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Summary: Free Buses For Gay Partners (Press, 4 August 1987)
On 4 August 1987, a Wellington City Council committee made a significant decision by allowing free bus passes to the homosexual and lesbian partners of Tramways Union members, thus setting a national precedent. The initiative was brought forward by the union's secretary, Mr Henry Stubbs, who argued that the passes should be made available on the same terms as they are for heterosexual partners. The proposal garnered unanimous support from all committee members, reflecting the council's commitment to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity. Despite the Deputy City Secretary, Mr Roy Hanrahan, advising the committee to carefully consider the implications of establishing a national precedent, the members voted in favour of the change. This decision marked a notable step towards inclusivity within the city's transport policy, aligning with broader movements for equal rights during that time in New Zealand.
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