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Summary: Details Of A.i.d.s. Awareness Week (Press, 10 September 1987)
A national A.I.D.S. Awareness Week is set to take place in New Zealand from September 19 to 26, 1987, featuring an array of community activities alongside new television and radio advertisements. The initiative, announced by the Health Department, is being spearheaded by Dr Karen Poutasi, the department’s chief health officer, and is part of a larger national education campaign coordinated by the A.I.D.S. Education Working Party. Dr Poutasi stated that the primary goal of this campaign is to significantly reduce the incidence of new infections of the human immunodeficiency virus (H.I.V.), which causes A.I.D.S. The campaign emphasises the importance of individuals limiting their sexual partners and consistently using condoms. Additionally, it aims to foster social support for those who are H.I.V. positive or who have developed the full A.I.D.S. condition. As a precursor to the awareness week, new educational materials are set to be distributed to health professionals and teachers. Dr Poutasi highlighted the pivotal role of pharmacists in disseminating information to the public. Furthermore, A.I.D.S. information tailored for workplaces has already been created by the State Services Commission in collaboration with the Public Service Association. In anticipation of Awareness Week, a new television advertisement is scheduled to air starting September 14. The week will also include various special television and radio programmes. The Health Department is sponsoring a visit from Ita Buttrose, an Australian media figure and chair of the Australian National A.I.D.S. Advisory Committee. During her time in New Zealand, Ms Buttrose will meet with several groups, including the Interdepartmental Officials’ Committee on A.I.D.S., representatives from various relevant organisations in Auckland, and select college students at the Beehive. During the Awareness Week, there will be an array of community activities organised by health professionals and volunteer agencies. These activities are set to include public seminars, informative displays, concerts, church services, and social events, all aimed at raising awareness and promoting understanding of A.I.D.S. and H.I.V.
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