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Summary: Sir Robert Creates Sensation—‘time’ (Press, 22 August 1987)
The international image of Sir Robert Muldoon has taken an unexpected turn following an article in the 17 August 1987 issue of "Time" magazine, which incorrectly portrayed him as a transvestite after his participation in a production of "The Rocky Horror Show." However, Sir Robert clarified that he played the narrator in the production, not the lead character, who is a Transylvanian transvestite and was performed by a professional actor. In response to the article, Sir Robert expressed his disappointment, noting, "Time is not the magazine it used to be." He acknowledged that the misrepresentation might lead to some awkward moments, particularly when he attends the upcoming International Monetary Fund annual meeting in the United States next month, where he anticipates receiving “a few sideways looks.” Despite the media attention, Sir Robert mentioned that he typically does not read "Time" and would need to find a copy to see the article for himself.
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