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Summary: A.I.D.S. Vaccine To Take Time (Press, 26 December 1987)
In a statement made on 26 December 1987, Professor Tony Basten, chairman of the National A.I.D.S. task force, expressed concerns regarding the development of a vaccine for A.I.D.S., describing the virus as "the world’s cleverest virus." He indicated that a vaccine would likely not be available until after the end of the decade. Professor Basten had recently attended an international meeting in Washington, organised by the American National Academy of Science, which focused on the latest advancements in A.I.D.S. research. He noted that experts from various regions, including the United States, Europe, Australia, and representatives from the World Health Organisation, participated in the gathering. Despite over $200 million being invested in A.I.D.S. research by biotechnology organisations in the United States, no effective vaccine or preventative measure had been developed to date, even in experimental settings. However, Basten highlighted that the extensive research efforts have significantly enhanced scientists' understanding of the virus's characteristics and behaviours. He optimistically suggested that this increased understanding might eventually lead to the creation of more effective anti-viral drugs or possibly a vaccine in the future. He emphasised the complexity and cunning nature of the virus, indicating that its sophisticated mechanisms continue to challenge researchers in their quest to combat the disease.
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