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Summary: New Twist To Old Fairy Tale In Danish A.I.D.S.... (Press, 24 February 1988)
In February 1988, Denmark launched an innovative anti-AIDS campaign that incorporated an updated rendition of Hans Christian Andersen's "The Emperor’s New Clothes". The campaign features a narrative in which the emperor is told by healers that they can protect him with an invisible shield against sickness. As he parades around town feeling safe, a young girl discovers that he is not wearing a condom and offers him one. The campaign aims to convey a serious message about safe sex amid the rising concerns regarding AIDS in Denmark. Dr. Lone de Neergaard, head of the AIDS campaign at Denmark's National Board of Health, remarked on the positive reception of the campaign at the first global AIDS conference in London. She noted, however, that such explicit imagery would likely not be replicated in other countries due to cultural sensitivities. The campaign's use of humour and explicit visuals is intended to stress life and safety rather than fear, contrasting with other campaigns that focus on the mortality aspect of AIDS. The Danish campaign is part of a broader effort to educate the populace about AIDS, which has notably high rates in Europe, with Denmark ranking third in incidence after Switzerland and France. By September 1987, the number of reported AIDS cases in Denmark had reached about 228, predominantly among homosexual men, with more than half of those affected having died from the disease. Public opinion on the campaign has been mixed. Although Danish people generally respond well to frank discussions about sex, some have expressed concern over the perceived moral implications of promoting "safe sex" without addressing traditional values. Dr. Villy Vestergaard-Olsen from the Danish Christian Doctors’ Association suggested that the campaign should embrace a message of sexual faithfulness rather than encouraging casual sexual relationships, a sentiment echoed by societal commentary which observes a reluctance to infuse moral discussions in the AIDS dialogue. Furthermore, there is a growing demand for comprehensive sex education in schools, with educators emphasising the importance of providing detailed and practical information about protective measures such as condoms. Observations indicate that the campaign is effective, as the rate of gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted infection, has dropped to its lowest level in Denmark for the century, signalling a shift towards more responsible sexual behaviours among the population. Overall, the Danish AIDS campaign is a bold attempt to confront an urgent public health issue through creative storytelling and informative discussion, while also navigating the complexities of societal morals and values surrounding sexual health.
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