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Summary: Explicit Homosexual Acts Depicted (Press, 12 November 1987)
On 12 November 1987, it was reported from Wellington that publications previously banned in New Zealand for depicting explicit homosexual behaviour are now accessible due to the Homosexual Law Reform Act. The Act, which was passed in July 1986, has allowed such materials to be examined by the Indecent Publications Tribunal using the same criteria applied to publications depicting heterosexual acts. Judge Richard Kearney, the tribunal chairman, noted that approximately half of the materials reviewed involved homosexual acts. He indicated that a significant volume of previously illegal content is now being classified differently, with many items now receiving an R18 classification. This change reflects a broader acceptance following the legal reforms concerning homosexuality. Judge Kearney acknowledged that there could be a perceived distinction between "natural" and "unnatural" sexual acts. However, he stated that the tribunal is not currently in a position to draw such distinctions when it comes to evaluating materials for their legality. The reform marks a substantial shift in the cultural and legal landscape surrounding sexual orientation and the expression of homosexual relationships in New Zealand.
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