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Summary: National Policies (Press, 30 July 1987)
In a letter to the editor published on 30 July 1987, Grant Mangin critiques Mr. Bolger's speech at the National Party family rally, where Bolger asserted that a National Government would restore honesty and trust in government. Mangin argues that such a claim underestimates the intelligence and memory of New Zealand voters, referencing the inclusion of Bill Birch and Sir Robert Muldoon in a potential National Cabinet. Birch, who served as the Minister of Energy in 1981, had famously promoted the “think-big” projects aimed at creating 410,000 jobs but instead yielded only about 4,000 jobs. Mangin labels Birch and Muldoon, who during his tenure had a "secret agenda" involving wage and price freezes not disclosed in the 1981 manifesto, as having a trust rating of zero. Furthermore, Mangin challenges Bolger's ability to unify the country, highlighting his proposal to hold a referendum on the death penalty. He points out that the existing divisions resulting from the Homosexual Law Reform Bill would likely exacerbate societal rifts, suggesting that such a referendum could further fracture the community. Mangin concludes by giving Bolger a “uniting society” rating of zero, reinforcing his view that Bolger's plans may not lead to the promised cohesion and integrity within the government.
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