waiting list for the bill. The bookshop had not seen a demand akin to what they experienced with the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, but Mrs Heatley is confident that the State Sector Bill's sales will exceed that prior rush. Additionally, a special hotline arranged by the State Services Commission aimed at persuading public servants of the Government's position on the bill has garnered 154 calls within its first four working days. Inquiries to the hotline have primarily focused on employment conditions. Mr Andrew Annakin, project leader in the personnel management division, indicated that callers were particularly interested in what would occur with entitlements related to long-service leave and other types of leave. The staff on the hotline have reassured callers that there are no plans to remove current entitlements.
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