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Summary: A.I.D.S. Education (Press, 11 December 1987)
In a letter to the editor published on 11 December 1987, Varian J. Wilson responds to a previous discussion by M. Haughey regarding sexual behaviour outside marriage. Wilson emphasises that while there are concerns related to promiscuity among homosexuals, the issue at hand also involves the serious risk of infection from blood products, which has resulted in deaths among recipients. He expresses hope that this secondary transmission channel has been adequately addressed and believes that education should focus on the homosexual community, particularly those from overseas. Wilson critiques the emphasis placed on strict control measures aimed at preventing potential carriers of infections from coming forward for testing and treatment. He argues that such approaches are typically associated with the emergence of epidemics, citing historical examples like smallpox, typhoid, and leprosy, which were often concealed but could be managed through quarantine. Wilson recounts his own experiences with being quarantined for various illnesses and asserts that he did not feel his human rights were compromised during these times. His letter highlights the importance of effective public health measures and education to combat the spread of diseases, particularly in the context of the AIDS crisis.
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